It must be a prerequisite for the Hogwarts Head Master to have a gorgeous beard. However, students dread taking his class due to the fact that he's so boring. He’s mostly known for his love of theatre, however. "Yes, Mister Perkins?" Thank you for the A2A..! Quirrell's backstory is pretty vague. Unlike Alecto Carrow, she thought Muggles weren’t too different from witches and wizards and expressed tolerant views in her class. What skill is most important for a keeper? Bartholomew Crouch Jr., disguised as Mad-Eye Moody, taught Harry and his peers a couple of Unforgivable Curses. I have some theories regarding this:- 1. The guy's also zero fun. One of Tonk's questions while you have a meal with her is: Who does Filch hate the .. When the Weasley twins transformed a Hogwarts corridor into a swamp to spite Umbridge, he kept a bit of their spell as a tribute to them. He tormented and harmed students, and eventually ended up in Azkaban. A former classmate of Harry's dead parents, Snape is now a teacher at Hogwarts who seems to hate Harry on sight. RELATED: Harry Potter: 10 Rules Hogwarts Professors Should Have Followed. Wouldn't it be awesome if there was a Transformers action figure where Slughorn turned into an arm chair? Professor Charity Burbage was the Muggle Studies professor when Harry Potter and his friends were at Hogwarts. According to others, he’s the perfect example of a Slytherin wizard. He was a half-goblin professor and the Head of Ravenclaw. Tom Riddle's actions lead to a few deaths including none other than Myrtle Warren. At the battle of Hogwarts, he ends Nagini and receives the sword of Godric Gryffindor from the sorting hat. Cuthbert Binns was a ghost that served as the History of Magic teacher. This extraordinary witch may not have been as powerful as Dumbledore, but she looked out for her students better than he did, in some ways. Continued. Before Split introduced the world to Patricia, there was Dolores Umbridge. Hopefully that's where she will stay the rest of her life. What does filch hate the most? And not just any old Voldemort supporter, either: he gave the Dark Lord life by allowing him to “live” on the back of his head. ... and the one I am the most grateful for. I have to say, quite an astute observation, might have been easily brushed off as a mispronunciation of “Potter” as “Perkins”, but is it really so? When Harry got Snape’s old Potions book, he suddenly became very good at making potions. A: The Middle Ages. However, using a snake somehow ended up making more sense for a name like Salazar Slytherin. However, he may be making more appearances in the story. Rubeus Hagrid’s classes were maybe not as safe as Professor’s Grubbly-Plank, but Hagrid’s affinity for magical creatures, and his vast knowledge of them, makes him an excellent teacher. Some of the best wizards and witches of their time are hired to teach at Hogwarts, and they pass down their knowledge to the students—some of which will, in turn, become Hogwarts professors. Here are 25 of the best, ranked according to their teaching abilities! Also, it doesn't help that Snape takes out his own aggression on the students. Professor Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank was a good friend of Professor Sinistra’s and replaced Rubeus Hagrid for a while as Hogwarts’ Care of Magical Creatures Professor. Aurora Sinistra served as the Astronomy professor during Harry’s time at Hogwarts. It turns out that Lockhart has been using a mind erasing spell on anyone who had discovered his secret. Gilderoy Lockhart wasn’t, like most of the professors I’ve mentioned so far, unequivocally sinister. Dumbledore was one of the greatest wizards of all time. It is likely that the Sorting Hat ultimately put her in Gryffindor because Hermione chose to be in it, just like Harry chose to not be in Slytherin. Binn’s teaching style relies heavily on lecture, which favors verbal learners. They guide the young witches and wizards and watch out for their well-being, and prepare them for their O.W.L.S. A one-stop shop for all things video games. All Harry Potter fans love to hate the pink-clad Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor. Severus Snape. Professor Picardy’s work was “noted for its incorrect conclusion that werewolves lose their moral sense while in human form.”