For every ability slotted you will receive experience in their respective skill lines/trees. Passive Abilities are secondary to skills in the beginning. Executioner is a passive ability that shows you why Impale (your Execute) is so important. Mundus Stones: A Mundus Stone will increase your stats by a lot. Mender is a Magicka Nightblade Healer PVE Build with insane Magicka Recovery, strong Spell Damage and high Magicka pool. The more skills, the faster the skill line levels, but that just as a side note. So, if you want to heal, you have to switch to your so called backbar, or second bar. Elemental Blockade 2. If you don’t understand something and it isn’t covered here you might find it in the general New Player Beginner Guide, otherwise join the Discord where you will find a helpful community! Now, every day you are able to, feed the horse at the stable master. Just kill a few enemies until you have reached Level 2 in the skill line. It is a rarer resource than a normal skill, but will not have such an incredible high impact on your gameplay that you would want to use it in only the rarest circumstances. Surprise Attack 2. Welcome to the Stamina Nightblade Beginner Guide for ESO. Mender Description. You also have to activate it from your mount collection under U (default). The first increases your Physical and Spell Penetration and makes you inflict more damage, whereas the second increases your Maximum Stamina so that you can use more abilities. Below is a curated list of the best Magicka Nightblade builds in 2018. They will help you level a new skill line called Mages Guild. Level 2 (Attributes & Skill) You want two One Handed weapons which you can both wield, as these are your main weapon, but you can use your class skills even without the ideal weapons. I haven’t covered Passive Abilities much yet, but that is because they are relatively unimportant in the beginning. You can read my Magicka DPS Beginner guideif you are new to Magicka Roles. Dungeon Finder: The Dungeon Finder (default key is P to open it) is a tool to help you find a group regardless of whether you ask around, or have a guild or friends to ask. Beginner Guide & Tips; Magicka Sorcerer Beginner Build; Stamina Nightblade Beginner Build; ESO Sets Menu Toggle. That is perfectly fine. If an enemy is at low health, some classes can utilize a skill to inflict a lot of damage upon the enemy. It is a rarer resource than a normal skill, but will not have such an incredible high impact on your gameplay that you would want to use it in only the rarest circumstances. ESO Daily Routine Guide. You can find more information on how to increase experience gain in the, Upon reaching level 3, you will also receive 2 additional skill points, 1 should go into, Veiled Strike (Shadow) into Surprise Attack. The CATALYST Nightblade build is a unique hybrid class build for The Elder Scrolls Online that combines the Nightblade’s Shadow and Blood Magic class abilities with powerful Dual Wield and Destruction Staff skills along with Heavy Armor! You can also ask in zone chat if someone has the time to quickly craft you both (type /z in the chat and hit enter to write in zone chat). This is an extensive guide on the nightblade class when used as assassin. This is used most effectively after you have used your skills and light attacks, instead of light attacking five times and then using the proc Assassin’s Will which damages the target. ... Liko's Magicka Nightblade DPS Build (94k+, Stonethorn) ESO University 25 September 2020. Stamina Nightblades are currently the strongest Stamina class ingame aside from the Necromancer, and offer a very challenging gameplay. I recommend to get this as early as possible, as you will notice the difference. Make sure to bookmark the link as I will keep updating the build for each new Update of ESO. Those that I chose here are the priority. Builds & Guides for the Elder Scrolls Online. Ignore Flurry now and concentrate on the next skill as soon as possible, namely Twin Slashes. The build puts emphasis on survivability and striking at the right moment. EASY Magicka Nightblade Solo PVE One Bar Build. I recommend either The Lover or The Mage. Keeping the weapon equipped will level the skill line, too. You will not need any Mages Guild skills with this guide, but if you, for whatever reason, want to change to a Magicka build later on, it will be more of a pain collecting lore books instead of collecting them while you level. You will have to specify a role, so you can either go as a damage dealer, or a healer, as long as you have the healing staff equipped to actually heal. I do recommend saving some money to buy the “Lava Foot Soup-and-Saltrice” food in a Guild