has thought proper to charge Protestant versions with being "corrupt," we shall proceed to adduce some convincing testimonies, which will demonstrate, that WHERE THE CHURCH OF ROME CANNOT altogether PREVENT THE HOLY SCRIPTURES from being translated and circulated, SHE HAS MADE NO SCRUPLE [HESITATION] OF FALSIFYING THE TEXT." The death rate of priests from AIDS is at least FOUR TIMES that of the general population Bishop says, "...Much as we would regret it, it shows that human nature is human nature." Revelation 17:1 And there came one of the seven angels which had the seven vials, and talked with me, saying unto me, Come hither; I will shew unto thee the judgment of the great whore that sitteth upon many waters: Ephesians 6:12). In spite of the general move towards an ever increasing "laicization" [moving from the emphasis on the clergy and dogma to the people]...the Roman Church couldn't give up the GREAT PURPOSE which has been her goal from the beginning: TO GATHER UNDER HER crozier [a pastoral staff, a staff of office] ALL THE NATIONS OF THE UNIVERSE. TIME IS WINDING UP. WARNING: BE CAREFUL OF BIBLE COLLEGES I DO NOT KNOW ONE GOOD ONE. Dr. Rivera points out that all the rest of the abominations, "Catolicismo [Catholicism] is the central power of the Antichrist."--Dr. This passage of scripture actually prepares your (and your child's) mental filing cabinet to be able to automatically classify all things. To be turned from the power of Satan unto God. THIS IS A TIME OF DECEPTION AND THE CHILDREN HAVE BEEN TARGETED. They just want "unmediated contact with god." Albert Part Four: The Force (p. 25, words attributed to Dr. Alberto Rivera, former Roman Catholic Jesuit priest, publisher Chick Publications, copyright 1983). The television is a killer slaying souls across the face of the earth. . In actuality, Satan is the agency by which their witchcraft works. Study and obey God's word (Authorized Version of 1611 of the Bible) and you will not be tricked. Despite its ascendancy over American life, few Americans understand the term "Jesuit." It was also released as a single, Harrison's first as a solo artist, and topped charts worldwide; it was the biggest-selling single of 1971 in the UK. Church people are becoming magicians/Satanist/witches-in-training. The result of disobedience to God's word, licentious literature, brainwashing literature, "classic" literature, and more literature as they are miseducated in schools, churches, etc. 43 But know this, that if the goodman of the house had known in what watch the thief would come, he would have watched, and would not have suffered his house to be broken up. He tells us about the detestable "parricides" (king killings--kings as fathers of their countries. . "It is Protestantism which, by God's help, has been the cause of England's prosperity, and that of all other Protestant countries. I'M ON MY WAY NOW AND, BLESS GOD, HALLELUJAH, I'M ALMOST TWENTY YEARS CLOSER TO SEEING JESUS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! These articles on Christian Parenting include fundamental precepts concerning caring for our children as relaxed, loving parents. (ibid, p. 365; emphases ours) You will understand in time. High schools, colleges and universities built up and staffed by the Society are widely spread throughout the country. ABORTION KILLS BY TORTUREPeople are to love and protect their children, NOT KILL THEM. There's a reason why they teach this book in middle school--in order to enjoy this book, one's intellectual cognizance must be that of a child, because otherwise you'll spend the entire time picking out everything that's wrong with the book. Study and obey God's word (Authorized Version of 1611 of the Bible) and you will not be tricked. Allow the Holy Spirit to build your faith as you read these Words of Life. Genesis 2:7 And the Lord God formed man of the dust of the ground, and breathed WILL YOU PRAY FOR ME? Our deceptions are great but the word of God will deliver us if carefully applied to our lives. After we forgive, we are not crying all the time. ", Sanhedrin 57a: "If a Gentile robs a Jew, he must pay him back. "Remove not the ancient landmark, which thy fathers have set." They use Transcendental Meditation and all forms of Buddhaism [sic]." Loyola's Spiritual Exercises are used today in the contemplative movement. We haven't heard quotes like, "...the Black Pope [another name for the JESUIT GENERAL]...indeed rules the world. The new catechism firmly states: "Contemplative prayer is hearing the word of God. He was quite ahead of his time to believe some of the boys, though certainly not the majority, still remained moral despite the situation. (Speech by Laura Diaz, member of parliament for Livourne, delivered at Ortona on the 15th of April 1946), or when the students of Cardiff University College choose as the theme for a conference: "Should the pope be brought to trial as a war criminal?" Good earthy fathers are decreasing in numbers. This next section is going to deal a lot with the Roman Catholic Jesuits. 