. Professor Binns moved on, occasionally glancing back towards Harry as the boy began to take notes, much like that bushy haired girl, Farmer he thought her name was. Just like in real life, Hogwarts professors shape their students for better or for worse. He was a talented duelist and protected students from Amycus and Alecto Carrow during Snape’s reign as Hogwarts Headmaster. She resisted Dolores Umbridge’s tyranny and helped to chase Snape out of Hogwarts when he was headmaster. The whole bit where he turned Draco into a ferret was pretty cool, but completely against Hogwarts rules. Barty (Bartemius to the ladies) Crouch Jr. takes a potion in order to look like an auror (wizard police) named Alastor Moody. In an interview, Horwitz said that the class was his worst in 20 years of college-level teaching. She had a reputation for being a strict professor and giving lots of homework, but there’s no indication either in the books or on Pottermore that she was a bad teacher. His class essentially became a Dark Arts class—guess that’s what happens when the teacher is a dark wizard. This is highlighted in the flying lessons in the Hogwarts Mystery mobile game. Harry Potter and his friends saw their fair share of professors during their years at Hogwarts, some extraordinary, some plain sinister, some great, some completely incompetent. Amycus becomes professor of the dark arts while Alecto teaches muggle studies. He was a liar, a fraud, and a terrible teacher, but he wasn’t a Voldemort supporter or a dark wizard. Initially, students seemed more so annoyed by Quirrell. The Carrow siblings look like the tethered (ten points for making a relevant Us quote) versions of the Weasleys. Umbridge becomes the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, but never teaches any of the students how to actually protect themselves. It also doesn't help that The Carrows are straight up cowards. Professor Horace Slughorn, was, according to some, a coward and a manipulative wizard who used his students for connections. A: Mrs Norris Q: Where does he take holidays? In fact, Salazar desired to wipe out muggles and muggle born wizards alike. Some Professors, like Minerva McGonagall, weren’t confident in Trelawney’s abilities as a Seer, and Dumbledore himself had been planning to discontinue the subject before he hired her. Professor Elizabeth Miller ... received hate mail and even a death threat after reporting and became a reluctant quasi-expert on the perverse (dis)incentives in academia around reporting harassment. Professor Alastor “Mad-Eye” Moody may feel like an overrated entry to … A: He doesn't Q: Who does Filch hate the most? The guy will assign detention to anyone who so much as breathes. She resisted Dolores Umbridge, showed no fear of her and fought bravely in the Battle of Hogwarts. Binns is Hogwarts’ resident ghost professor, who, according to Pottermore, passed “in his sleep and got up in the morning to teach lessons, leaving his body behind”. Things are progressing at a slower rate, and, as we saw above, Professor Binns knows more than history about goblins. All in all, he was one of Voldemort’s followers and a dark wizard, which earns him this spot on the list. and N.E.W.T.S. He also tweaked potions recipes to make them better and more potent. Hagrid, who’d previously occupied the post, was away on a mission for Dumbledore for a year, and Professor Grubbly-Plank took over. We're not so sure how well that plan ended up working out since it only took a twelve year old boy to kill the snake. Slughorn seems to be a passive man, but he actually conceals a terrible secret. Note that they are not ranked according to their power or wisdom, but rather, according to their teaching ability, to how much they taught their students, and to the way they protected them in the dark times that followed Voldemort’s return. He teaches History of Magic and has a talent for lulling his students to sleep with his incredibly dull lessons. The man's dead, after all. Although Dippet is not remembered for being a malicious person, he is known for being someone who could have tried to stop Tom Riddle's early rise to power. However, Sybill was a true Seer, and though many of her prophecies were inaccurate, she discovered the prophecy that announced Voldemort’s defeat. From what we see in Fantastic Beasts, he was an exceptional teacher. The point is that Snape rules even though he's kind of a mood killer. Why he landed here: Though Professor Binns isn't the most enthralling teacher at Hogwarts (he's so boring he puts students to sleep), he does do … The seemingly inoffensive Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor turned out to be one of Voldemort’s followers. Pomona Sprout excelled at Herbology and was the Head of Hufflepuff and the Herbology teacher when Harry and his friends attended Hogwarts. She started working at Hogwarts at the same time as her brother, contributing to Snape’s reign of terror. Dumbledore was one of the greatest wizards of all time. "Professor Binns?" Not only that, but he was a father figure to Harry and a loyal friend to him, Hermione, and Ron. She eventually retired, leaving the DADA professor post vacant. The young Tom Riddle applied for the position and was refused, prompting him to curse the post so that none of the future Defence Against the Dark Arts Professors would last longer than a year. Q: What do I hate most of all? Check out the list to see the worst professors in Hogwarts history! He then left Hogwarts and went on to teach at the Wizarding Academy of Dramatical Arts and was replaced by Professor Sprout. Cuthbert Binns. Professor Binns had been very old indeed when he had fallen asleep in front of the staff room fire and got up next