In front was a handsome porch, with a belfry above. It all depended whose version you believed. The congregation of the church was forced to find a new home after hurricane Gilbert severely damaged the building in 1988. Three historic sites - Wareika House; 'Babbin's Church'; Colbeck Castle. As a more senior officer, with greater experience of command, Cracroft might have voiced some concerns about Eyre’s actions. Image. On the day before Cracroft’s death, his second-in-command, Captain Algernon De Horsey, began to carry out Eyre’s orders, and it was he who was in acting command during the Morant Bay troubles. Pending. ‘Wareika Hill’ or ‘Wareika Hills ‘are familiar terms to residents of Kingston, even though they are likely to connote a rather dangerous area of the city from the point of view of crime. Dann folgt uns nach Old Harbour – zur Belohnung gibt’s Fisch am Hellshire Beach. It is perhaps legitimate to wonder what Cracroft would have made of it, and how he would have acted, had he lived. A recent query from a member of the Society sent me on a most interesting search for further information. He maintained a home in Jamaica, called Bavington, in Stony Hill, but seems to have travelled widely in Europe and the Americas. Even at the time, however, there were those on the spot who downplayed the significance of the episode; was it a surprise attack, or hadn’t Cracroft fired some 24-lb rockets into the pa just before he attacked? He remained active in church work, and was involved with the Jamaica Agricultural Society. (3) 96 solutions at Jacksonville (4) 556 solutions at Birds Hills, phases 1 and 2 (5) 344 solutions at Monymusk Country Estate (6) 550 solutions at Ebony Park (7) 65 solutions at The Villages of Colbeck Castle . All the work had been done by local labour. This is our newest development which features three different designs of single-family units: The Monarch (3 bedroom/2 bathroom), the Citadel (2 bedroom/1 bathroom) & … I did some further research about Commodore Cracroft, and in relation to Jamaica, the main interest would have been his potential role in the events of October 1865. Would he have whole-heartedly continued to support  Eyre’s actions, or would he have raised queries about the legality of using navy ships to transfer prisoners from an area not under martial law, to one where drum-head courts martial were taking place? 519. Unit type. There is, however, no indication that events would have taken any different course if Cracroft had still been in command. He served in this capacity until his death on August 2, 1865. His wife, Caroline, who had accompanied him on much of his service it appears, placed the memorial in the church. A current street map of Kingston marks Wareika Hill, 1,490 feet, but does not give the name Wareika Hills to an area, at the end of Long Mountain, which I think many of us might expect. 1/ 3 24/10/2019 - EN Civil Engineering Led Team of Consultants for Commercial Centre and Farmstead Lots at The Villages of Colbeck Castle, St. Catherine Competition Notice SECTION I: CONTRACTING AUTHORITY NAME, ADDRESSES AND CONTACT POINT(S) Official name: National Housing Trust Postal address: 4 Park Boulevard Certainly his successor, Commodore Sir Leopold McClintock, was probably the first official to make a report on the suppression of the revolt, albeit rather highly coloured, which raised questions about the measures which had been taken by the authorities in Jamaica. He and 60 sailors and marines had gone to the aid of a beleaguered group of militia at Wareika pa (a pa was a fortified earthwork, or trenchwork), and in a surprise attack had inflicted a costly and telling defeat on the Maori force. community; portfolio; archive; home ; Am3; home; archive; portfolio; community ← previous day. Storyboard . Beam slots in the higher walls give an idea of the size of beams used in the construction. The assessment found Taino, Spanish, English and Afro Jamaican artifacts. There is, however, no indication that events would have taken any different course if Cracroft had still been in command. He received an official funeral, attended by the Governor, Edward John Eyre; a nine-gun salute was fired at Port Royal. On the day before Cracroft’s death, his second-in-command, Captain Algernon De Horsey, began to carry out Eyre’s orders, and it was he who was in acting command during the Morant Bay troubles. Colbeck Castle got its name from its owner, Colonel John Colbeck, who came to Jamaica in 1655 – the same year the British captured the island from the Spanish — as a member of the expeditionary forces that was led by Admiral William Penn and General Robert Venables. The newspaper accounts refer to his ‘residence in the hills’ which was named ‘Wayreka’ after the place where he had served with distinction. Don't miss these amazing places for photographers