store, or ask a guild member if they can craft/give you some (if you are in a guild already). Stamina Nightblades are currently the strongest Stamina class ingame aside from the Necromancer, and offer a very challenging gameplay. Swallow Soul 3. The Nightblade can be played as a damage dealer, a healer or a tank. They are nice to have while you are leveling, but you want to maintain a good balance between skills you are using, and passive abilities that help you with resource management, survival or damage. Now you probably see why it is important to have a skill on your bar, as you need to reach and fill Rank 4 of each skill in order to be able to morph it. It isn’t guaranteed that you will find someone that has the time or knowledge to craft you one, but that is at least an option. If you are already in a guild, ask a guild member of yours to craft you some training gear. Now, every day you are able to, feed the horse at the stable master. We have to cover some ground now, so read carefully. Death Stroke is a strong damage Ultimate, whereas Soul Shred helps you in group play, but isn’t meant to be prioritized over Death Stroke. |, Pet Sorcerer Heavy Attack Build [Summoner], Magicka Dragonknight Beginner Build 160CP, Stamina Dragonknight Beginner Build 160CP, 1 Bar Sorcerer Build Maelstrom & Vateshran, Full Antiquities List with Locations of Leads, Dwarven Ebon Wolf Mount Item Location List, Destruction Staff & Restoration Staff Skill Line, A more advanced tip on Buff Food and Training Gear, Location of The Lover & The Mage Mundus Stones, In the Fighters Guild, Mages Guild, Undaunted Video, Magicka Nightblade Healer Build “Illusion”. It means that you are canceling the animation of a light attack with a skill in order to be faster in your rotation and therefor put out more damage. You also have to activate it from your mount collection under U (default). Veiled Strike 4. Builds & Guides for the Elder Scrolls Online. Insert the next skill point as soon as you can and continue leveling the passives that you already unlocked. You might be tempted to put them into Magicka because your first skills will be Magicka based, but you will soon be able to change them into Stamina based abilities. You can always take other skills, of course, as long as you remember to put one of each skill line unto your bar. You want to acquire a skill in order to level that tree and the skill itself first. You don’t have to morph a skill, and in this guide we will not morph every skill either, simply because we only need the base skill in order to level the skill lines, but usually you morph a skill to get the more advanced version. (Grim Focus is the reason why we want to learn how to Light Attack between each skill from an early level on. They perform well in a group or a solo setting, depending on how you set up your build. Volley 2. It should be your next step to work on this setup after completing the Magicka Nightblade Beginner Guide. I will nonetheless list the ranks that you already unlocked for the sake of completeness. Dungeon Finder: The Dungeon Finder (default key is P to open it) is a tool to help you find a group regardless of whether you ask around, or have a guild or friends to ask. It isn’t guaranteed that you will find someone that has the time or knowledge to craft you one, but that is at least an option. As I said earlier, each skill equipped helps you level the skill line and when we get two weapon bars you want to equip Soul Shred to both support your group and to level the skill line. This way you will level the skill line quicker. Make sure to wear it, as it increases the experience you gain per enemy killed. They are spread all over the world and you can decide between 13 different Mundus Stones. This is your go-to Dual Wield skill and will even be used at later levels. This will make you consume a skill point. The first increases your Physical and Spell Penetration and makes you inflict more damage, whereas the second increases your Maximum Magicka so that you can use more spells. It is a good way to get a lot of experience points, but it is not guaranteed that you can get either first or second place with your group in order to complete the quest. If you have found a guild or friends that offer to help you out with gear, then you can ask them to craft you gear suggested in other guides, but it isn’t necessary and usually a waste of resources/money. The Build is using a combination of Restoration Staff and Nightblade Skills to heal effectively and keep your group alive.. A flexible Nightblade Healer Build for Dungeons and Trials. ... Nightblade . Also, don’t worry about a specific gear setup yet. Dragonknight Tank Build PvE