morning to teach, leaving his body behind him. Snape was the Half-Blood Prince, and he invented his own spells at a very young age. A: Rancorous Carpe / Appollyon Pringle Search the world's information, including webpages, images, videos and more. Kingsberg, who is an associate professor of reproductive biology at the Case Western Reserve School of Medicine says, "It's about your body signaling that it wants to be sexual. Firenze the centaur took over Divination classes after Umbridge fired Trelawney. Most of all, he sounded like himself. He’s an undeniably powerful, wise man, and a wizard who’s had… However, Snape bullied and tormented his students because of his own personal grudges, which makes him a great wizard but a pretty poor teacher. It's later revealed that Snape was frequently bullied and tormented by Harry's father James (whom Harry greatly resembles) and godfather Sirius Black, and that he was once a Death Eater but has returned to the light side for some unspecified reason. However, Hogwarts has an entire history of bad professors that predate Harry's time. She was a highly competent teacher and, according to Harry Potter Wikia, was “respected by her students because of her liking for fair-play and clean games.”. Among her best students was Neville Longbottom, who later went on to become a Herbology professor himself. Hagrid was a gentle soul who cared for his students and for his animals, which makes him a great teacher, albeit an unconventional one. “Professor Black was introduced at the Welcome Feast. Since none of the other professors agreed with Salazar's radical ideas, he created the Chamber of Secrets and leaves the school. Google has many special features to help you find exactly what you're looking for. Quirinus Quirrell. He had been the Hogwarts Head Master before Dumbledore took over. Or maybe, you just love to hate the bad guys like Professor Snape and Dolores Umbridge. He was the only non-wizard teacher at Hogwarts during Harry’s time but was allowed to return to his centaur colony after Voldemort was defeated. Things immediately go South. Warner Bros. She should've been terminated the moment she used torture as a form of disciplinary action. Lockhart is famous for writing numerous books that claim he has battled the world's more fearsome beasts. Filed under anti-semitism , editorial , hate crimes , new york city , nypd , 11/25/19 Covering the hottest movie and TV topics that fans want. Professor Sybill Trelawney was the Divination professor during Harry’s time at Hogwarts. The magical wizarding school of Hogwarts wouldn’t be the same without its cast of professors. Professor Aurora Sinistra taught Astrology at Hogwarts; she was a good friend of Professor Wilhelmina Grubbly-Plank and Professor Pomona Sprout. The practical, hands-on nature of most other classes makes History of Magic dull, indeed, in comparison. Choosing to take on the role as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor seems masochistic. She was a very competent teacher, and introduced her students to unicorns, among other things. Although Lockhart tries to put up an overly confident facade, the students at Hogwarts quickly learn that he's a fraud. She also fought in the Battle of Hogwarts. Myths are lame and so are you." Minerva was wise, always fair, and an unbelievably powerful witch, as well a kind—if strict—professor. She didn't even care about what Professor Binns was talking about. If a person didn't know any better, they'd think he's almost the exact same person as Voldemort. That is the only right thing to do," he said. Professor Binns, for the second time in two years, blinked owlishly as a student interrupted his monologue. Professor Galatea Merrythought was the Defence Against the Dark Arts teacher when Tom Marvolo Riddle was still a student. Lily: #BinBinns. This bearded silver fox in question is Armando Dippet. Answers: 1 . He was the Herbology teacher before Pomona Sprout, when Armando Dippet was Headmaster. This professor has an odd teaching history at Hogwarts. He was Headmaster of course, but also the Transfiguration Professor, as well as the Defence Against the Dark Arts Professor. Maybe it's unfair to say the kids at Hogwarts hate Binns. Alright, maybe that's a bit harsh. It would be much later, well after the living inhabitants had fed and went to sleep, that he figured out what he had seen on Harry's face. Amycus once spat in McGonagall's face, prompting Harry to use the Cruciatus curse on him, which gives you an idea of how sinister he was. Snape has a serious case of resting witch face. Alecto was the Muggle Studies teacher, but instead of teaching students about muggles, she taught them “how Muggles are like animals, stupid and dirty, and how they drive wizards into hiding by being vicious toward them, and how the natural order is being re-established.” She was, just like her brother, sent to Azkaban after Harry and his friends won. A: The Gargoyles on strike. In 2006, they became downloadable, part of the first wave of podcasts.