in Jamaica with GPS details and tipps for great photos of each spot. His chief area of interest seems to have been Freemasonry; he was Deputy District Grand Master, and Past Grand Chaplain of Craft and Mark Free Masons for Jamaica. The neat, comfortable benches were of pitch-pine, and there were a substantial desk and communion table. Under Construction. In 1863 Commodore Peter Cracroft was appointed the senior officer of the West Indies station and was based at Port Royal. Glaubt ihr nicht? St. Catherine. In 1900 he decided to build a church in the area just north of Cross Roads for a population of some 200 to 300 people, and children in addition, who were not being served by a church. Nevertheless, one wonders what the Commodore’s reaction would have been to the Morant Bay uprising. Bitte prüfe Original- und Archivlink gemäß Anleitung und entferne dann diesen Hinweis. I did some further research about Commodore Cracroft, and in relation to Jamaica, the main interest would have been his potential role in the events of October 1865. He was buried in the St Andrew Parish Church yard, and Philip Wright, in Monumental Inscriptions of Jamaica, records the inscription on a memorial tablet in the church. This tablet, and the newspaper accounts of his funeral, mention his participation in an engagement during the Maori wars, at Waireka Pah. Storyboard. Unit type. However, it was largely by chance, while looking for other information, that I picked up the references to the origin of the church he established just north of Cross Roads. Sealed bids are to be placed in the designated tender box labeled “Supply & Installation of Pumping Equipment for Colbeck Castle Well – The Villages of Colbeck Castles, St. Catherine”, located in the NHT’s Procurement Unit on or before 10:00 am on Thursday, March 7, 2019. She left Jamaica a few days after the funeral. Nevertheless, one wonders what the Commodore’s reaction would have been to the Morant Bay uprising. Castle hat vor einigen Monaten die Stadt verlassen, seitdem hat Beckett nichts … Content Menu. It is unclear whether or not Colbeck Castle was. Content Menu. However, from the evidence before the Jamaica Royal Commission of 1866, enquiring into the events in Morant Bay in October 1865, it is clear that but for his premature death, Cracroft would have been the officer responsible for sending the Wolverine and other vessels on various trips to the eastern end of the island. 0C0C04: 1F3B3F: 4A2900: 6B8792: 816849: C8C3BD: CDAA8C: FFFFFF ← previous day next day → Windows at Colbeck Castle. Expected date of completion: February 2021. Previous Next. Parish. The ruins are the largest of their type in Jamaica. LOCATION: The property is located approximately 2.7 kilometers northwest of the Old Harbour Town Centre. It is perhaps legitimate to wonder what Cracroft would have made of it, and how he would have acted, had he lived. I have not so far followed up the history of the church building at Bavin’s Corner beyond this point; we can presume that it was rebuilt at some stage, but whether the church rebuilt after 1907 was the same one that was recently demolished, I do not know, as it may have suffered other disasters in subsequent hurricanes. Hier ehrte man damalige Offiziere und überlies ihnen Land. Once perhaps the largest building in the Caribbean, it is generally thought to have been built in the late 17th century by an English settler named Coll. He had taken part in a small but important engagement in the Maori Wars in New Zealand as recently as 1860. JHS Bulletin, Vol 6, 1973-1976 pp 53-61, 132-142; opp 201,; 296-7. Colbeck Castle is situated in open country about two miles north of Old Harbour, St. Catherine. Even if we cannot find out anything more, we ought to be able to maintain it better, and make it a site fit to be visited; I’ve certainly visited ruins in England which are less impressive and with almost as little history, which still manage to attract the visiting tourist. , James Belich discusses this particular engagement in some  detail, and as the title indicates, investigates the topic of conflicts between British troops  and the inhabitants of territories which the British were in the process of colonising. Zusammen mit der Burg wurde auch das Dorf errichtet. I was not able to find mention of his arrival here, as the source I was using, the. Following the clues offered by Dr Hayton, of New Zealand, I have been able to sort out the route by which the name became established. Had up to 150 Maoris been killed, or only two - or maybe none at all? The church was designed to accommodate about 200 people. All this material only serves to create confusion in the mind of the reader. He served in this capacity until his death on August 2, 1865. It is a most impressive structure; having never seen it before I could scarcely believe my eyes when