for Elder Scrolls Online. Magicka Nightblade Solo & Group PVE Build by Hack The Minotaur The BLOOD MAGE Build is a STRONG Magicka Nightblade set up for both Solo and Group play in The Elder Scrolls Online. You can neglect the Mages Guild and Fighters Guild maximum rank if you just want to go with the Minimum setup for now. We have five skills now on the bar. Grand Healing 2. Don’t forget to equip it and kill an enemy with it either, as that will unlock the skill line. Death Stroke is a Single Target ability and best used against strong opponents (but works against smaller ones of course, too), whereas Soul Shread is a Multiple Target ability. If you have unlocked the Destruction skill line with your inferno (or ice or lightning) staff, put your fourth skill point into the first Weapon Destruction Staff skill, Force Shock and keep it on your action bar. Illusion Nightblade Healer. Morph Strife (Siphoning) into Swallow Soul. By now you should have learned that weapon swapping is one of the most essential game mechanics. Morph this into Merciless Resolve.). The Build is designed for players that prefer to play Solo, challenging themselves in any type of PVE content. By having and using both bars, you can also equip two different Ultimate Abilities. It is a bit more expensive, but will also grant you more stats. You can do it, but you don’t have to. You will receive buff food for the first time. You will also need a Bow for later use. Rending Slashes 3. She has a plethora of characters and enjoys all aspects of the game. In her live streams on, © 2020 by Alcast® | All rights reserved. The focus on this setup will be to get you ready for veteran dungeons with basic gear and to make sure that you have enough sustain and good survivability. The more skills, the faster the skill line levels, but that just as a side note. This Magicka Nightblade Beginner Guide is here to help you with understanding how the class works and getting used to playing with both bars which is essential for all classes, but especially for Nightblades. Frontbar (Destruction Staff) 1. Continue using the inferno staff, but keep the skill on the bar. It will increase your primary stats and is an essential part of the game as an always available buff. Here you can find all the Nightblade builds for the Elder Scrolls Online. Remember, you can still use your class skills, so you can inflict damage and heal at the same time. Try making a Light Attack and then a skill. The next big and last milestone gear wise will be Champion Points 160. With level 5 you should have found two One Handed weapons by now, or, if you didn’t find one, buy them from a Weaponsmith. Ultimate: Death Stroke, Backbar (Bow) 1. You will be able to see what I am talking about in the skill bar setup under Level 15. As soon as it becomes available, put a skill point into Volley and replace it for Snipe. This is the Solo Magicka Nightblade Build PvE for the Greymoor Chapter. If you want to level up as fast as possible, you would want gear that has the trait Training (or so called “training gear”). This increases either the speed, stamina or weight capacity. Impale 5. You can find more information on how to increase experience gain in the. Ultimate: Soul Shred. Also, don’t worry about a specific gear setup yet. Put 1 skill point into Grand Healing in the Restoration Staff skill line (Weapons). I recommend you to have your two One Handed weapons equipped on your first bar and your Bow on your second bar. You want an inferno staff early on, as that is your main weapon, but you can use your class skills even without the ideal weapon. Don’t worry about the animation cancelling yet. You will most likely not have reached Rank 50 in all skill lines upon reaching Level 50. Solo, Group and Beginner Builds & Guides. It might seem like a big step, but you will get Enlightenment for being logged out of the game, which will give you a bonus to the Experience Points that you earn. Nara has been playing The Elder Scrolls Online since Morrowing now, but also played during the Beta. Magicka Nightblade Beginner 160CP Build (Made for new players, after you finished the Beginner Guide) META Magicka Nightblade Group Build (Endgame META build) This build here is specifically designed for SOLO play. Guilds: There are three important guilds in the game, the Fighters Guild, Mages Guild and Undaunted. Don’t worry about the animation cancelling yet. The further you level up, the harder the content will become and you will want to specialize on being a damage dealer. By now you should have learned that weapon swapping is one of the most essential game mechanics. Which means it is imperative to have an ability for every skill line on