Anna Wade and Andrew moved their young family just a few houses down from Andrew’s best friend in an ideal neighborhood. April dislikes the dated fixtures and finishes, the cut off kitchen and how…, Quincy and Don found their ranch house when they were raising Don’s son. They were all houses I’ve walked by hundreds of times and they were all within a ten-house radius of one another, shot on opposing sides of the street, and filmed right where the street bends around in a crescent. Nine years ago, teenage sweethearts Jay and Shari Doudelet moved to the city with their two sons. Sisters Julie and Sherry bought this three story home because of its potential to give them each their own space as well as an income unit in the basement. Mary and Chris love their neighborhood but the dysfunctional footprint is driving Mary crazy.  David searches high and low to find a neighborhood gem to convince Chris out the door while Hilary redesigns the home to be a better fit for Mary. John and Rebecca rushed blindly to buy a house just in time to start a family. Sisters Katherine and Hagen put her on a spot when they demanded their 2-bedroom house be updated into a spacious, airy property. Michael and Jeffery not only have a house that’s not working for them but they’re also on different sides in regards to a solution.  Michael wants to “downsize” and find another home while Jeffery feels they have all the space they need and wants to stay put.  Will Hilary be able to convince Michael their current house could be their forever home or can David show Jeffery a house with all the space they need but on a smaller scale? For the last 16 years she has been living in what still feels like Bob’s bachelor pad. When a house no longer feels like home, homeowners are left with a big financial and emotional question: renovate or sell it? Naturopathic doctor Leslie loves her home while businessman Dustin can’t see the value in staying there. A client (John Cusack) declares himself in love with Mia and offers her money to sleep with him. Now that their kids are becoming teens, Anna Wade and Andrew realize that their house is just too small. I have a feeling the contracts they signed mean the production company had the right to handle the reno the way they wanted. Laura’s mobility issues are making her home a health hazard. When a young couple invites a parent to join them in their dysfunctional fixer-upper, the need for Hilary and David to work their magic becomes immediate! It is love of volition, not emotion.We can choose to act in love toward another. Nicole Curtis doesn’t do any of the physical work herself as depicted. Kathy: That’s great. Your articles on home shows are always the best, Julia! "Love It or List It is a proven ratings driver for HGTV and consistently serves as a winning alternative to Monday night football,” Allison Page, president of HGTV, previously said. Love It Or List It has been a staple of our HGTV binge-watching for years.The series pits Hilary Farr and David Visentin against one another as they try to convince homeowners to stay in their renovated home, or sell it and move into a new build.. We tune in for a lot of reasons: David and Hilary’s bickering, for one. Hilary and David battle the clock to please a conflicted couple expecting their first baby. Merl is hoping that Hilary can cater to Diane’s specific design needs so they can stay in his private oasis forever. Or will David deliver the house that has room for all? Sarah knows they need a bigger house while Andrew believes it can be made to fit their new needs. Muscular Dystrophy. My father was a carpenter so I recognize when those guys are looking like someone is just wasting their time trying to do something they can get done in a nano second. The “Love It or List It” show is simply unwatchable to me – two spectacularly bad actors sniping at each other and berating the “lucky” homeowners, who are even worse actors. Now the problem is they have shoddy reno work to fix before they can put it on the market. Can Hilary re-imagine the main floor to prove to him this home can work? So dismayed with his pressured purchase, Joe hasn’t even unpacked and less than a year after taking possession, Joe wants out. But despite the desperate lack of bedrooms and bathrooms, not to mention a chopped up main floor that can’t accommodate their ever growing extended family, Rick believes his house is where they belong and he’s willing to do anything to prove it. Over the years however, very little has been done…, High school sweethearts, Sharnée and Albert purchased a starter home near their beloved bike trail. David must find a home within their neighborhood that accommodates all three generations, while Hilary must create a private in-law suite for Angelo’s parents and a rec room for the kids. Or will David create a fresh start for the couple in the form of a reno-free home on similarly protected rural property that could coax Dave to move? They bought a 1930’s, ivy-covered Can Hilary transform their homestead? When Jade sold her champion horse, she was able to invest the money in a new home with her mother Darlene. He met Catherine when she was a renting tenant, and they fell in love here. Can Hilary overcome years of abuse and overhaul the main floor to make Danielle stay? Meanwhile, designer Hilary will prove the true potential of their house by redesigning and expanding many of its highly debated spaces. She had an older brother, John, and grew up in a house in the centre of Derby with him, her mother Lil and father Charles. Upon arriving they discovered it was far smaller than the wide-angled real estate photos had suggested. Or will David coax Andrew away from his cramped quarters? But soon everything changed for her…, Vann and Caroline spent many years admiring a quaint house on the hill from just next door. This week's 'Love It Or List It' episode was no different. They say they weren’t contractually allowed to sell the house until after their episode aired. Professors Dwayne and Hong-An bought this century old home in their twenties. They moved in when they had two kids, but Low-quality materials like industrial carpeting were installed. With the clock ticking down, Hilary and David are in a mad dash to deliver a family sized solution. Andrew however misses their former home that was a new build with many upgrades…. Roxy also uses the basement for her business, which leaves no room for Dee to entertain. David must find a more manageable home that is move-in ready while Hilary is tasked with making this century-old heritage home more functional for this family. Can Hilary’s main floor makeover convince Bevin that this house is worth keeping? When Kelly and Colin first purchased their 1200 square foot urban home, it was in the right place at the right time, but 9 years and 3 kids later, Colin’s opinion of compact, busy urban living has changed prompting the battle of city versus suburb. Or will David convince Steve there’s life beyond this house? Monday's (August 24) episode of 'Love It or List It' made it seem like finally, a couple would choose to look beyond Hilary Farr's astounding renovations and choose to list their house on the market to move into a new house that David Visentin scouted for them. It’s like having a construction job without all the mess and bother in your own home. And…Norm Abrams, baby, Norm Abrams – who doesn’t love a true craftsman? Unfortunately Mishelle left a bungalow behind which she claims functioned much better for them AND was mortgage free. Hilary and David meet their match when fellow realtor John and his “toughest client ever”, wife Laura become divided over their beach side home. Vince and Jennifer bought their home when it perfectly fit their family of five. The faults of their home are also becoming apparent–with many rooms un-insulated, a single bathroom for the whole house, Kim just doesn’t feel comfortable in the home and she wants to find a smaller place that suits their life now. Scott has owned this house since he was a young man. But along came baby Bella and now the house seems too small. Lauren however, immediately starting suffering from buyer’s remorse. Lucky for them, Melissa found a foreclosure that was priced well under market value…, Real Estate Broker, Aaron was always on the lookout for a perfect family house at a great price. Since moving in their family has grown to nine, but their house cannot grow with them. Avid runners Trish and Brian’s latest home is not accommodating all to Brian’s vision and hearing based disabilities. The decision to move to the city was easy, but the decision to live in Andy’s house is problematic.