I saw it, Perhaps some member of the Society might wish to take the following extract from a currently available guide book (published 1993) as the starting point for a reappraisal of the castle and its history: ‘Colbeck Castle is located two miles north of Old Harbour on a side road. It must have been the most imposing building of the kind erected in Jamaica. He represented Saint Catherine from 1667 to 1672 in The House Of Assembly and was a speaker until May 1673. TBA # of Units. Although a castle, it served a double purpose, as it could also be used as a fort. The Villages of Colbeck Castle is a joint venture project between the NHT and BCR Industries, with a 70 per cent ownership by the Trust. De Horsey was not apparently worried by such concerns, or if he was, did not raise them with Eyre. Colebeck Castle, which stands on a ridge of land on the west bank of the Colebeck gully, about a mile and a half to the north-west of Old Harbour town, overlooking the bay, probably dates from the end of the seventeenth century. Royal Geographical Society (Great Britain), 1866, 3. Home > Destinations > St. Catherine > Colbeck Castle. It is not clear whether it was ever completed, and if it was, it was almost certainly never inhabited. It is believed that construction of the caste began in 1655 after the English captured Jamaica from the Spanish and was completed in 1680. durch ein stabileres Steingebäude ersetzt. The building is rectangular in shape consisting of four storied tower-like structures at each corner rising to a height of about 40 feet. The main road veers ninety degrees to the left after about a mile, at this point follow the road leading straight signposted for Colbeck Castle. Die St. Dorothy's Anglican Church befindet sich zwei Meilen von Old Harbour entfernt. Certainly his successor, Commodore Sir Leopold McClintock, was probably the first official to make a report on the suppression of the revolt, albeit rather highly coloured, which raised questions about the measures which had been taken by the authorities in Jamaica. The Morant Bay Rebellion was not exactly that type of conflict, but could raise many of the same issues. Previous Next. I have to assume that, with the passage of time, the name of the house became transferred to the hill on which it stood, and that the spelling was also modified. Colbeck Castle was built in 1680 and sits on land that once grew sugarcane and tobacco. Den Hinterlassenschaften nach zu urteilen scheint es ein recht beliebter Treffpunkt für liebeshungrige Pärchen und ein toller Ort für Fotoshootings zu sein. The National Housing Trust (NHT) invites qualified contractors to construct five hundred and nineteen (519) housing units at The Villages of Colbeck Castle Housing Development, Phases 1 & 2, St. Catherine. Insight Guides: Jamaica, Boston, 1993, pp 187-8. Would he have whole-heartedly continued to support  Eyre’s actions, or would he have raised queries about the legality of using navy ships to transfer prisoners from an area not under martial law, to one where drum-head courts martial were taking place? Image of Colbeck Castle Jamaica from the architecture photos of Charlene Collins. Eine tödliche Affäre. The influence of the Underhill Meetings was expected to produce demonstrations around August 1. The castle was built from red brick and stone and was built in the style of a seventeenth century Italian mansion. The, newspaper accounts refer to his ‘residence in the hills’ which was named ‘Wayreka’ after the place where. As was the custom at the time, Colbeck was given land – 1,340 acres – for his services. function fbs_click() {u=location.href;t=document.title;''+encodeURIComponent(u)+'&t='+encodeURIComponent(t),'sharer','toolbar=0,status=0,width=626,height=436');return false;} His home in the United Kingdom was at King’s Broom, Alcester, in Warwickshire. It had cement plastered walls inside and out, painted in imitation of stone blocks. After about a mile you will see a derelict bus stop on the right hand side of the road, opposite this (on the left hand side of the road) there is a small road leading in to the scrubby fields. I hope that members of the Society also can help with recollections of the house or the name; our Editor remembers visiting the house. Posted by Charlene Collins (Kingston, … The ruins are the largest of their type in Jamaica. Sign in|Recent Site Activity|Report Abuse|Print Page|Powered By Google Sites. Tom Concannon described its external appearance as being a copy of a 17th century Italian villa, and I expect he knew what he was talking about, but how or why such a structure came to be built in Jamaica, whenever it was built, seems permanently hidden from us. Or so the tradition went, and Cracroft and his men had received a rousing welcome from the colonial settlers and authorities. DANKESCHÖN FÜRS TEILEN <3. Nordwestlich von Old Harbour befindet sich Colbeck Castle. As the building was deteriorating and being vandalised, it was decided to demolish it. community; portfolio; archive; home ; Am3; home; archive; portfolio; community ← previous day. Colbeck Castle . It was only when the Church, correctly called Christ Church, was falling into ruin, and then finally disappeared that I found out anything about its history. I already knew the name of Francis Bavin from my work on the career of Robert Love; Bavin had been one of the small group of white men who had been involved with Love’s  People’s Convention around 1900. This Society has offered assistance in removing, and so preserving, the remaining foundation stones, in the hope that at some future date, when the new use for the site has been decided by the Methodist Church, a suitable marker can be put up, incorporating these relics of the original church. Attempts to raise Ja$3 million to restore the church, under the aegis of Providence Methodist Church, where the Christ Church congregation had found refuge, had little success. Colbeck Manor is a gated development nestled in the historic area of Colbeck Castle in Old Harbour, St. Catherine. John Colbeck war einer von ihnen und erbaute dieses festungsartige Gebäude, welches heute eine absolute Sehenswürdigkeit darstellt. TBA # of Units. Jamaican Constitutional and Political Developments 1866-1920, The True and Remarkable History of Andrew Bogle, The Phillippo, Knibb and Burchell Memorial Fund Association, 'All but unique' - a Black Jamaican lawyer in the British Colonial Service. The influence of the Underhill Meetings was expected to produce demonstrations around August 1. In his  books, Victorian Interpretation of Racial Conflict. The windows in the chancel and at the front, as well as the Gothic tops of the others, were of stained glass. It may have been damaged by hurricanes and by fire, but if so, the fire was probably minor, and comparatively recent. Image. An Archaeological Impact Assessment of the area surrounding the Colbeck Castle ruins was carried out in 2006. It is also believed that the castle was owned by Colonel John Colbeck, a member of the English force of 1655 who subsequently settled in Jamaica and remained in this part of Jamaica until his death in 1682. The castle, built about 1680, is currently owned by the Jamaica National Heritage Trust. Image of Colbeck Castle Jamaica from the architecture photos of Charlene Collins. COLBECK CASTLE: ‘a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma’. Divorced. Colbeck Castle is on a land ridge overlooking the Old Harbour Bay. Even at the time, however, there were those on the spot who downplayed the significance of the episode; was it a surprise attack, or hadn’t Cracroft fired some 24-lb rockets into the pa just before he attacked? Etwas nördlich von Old Harbour gelegen findet man eine alte, etwas gruselige Ruine namens Colbeck Castle. Colbeck Castle, which was built between 1670 and 1673 by English army colonel John Colbeck, was declared a national monument in 1990 and is in the care of the JNHT. This historical site is located two miles from Old Harbour. 6 of the Society’s Bulletin, the above heading is about as close as I can get to a suitable sub-title for a comment on this building. A notice of the first services in the church, to be held on February 3, 1901, included a description of the original church. I was not able to find mention of his arrival here, as the source I was using, the Colonial Standard, unfortunately has a gap in the run which covers the period of his service here, up to June 1864, and I have not tried to track down any other newspaper sources. This was necessary, as the English believed that Spain would try to recover the island. Already in late July Cracroft had, at Eyre’s request, begun to send ships to the western end of the island to forestall feared unrest in Black River, Savannah-la-Mar, Lucea and Montego Bay. He was buried in the St Andrew Parish Church yard, and Philip Wright, in, , records the inscription on a memorial tablet in the church. Estimates as to the exact date of its construction as suggested 1680. In his  books The New Zealand Wars and the Victorian Interpretation of Racial Conflict, James Belich discusses this particular engagement in some  detail, and as the title indicates, investigates the topic of conflicts between British troops  and the inhabitants of territories which the British were in the process of colonising. DOCUMENT COLLECTION EXTENDED The National Housing Trust (NHT) intends to implement infrastructure works for the development of 595 serviced lots for The Villages of Colbeck Castle (Phases 1 & 2) Housing Development, located 2.7 kilometres northwest of Old Harbour, St. Catherine through a qualified construction contractor. St. Catherine. However, from the