your skill bar that you intend to level. There is no reason to rush any first. It is something that not many new players like, but it is incredibly important and an essential gameplay mechanic and I can’t stress this enough. Nara has been playing The Elder Scrolls Online since Morrowing now, but also played during the Beta. Morph Assassin’s Blade (Assassination) to Impale, Put a skill point into Wall of Elements and replace this skill with Force Shock, Morph Wall of Elements into Unstable Wall of Elements, Dungeon Finder that also includes Player versus Player (PvP), namely Battlegrounds (arena) and Cyrodiil (open world), 2 Racial skills, 1 Refreshing Shadows (Shadow tree passive), 1 skill point into Death Stroke (Assassination) and 1 skill point into Soul Shread (Siphoning), 1 skill point into Magicka Flood, passive ability of Siphoning (Class), 1 skill point into Catalyst under Siphoning (Class), Executioner under Assassination (Class), 1 into Racial ability and 1 into Evocation under Light Armor. Funnel Health 4. Using Shooting Star in groups of enemies will also allow is to damn there spa… It will help you regenerate Ultimate, increase your DPS, work with your skills and more. Don’t be afraid to use your Ultimate Ability, or wait for the right moment. … You might find that this is a good way to inflict damage, and it will help you in the long run (a lot!). You should now have the following skills on your first skill bar: Increase Health, Magicka and Magicka Recovery, 1 Restoration staff with training trait (will be used later). If your enemy dies quickly enough, you get a lot of resources back. These are the things you will receive and get access to: Your bar should look like something like this now: Horse: You will probably want to assign a hotkey to the horse. Funnel Health 4. If you would rather skip all the work and just get a huge list of perfect build templates for all roles and playstyles, you should get our Character Builds Guide where we walk you through step-by-step how to copy the best builds within minutes and you can become one of the top Nightblades in The Elder Scrolls Online. You want to morph your first skill now, which is going to be Veiled Strike into Surprise Attack (Shadow skill line). You can also find other Magicka Nightblade content on the website such as: Magicka Nightblades have a really amazing damage output, good healing and are fun … For now, the most important thing to learn about it is that you will have to learn to use a Light Attack in between each Skill. Magicka Nightblade Build PvE “Azure” (Updated for Wolfhunter DLC, Summerset Chapter) The more you play the game though, the more you want to look into helping you inflict more damage, survive longer or help you control your ressources. Don’t worry about the passive abilities yet. It is good at DPS, solo, Healer, and PvP. It is a good way to get a lot of experience points, but it is not guaranteed that you can get either first or second place with your group in order to complete the quest. Don’t worry about the passive abilities yet. In her live streams on, © 2020 by Alcast® | All rights reserved. Once you have enough Ultimate, you can use it, but don’t have to. Elemental Blockade 6. Ultimate Abilities require a special resource called Ultimate before they can be used and isn’t available immediately. Although active skills are important for its gameplay, this Thief Build relies mostly on passive skills from Legerdemain, Thieves Guild and Va… You might find that this is a good way to inflict damage, and it will help you in the long run (a lot!). You might also want to respec back to a pure Damage Dealer (DD) by now, using either the Minimal or Ideal Skill Setup, if you haven’t done it already. Veiled Strike 4. That way you can earn Champion Points at an accelerated pace. You will need that for this build. Rending Slashes 6. Welcome to the Magicka Nightblade Build PvE “Azure” for Elder Scrolls Online. Also replace Flurry with Twin Slashes on your weapon bar. A Stamina Nightblade beginner PVE Build for players with 160 Champion Points and above that can also be used for every Stamina Class. You can neglect the Fighters Guild ranks if you just want to go with the Minimum setup for now. The Magicka focused Nightblade excels in Soloing within The Elder Scrolls Online above it’s Stamina counterpart due to more easily accessible healing. Frontbar (One Handed) 1. That is normal and on the road to Champion Points 160 you have plenty of time to get them to max rank. Insane Damage potential plus Easy self-healing, sustain and survivability make for a great combination with this build! Magicka Nightblade Average damage - Above Average Healing and Utility.