If you do see a spawn on any of these 3 routes, then get on your bike, and go in and out of the door of the gatehouse connecting Mahogany and RT. 42, or RT. 45 at a 31/32 chance (96.8%) or Randomizing at a 1/32 chance (3.2%). For those who have habitually used Mystery Gift, you'll be able to take on the Pokemon that the last person you Gifted with had. Contents. 42 and Mahogany Town repeatedly and then checked the Dex for a Roamer and saw it was on RT. However, at this starting juncture in Silver, I did not really have any specific target - I just wanted one of them, any of them to begin with. This method is the current best for any of the 3 Roamers, in any of those 3 games, at the time of writing this tutorial. 38. If not, then Soft Reset and rinse & repeat. Each reset takes only about 30 seconds, so in just about 2 minutes - you should expect to see one of the Roamers!! That gives us 3,441/20,000, or in other words - If we teleported from RT. Now, 78 SR's x 26.9% Entei encounters = 20.9. 38. That fraction in percentage form comes out to be 13.6%. Crystal Version is notable for being the first of the main series handheld games to offer the ability to play as a female Trainer. You will be able to view the Unown forms you've viewed in order of being caught. 5 years ago | 58 views. < Appendix:Crystal walkthrough. Another example given, during my Crystal playthrough at the Release Method- I had to hit the down d-pad once first before being able to hit Entei and Raikou using only the right d-pad button. Add in the 1/32 randomization chances with these odds, and you now get an updated 32.3% chance for RT. EmilyLP found her shiny Raikou in April 2019, so I am not sure when her hunt started (or which route for that matter), but most likely it'd be between one of us. Otherwise, Ironically with Entei Roaming, you are also utilizing the best method for hunting both Roamers in Crystal. So essentially, you'd have to hit about 75 SR's/hour to average and expect 20 Entei/hour on RT. 43 have a 96.8% chance of landing on RT.44. 9.) On the 2nd teleport, the Roamer will still not jump to it. 10.) Rootsgoofy. I presume just because of a route like Route 42 which is just next to a town. 38 is in the result of a 1/32 chance of randomization. 46 Block. Then bike back into Mahogany and Dex Check again to see if you hit a “Good route.”. 29, and RT. And with that, on June 13, 2020, the hunt began and consequently so did the recording keep of trial results. Granted, you could hit really good RNG and hit, say, 35% Entei, which would be 27.3 - but eventually over time, we know the numbers trend towards the mean anyway. 1 Cerulean City. Optional: Have caught/fainted Entei. The flip situation, would be a 36% chance.]. Pokémon Crystal Dust Walkthrough Part 1 - The Beginning. Contents. Grab the X Accuracy on the southeast platform, then loop around to the west to reach an Escape Rope. Enter A-Z Mode: which allows you to get to AND Check any of the 3 Roamers in half that time. so taking a super-effective hit is no laughing matter). The winding Route 29 leads you right to Cherrygrove City. That gives us 3,441/20,000, or in other words - If we teleported from RT. If it worked and you landed it, good, then encounter it. 44. If you did not hit the Roamer and/or the Roamer did not even spawn on any of the aforementioned routes, then: 2.) You have to push the four boulders each into a different hole in the ground. Go back to … For example, the best starting route in Johto is Mahogany Town. 37 using escape rope. 1 Route 6; 2 Saffron City. Do you save before their release and hunt them specifically on Route 37 or Route 38 to gain higher spawn percentages with the risk of taking more time OR do you do the opposite - hunt them after the release at lower spawn percentages, but with less time taken per attempt to encounter them? Unfortunately, those resets are not quick - it takes about 7 seconds to SR and get to the in-game, another 10 seconds to watch the Roamers release, another 8 seconds to dig/escape rope, another 7 seconds to bike to RT. 1.) 44 after our first try. Expect to hit around 24-25 'MPH when you first try this method, but as you get better, expect to see about 27-29 'MPH, single hunting a specific targeted Roamer. 38 to have a ½ chance of landing on RT. Optional: Have caught/fainted Entei. 45 (96.8%). 45 (48.4%). 