evidence before the Jamaica Royal Commission of 1866, enquiring into the events in Morant Bay in October 1865, it is clear that but for his premature death, Cracroft would have been the officer responsible for sending the Wolverine and other vessels on various trips to the eastern end of the island. Or so the tradition went, and Cracroft and his men had received a rousing welcome from the colonial settlers and authorities. If this is done, this corner may still be known as Babbin’s Corner in 2095! Already in late July Cracroft had, at Eyre’s request, begun to send ships to the western end of the island to forestall feared unrest in Black River, Savannah-la-Mar, Lucea and Montego Bay. Lesezeit: 4 Minuten Auf Jamaika gibt es nicht nur Greathouses, sondern auch richtige Schlösser. As a more senior officer, with greater experience of command, Cracroft might have voiced some concerns about Eyre’s actions. To get to Colbeck Castle take the road leading north-west out of the centre of Old Harbour (you will pass a church on the left hand side of the road after the main roundabout). , unfortunately has a gap in the run which covers the period of his service here, up to June 1864, and I have not tried to track down any other newspaper sources. Colbeck, Phases 1&2 (Housing) Expected completion date: April 2023. DRAFT ENVIRONMENTAL … Parish. Juan De Bolas came under his command after the treaty with the British. At the time of the    suicide case, in 1916, the terms ‘Wareika Hills’ and ‘the Wareika house’ werre used; interestingly, in one report, the name was spelled ‘Waireka’, the correct New Zealand version, but it is not clear if this was merely a typographical error, or a genuine survival of the original spelling. Three of these stones are still visible on the site and you can see the name ‘Dotfie’ clearly inscribed on one of them as you drive up Old Hope Road past the corner and the site. Since he was born in 1853, he was by this time in his seventies, but I have no information as to when he died or whether he died in Jamaica. I have established from a reference in the Daily Gleaner on February 26, 1907, that Christ Church, of the United Free Methodist Churches, was among buildings destroyed in the earthquake of January 1907. This tablet, and the newspaper accounts of his funeral, mention his participation in an engagement during the Maori wars, at Waireka Pah. In 1863 Commodore Peter Cracroft was appointed the senior officer of the West Indies station and was based at Port Royal. 6 of the Society’s Bulletin, the above heading is about as close as I can get to a suitable sub-title for a comment on this building. 2B2024: 573631: 814D38: AD6F40: B3A171: E6D5A9: F8EFD2: FDFDFB ← previous day next day → Colbeck Castle. I have not followed up, so far, the further history of the house, ‘Waireka’, but I will now keep a lookout for mention of it. Das Colbeck Castle hatten wir ganz für uns und haben die Kulisse und die Ruhe hier sehr genossen. It was first mentioned by the name ‘Colbeck Castle’ only in 1896 in an advertisement for the sale of the property at that time. DEADLINE FURTHER EXTENDED INVITATION TO TENDER The National Housing Trust (NHT) invites qualified contractors to construct five hundred and nineteen (519) housing units at The Villages of Colbeck Castle … The castle was most likely built as a defensive fort to fend off attacks from the Spanish, it may also have been used as an opulent residence. The foundation stones of the new building were laid on December 20, 1900, by Major Roxburgh, Captain Ogilvie, Mr Kingdon and ‘little Miss Dottie Bavin’, the minister’s daughter. Documents and Forms; Frequently Asked Questions; Guaranteed Purchase Programme (GPP) Interim Finance Programme; Media Room; Research Centre; Jobs & Vacancies ; NHT ONLINE. Four underground slave quarters can be seen at each corner of the castle. The ruins of Colbeck Castle are an impressive and somewhat surprising sight to see on a Caribbean island. digg_bgcolor = '#ffffaa'. Earlier generations had perhaps known of a house on Wareika Hill which could be the objective of a pleasant hike. The ruins of Colbeck Castle are an impressive and somewhat surprising sight to see on a Caribbean island. Bowes Castle war eine mittelalterliche Burg im Dorf Bowes in der englischen Grafschaft County Durham.Die erste, hölzerne Burg wurde auf dem Gelände des früheren römischen Militärlagers Lavatrae errichtet und von 1170 bis 1174 auf Anordnung Heinrichs II. Before that, although the Colbeck property is mentioned, and at least one house is mentioned, no-one seems to have recorded the existence of a building as substantial and distinctive as that whose ruins we can now visit. 