22 Fair weather cometh out of the north: with God is terrible majesty. MY HEART COULD ACHE FOR THAT PRIVILEGE, BUT THE LORD JESUS HAS TAUGHT ME THAT HE WILL TAKE CARE OF YOU. ALL POWER HAS A SOURCE. . They are contacting the devil through the "mystical traditions" and calling it the Lord. If "producing Jesuitic graduates" is the "aim of modern public education," is it possible that we are seeing a Jesuitized American citizenry today? Criminals go to jail and the penitentiary. There is no other document like the Bible, and there never will be. Their deep tradition of twentieth-century liberalism and sociopolitical activism has left them spiritually dry and thirsting for supernatural experiences." The ignorant church people are getting something similar--"panentheism" (God is in everything). Or, Facts and Evidences, Illustrative of the Conduct of the Modern Church of Rome, They have farmers spraying poison all over the crops and fields. Bringing "human understanding into papal (popish) subservience." Just repent of your sins and believe in his death, burial, and resurrection and obey his holy word (his commandments are not grievous)--the Lord Jesus helps his people to obey as they try to obey. Forgiving people is a key to healing. This is not a call to read an endless series of books). Then you will have personal understanding of what is in the Bible. An eternity awaits them full of terror. His words flew across Europe while, as he testified in his Remonstrance, his own life was in danger from Rome (i.e., the Roman Catholic institution). If you are not saved Through the controlled breathing, the posture, the stillness and/or repetition, etc. ...The public is practically unaware of the overwhelming responsibility carried by the Vatican and its Jesuits in the start of the two world wars--a situation which may be explained in part by the GIGANTIC FINANCES at the disposition of the Vatican and its Jesuits, GIVING THEM POWER IN SO MANY SPHERES, especially since the last conflict. A Small Treatise Against the Primacy of the Pope, THE ROMAN CATHOLIC "CHURCH" IS NOT CHRISTIAN. Let us know what’s wrong with this preview of, Published 32 Now learn a parable of the fig tree; When his branch is yet tender, and putteth forth leaves, ye know that summer is nigh: At a certain point, babies seem to start putting almost anything in their mouths. Is Evolution a Theory, Fact or Law? with a view to injure a good name. (Eucharist Through the Centuries by Rev. We've bought the lie that college degrees are important. Contemplative prayer: A quick road to hell for a disobedient church--Part IV: Who or What is the Kundalini Serpent Power (skip down to the section on eastern mysticism being pasted together with a social doctrine false gospel. Genetically, they are even taking away the mothering instinct in chickens. because that is not what the Bible calls you. All that pantheism (everything is God) and panentheism (God is in everything) is new age teaching which is actually old age because the devil told Eve in the garden, "Ye shall be as gods" (see Genesis chapter 3). Even if they have a question, they are to ask their husbands at home for it is a shame for women to speak in the church (reference I Corinthians 14:35). Are you ready to be saved from your sins? Muslims are killing, raping, torturing, mutilating, kidnapping, and enslaving Sudanese Christians in their Islamic jihad ("holy war"). ...The pervasive and continual pattern of such aiding and abetting of criminal pedophiles compounded by extraordinary efforts to conceal records and other evidence of their criminality can only be properly described as organized crime. It does not matter what your particular sins and lusts are--whether they "seem" big or small in your eyesight, IT IS YOUR SINS THAT WILL TAKE YOU TO HELL. Popery, The Enemy and the Falsifier of Scripture. 'The king and the church' are exchanged for the 'constitution and the people.' My real "me" was buried for so long under my personal response to "socialization" that I only recently understood that my life is not just a series of accidents and incidents and that I am a person separate from what is happening outside of me--what happened to me does not happen to everyone (each has his own negative responses to "socialization"), but I believe that in America it may happen to many.] If one is going to use the term "Semitic" (there are other sons of Shem beside the Jews, but people associate the term with the Jews), then the whole Bible is obviously Semitic. The Roman Catholics sought to blow up King James and the English Parliament). Not all of these atoms/components are found isolated--some are only found in compounds. See, What about the Jesuit spirituality specifically? The Authorized Version of the Bible is done and complete. Her name is written on her forehead (Revelation 17:5); once one looks at this with a desire to know the truth, her identity becomes obvious. This information is in the hands of the false scientists. 5 And upon her forehead was a name written, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH. In going through life like that, many misconceptions and mental corruptions were corrected in my mind and God opened my eyes to many things and presented information to me. The false prophet will deceive people by means of the miracles that he is able to do. When we look closely at these churches we find that heresies abound across the board--whether charismatic, pentecostal, "community" church, Mormon, Seventh Day Adventist, "Church of Christ", Lutheran, Methodist, Presbyterian, Greek Orthodox, "Jehovah's" Witness, Calvinist, dispensationalist Baptist, non-denominational, Christian Science, et al. Their "you-are-god" and "contacting-god-directly" magic-type techniques are out front and on display--so much so that just a cursory look will