37, and the big one, RT. If you just re-entered Mahogany Town after leaving either RT. Meaning you have about a 7-11% chance of phasing with this Method. 43, then bike to the opposing route, and Dex check again. Thus in this scenario: RT. 44 after our first try. The radio card with Pokemon March and not be playing during the Team Rocket Radio Tower take-over (so you would need to do it before your 7th badge and/or after defeating Team Rocket at Radio Tower right after obtaining your 7th badge (Gold/Silver only)); 8.) 37 from those other said routes. 7.) Optional: 2 Masterballs. When held, it powers-up a Pokémon's Normal-type moves. This essentially allows the player to "pick their poison" so to speak. 37 you only get two movements: the escape rope exit, and the entrance into RT. A Pokemon between levels 30-40 at the top of your party. There’s 6 good routes we just discussed, but there are 16 Johto routes total the Roamers can land on, HOWEVER, RT. There is a 17.2% chance of landing a Roamer encounter. What happens if you want to keep Dex Checking all 3 Roamers at once, OR more importantly, what if you already played-through the entire game already, and you don’t want to restart, but you also want to specifically target and hunt Raikou and/or Suicune, who are near the bottom of the Dex? Immediately bike South-East towards RT. This creates a RT. 38 after Dex checking after a teleport, and attempted to encounter the Roamer by biking to RT. This is because you can never leave one route, enter Mahogany Town, and re-enter the route and encounter the Roamer. This will ensure that you do not phase if you do not want to. She helps you activate your Pokégear's clock function, asking about the day of the week and Daylight Savings Time. 42 or RT. 38. Breeding is a way of passing genes, trying to get Shining Pokemon, special moves or just a low level Pokemon of the species. 44. 44, while you are on RT. There is no right or wrong way to do this, it is at the comfort level of the gamer. The percentages of each to hit either RT. 43 spawns occurred. 44, but Dex checked and saw that the Roamer is now on RT. Who woulda’ thought! You’ll typically see about 21 Suicune, and 3 Raikou/Suicune combinations. NOW here’s where the magic happens. Here’s the math behind it. 29 in the South. Off the last teleport back into Mahogany Town. 42. These Methods are more targeted towards people looking to casually shiny hunt more early on in the game and/or have an alternative method for multi-hunting. 37 instead- you would go back in Mahogany Town and Dex Check again as we just explained. Now we need to multiply the 6/16 by 363/1,000 (36.3% in fraction form). Here you will complete the Mahogany, similar to the RT. On the north end of the next platform is an Ultra Ball. A special thank you to HangarOfRoam, who assisted with the creation of these methods, the video tutorial, testing of these methods, and provided the visual reference maps. I even tested using both on Natu - but no matter what you can only use 2. However, you still could for all 3 Roamers, expect to see about 20 ‘MPH consistently. You then have an 17.2% chance of hitting an encounter off teleport 1 and teleport 2, and finally a 13.6% chance of landing an encounter of teleport 3 - for an average of 15.02% [(12.1% + 17.2% + 17.2% + 13.6%)/4 chances]. To make a long story short, I used this to my advantage to effectively block RT. It's essentially a straightforward pathway to Lavender Town. Wifi Battle 1 Lueroi vs. Narukunsakuchan Ambrose Strohman (born: September 26, 1993 [age 27]), better known online as Lueroi, is an American YouTube gamer who focuses on Pokémon gameplays or walkthroughs. Now we're at 9 mins and 57 seconds, let's say 10 minutes total for encounter time. 42 OR RT. Optional: 2 Masterballs. You’ll typically see about 19 Suicune, and 3 Raikou/Entei combinations. 38, turn on Pokemon March and ride in the grass until the Super Repel ends OR you hit an encounter. They are: 37, 38, 42, 43, 44, and 45. An optimized PokeDex, as previously discussed in this tutorial; 7.) 8.) If not, Soft Reset. The Poké Mart sells the following items: 42 into Mahogany Town. I tested RT.37, but the results for Suicune and Raikou were no good - simply put, it all had to do with the number of movements coming out of the burned Tower. Still minimal, but beneficial over time. Well you still can - with this neat and nifty move. from defeating a Trainer Pokemon than from defeating a wild Pokemon of the same Level. Released the Roamers from Burned Tower; 2.) 