4401. The English built it shortly after they captured Jamaica from the Spaniards. It is believed that construction of the caste began in 1655 after the English captured Jamaica from the Spanish and was completed in 1680. I have no idea how many times I have driven through the junction of Old Hope Road and Lady Musgrave Road in nearly forty years of living in Kingston, mostly in the Cross Roads and Liguanea areas, but for many of those years I certainly expected to pass what was familiarly known as ‘Babbin’s Church’ standing on ‘Babbin’s Corner’. Colbeck Castle, St Catherine Two miles North-West out of Old Harbour. Status. JHS Bulletin  October 1995 Vol  10 No 12  pp130-3. The writers disagree as to the possible time of the building of the castle, which apparently could have taken place at a variety of times in the late 17th century, or in the 18th century. The Reverend Francis Bavin was a minister of the United Methodist Free Churches in England for 25 years, and came to Jamaica in 1898 as General Superintendent of that church here. National Housing Trust invites tenders for the BUILDING CONSTRUCTION - THE VILLAGES OF COLBECK CASTLE HOUSING DEVELOPMENT – PHASES 1 & 2, ST. CATHE project being funded by NHT . He had taken part in a small but important engagement in the Maori Wars in New Zealand as recently as 1860. Status. ↑ Colbeck Castle - Jamaican National Heritage (Memento des Originals vom 20.    In Vol. I wonder if a survey of existing knowledge, and further research, might throw more light on its origins. In the 1930s the various churches of the Wesleyan Methodist tradition in Jamaica were united, and Bavin’s church continued to serve under the new arrangements. loom up over the acres of surrounding scrub. The roof is described as being made of ‘pitch-pine bevelled battens arranged diagonally, in order to give the best appearance’. Had up to 150 Maoris been killed, or only two - or maybe none at all? For the Proposed Villages of Colbeck Castle Development, St. Catherine, Jamaica Draft Report Prepared on behalf of BCR Industries Ltd for submission to the National Environment & Planning Agency October 22, 2007 Environmental Management Consultants (Caribbean) Ltd 61 Mansfield Meadows, Ocho Rios St.Ann, Jamaica 876-974-7423 [email protected] emc2. Schlagwort-Archiv für ‘Colbeck Castle Jamaika’ 20. März 2019 * Spannendes IN, UM und UM Kingston HERUM. I also knew that Bavin had been elected by an easy margin to the Legislative Council for St Catherine in 1901. Share One certainty seems to be that it has been vandalised in the past and that it continues to deteriorate, as nothing much seems to be being done at present to preserve and maintain it. Following the clues offered by Dr Hayton, of New Zealand, I have been able to sort out the route by which the name became established. Information provided by Find A Grave member: Gail Wenhardt (#47280322). It is interesting that although his connection with Christ Church only lasted for about five years, it was his name that became firmly attached to the church and the corner, so that even today, nearly a century later, the name still lingers. It was intriguing, therefore, from our member’s correspondent in New Zealand, to discover the true source of the name, WAREIKA, or more correctly apparently, ‘WAIREKA’. Colbeck Castles 3&4. Unfortunately, no-one had been alerted to prepare an introduction to Colbeck Castle for our trip there in July, and a quick survey of the Vol. It is also not known who built it or why, though it seems unlikely that it was built as a defensive position. 6 there are articles about the castle by B. Machado, then Editor, and S. A. G. Taylor, and references to research by Geoffrey Yates, Tom Concannon and H. P. Jacobs; there are also reproductions of pictures/photos of the castle (those opposite p. 201 do not get a mention in the Index, and I only found them by accident). COLBECK CASTLE: ‘a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma’ After reading the articles on Colbeck Castle in Vol.    1st husband Matthew Bryson, married 3 Jul 1870 in Shullsburg, Lafayette, Wisconsin. It all depended whose version you believed. He helped push the Maroons further into the hills during the first Maroon war. The development, which is being done on 36.01 hectares of land, comprises 595 serviced lots; designated areas for one high school and four basic schools and parks; and spaces for recreational, historical, cultural, religious, agricultural, and … After reading the articles on Colbeck Castle in Vol. Die Burg wurde 1680 von John Colbeck, einem Colonel der British Army als Schutz gegen spanische Soldaten errichtet. The building is in the midst of what is now a large tobacco farm.’ Allternatively, the Editor might wish to announce a contest for contributions to the Bulletin listing the largest number of queries about statements in this passage! Another time I will, may be, write about a very distressing suicide that took place at or near the house in the early decades of this century.