reveal how they make contact with devils (something that I, as a Christian, never had an interest in before, but now that these people and their techniques are boldly coming into the visible (albeit fallen and worldly) church, they have my attention.). We don't see too many of these fatherly kings any more. Today, obvious lies and absurdities do not look obvious to the deceivable. They will tell you that you can do whatever you feel like doing--doing all the sins you want to--and that you will still go to heaven. I believe in God Almighty. (POPE PIUS XII IS ALSO KNOWN AS "HITLER'S POPE"--THERE IS ACTUALLY A BOOK BY THIS NAME). She is arrayed in purple and scarlet colour and is decked with gold, precious stones, and pearls... Daniel's fourth kingdom (Rome) never died. We counsel you to print it out and read it and share it (including with children), even though it is long. The Bible testifies that we have sinned--and that God requires a mediator between himself and sinful man--. No, I don't believe so. The heavens above and the earth beneath that you see before your eyes are going to be burned up completely and dissolved. Get a word from Habakkuk. When new agers say, "The Christ" they are not talking about the Lord Jesus Christ, they're talking about something else. God will judge this world by the Lord Jesus Christ.Each person will either go to heaven or to hell. She is known for crimes and sins--whether her wiles in the confessional (e.g., access words of former priests such as Charles Chiniquy, William Hogan, Alberto Rivera), Croatia, etc.) .naturally! Gurus lead their students through different protocols to help them "prepare" for this entrance of the serpent power--the Authorized Version of 1611 of the Bible reveals who that serpent is, it is Satan--. The Workes of the Most High and Mightie Prince James, p. 54 These people are told that they are contacting God directly but they are actually summoning and calling "that old serpent, called the Devil, and Satan, which deceiveth the whole world" (Revelation 12:9) who is "transformed into an angel of light" (2 Corinthians 11:14)). ", MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, IS A WOMAN AND A MOTHER, if there is really a separation of church and state in the United States of America, King James I and the Defense of the Right of Kings. The prophesies are being fulfilled right in front of our eyes right now. read more. They did not tell us information like, "the Jesuits are the only religious order in the Church of Rome...which has been expelled from any country because of its interference in politics. (Sanctify them through thy truth: thy word is truth (John 17:17). It is Revelation 13 that we learn about the mark of the beast-- *[the pope is considered is the head of a country, Vatican City, which is located inside of a city (Rome) which is inside of another country, Italy. Survey of the Life and Gospel of Jesus Christ. (Encyclopedia Americana (copyright 1971), "Jesuits", page 38 (emphases ours)]" *Counter Reformation--For hundreds of years, people lived under the Roman Catholic Church. How's that for confusion? LOOK AT CROATIA DURING THE TIME OF ADOLF HITLER. The Bible teaches us that GOD REQUIRES A MEDIATOR BETWEEN SINFUL MAN AND HIMSELF--THE LORD JESUS CHRIST, AND THAT IS IT. GOD BLESS YOU, MY SISTER! In a sanctified home, you don't watch television and you don't look on the internet for some new news on the latest blasphemies-you ignore what the world is doing, you have your own kind of life independent from the world's filthy traps and snares. Today's Christians know the hellivision guide better than the Bible. They have not identified, MYSTERY, BABYLON THE GREAT, THE MOTHER OF HARLOTS AND ABOMINATIONS OF THE EARTH (Revelation 17) that sitteth upon the seven mountains (Revelation 17:9). ", Christians Are On the Earth to Serve the Lord, Father working, Mother cooking, cleaning and caring for the children. "Señor González is accused of burning holy candles Friday evenings for the Jewish Sabbath, cooking on Friday for the Saturday meal, and eating from the same skillet in which the food had been cooked; dressing in clean clothes on the Jewish Sabbath as Christians usually dress on Sunday; eating meat with Jewish solemnity; eating beef and eggs on Lent without cause, in addition to performing other Jewish ceremonies in his house. GOD BLESS YOU IN HIS SON JESUS! The Great Whore of Revelation Chapter 17The Roman Catholic Religion, The Great Whore of Revelation Chapter 17The Roman Catholic Religion. Liberty, not order, is the word that wakes the dead, and electrifies the masses. Don't read blasphemy--the enemies of the gospel are many and sometimes even Christian ministries give too much information as they seek to warn people of what is going on. In fulfillment of Isaiah 53:3, his own received him not. You need to REPENT of your sins and BELIEVE in and OBEY the Lord Jesus--NOT a pope or a fake preacher or any other "religious" ruler. the critical text that underlies almost all modern Bible versions is BASED ON MANUSCRIPTS THAT CAME OUT OF THE ROMAN CATHOLIC INSTITUTION. Ejected through front windshield at 85 mph. I can remember thinking (in recent years) that Americans don't really have a culture (we once did, I was a member of one of the last on-the-edge-of-total-destruction crews, American quality goods, homecooked meals, playing (not learning skills, playing) outside from sun up to sundown, etc.)