3:47. HOWEVER, if you’re in Gold/Silver going for any of the 3, you’re essentially “triple hunting” and getting 3 attempts per reset, so you should, in theory, get one after 2-3 resets. The radio card with Pokemon March and not be playing during the Team Rocket Radio Tower take-over (. There is a 13.5% chance of landing a Roamer encounter. PokeDex check again to see if the other Roamer(s) jumped onto RT. Immediately bike West towards RT. There was a 9.08% chance of this happening. 39. HangarOfRoam's 1,730 hours put into Mahogany Town was a real-life sample size of just how effective Mahogany Method could be. VIRIDIAN CITY (Part 1) Items: TM 42 (Dream Eater) Pokemon: None Trainers: 1 per day in the Trainer House Your first stop should be the Trainer House (it's right below the Gym). RNG varies per game, obviously. When a Pokémon holds a natural item like a Berry, it may decide to use it during battle. If not, then Soft Reset and rinse & repeat. 3.) That fraction in percentage form comes out to be 17.2%. If you’re wondering - the next closest best starting route is RT. IF you had NO good and/or maybe routes after the first teleport - then Teleport a 2nd time. 42 and RT. But ultimately it was quickly determined that you need a Pokedex check, no questions asked any longer. The reason why MT. 44, and Dex Checked for a good route, make sure you attempt your encounter on the opposite route, if possible. This was pretty much the beginning of what would ultimately become a "RT.38 Method", hunting just Suicune and just Raikou (since I already had a shiny Entei, albeit in Crystal though). Otherwise, Ironically with Entei Roaming, you are also utilizing the best method for hunting both Roamers in Crystal. 4.) A Route 46 block similarly generates a 96.8% chance of landing a Roamer on RT. Ignore the red-haired kid that kicks you out of his way, and enter the lab. To get out of your house, there is a mat at the door. And as a result of, have received the Radio Card, and set the tuner to the Pokemon March channel; 5.) The user known as "Ice Flame" and his post on Glitch City in June 2016, as well as Metarkrai M, and his youtube video that followed later in that same year, November 2016 - really set the stage for what has been realized now. 1.1 Recover the Machine Part; 1.2 Power Restored! , we have to look at all the routes one movements away that connect to RT. IF you went to try and encounter a Roamer at RT. But anyway, back to the 9.5% at RT. And thus, making Mahogany Town the single best Town to shiny hunt Roamers in. Expect 21-24 total ‘MPH with this method. Disclaimer: RNG varies per game, obviously. But there is also a 1/32 chance that a Roamer could randomize on any given jump. Using A-Z Pokedex Mode. History Talk (0) Share. But why did we pick Route 46? 45 spawn can jump back to that route. After that, you wake up in your bedroom. 38 w/ Escape Rope, w/ Pokedex checking: 1HR, 45 SR's, 23 Encounters (1 missed encounter, accidentally SR'd when I had a 2nd Roamer on the route), 10 Entei, 10 Raikou, and 4 Suicune. Have Released the Legendary Dogs already from Burned Tower, and never encountered them yet to this point; 3.) Let's Play Pokemon Crystal - Part 1 - Mr. Pokemon - YouTube Even more ironic however, is that RT. Additionally, this method does not benefit specific Raikou hunting in any way. 19 of them landed on RT. 42 or RT. 38 (so go through the gatehouse and onto the route). After the cutscene, bike down to the ladder, and out the door to exit the Burned Tower. So 96.8%, plus 32.3%, plus 24.2%, then dividing that total by the 3 possibilities gives us a total of 51.1% or 511/1000. This is where I discovered that Route blocking occurs when Teleporting. This was the iteration of what would ultimately become the RT. You are making one movement coming out the gatehouse onto RT. 37 w/ Escape Rope: #1- 71 SR's, 18 Entei (18/71= 25.3%); #2- 62 SR's, 19 Entei (30.6%). If so, great - turn on Pokemon March and encounter it/them. 1 Sections. 46. Ironically here, you still just target whichever you prefer to get more, and you’ll get about 28 of that Roamer, and about 4 of the other Roamer. 38. 37? There's only a few things to do on this route. Once you are on this route, Teleport to Mahogany Town. Route 11 links Route 12 to Vermilion City. Contributed By: KeyBlade999 3 0 « See More or Submit Your Own!