The bacteria irritate the bladder wall, causing the constant urge to urinate. Bladder stones form when minerals in the urine form into solid objects. You will also be able to recognize cystitis by the unusual color of your dog's urine. Frequent attempts at urination can be a sign of many diseases that affect senior dogs. Increased urine production can cause inappropriate urination, or urinating in areas where he typically doesn't urinate (ex. in the house). Most UTIs in dogs are bladder infections (lower UTIs). It happens more easily when the pH of the urine is too high or too low. So your dog may not be able to "hold it" through the night or when you are at work during the day. The urinary tract consists of the urethra, the bladder, the ureters, and the kidneys. As a general rule, every 4-8 … Older dogs might also need to urinate more frequently than average as their bladders become weaker. If your dog makes frequent, painful attempts at urniation. This makes him dehydrated, so he has to drink huge amounts to try to stay hydrated. Bladder stones could be causing your pup to urinate frequently in small amounts. Large breed dogs may only go every 6-8 hours, while a smaller dog may need to pee more often. For example, while it doesn’t often occur in puppies, some older dogs suffer from Cushing’s Disease. When to call your vet Prostate Problems: If your male dog is urinating more frequently and is also straining to pee, he may have some kind of prostate problems, such as prostate enlargement (more common in older intact male dogs), or bacterial infection causing inflammation (usually the urine will be bloody). A common reason for a dog to suddenly begin urinating small amounts more often and having urinary accidents in the house is urinary tract infection, or UTI. Many older dogs need to be taken out to urinate a similar amount as to when they were a puppy. 7. Frequent painful urination can be a sign of a bladder infection. The increased urine results in a need to urinate more frequently and often with increased urgency. Pollakiuria means increased frequency of Although rare, brain or spinal tumors may impart pressure on the nerves between your pup’s brain and bladder, which can impair their ability to control their bladders. A dog with pyometra will often urinate and drink more than normal and blood-tinged pus may drain from the vulva. Similarly, a lot of medication for dogs, such as heart pills, will increase how often your dog needs to go. Animals with diabetes thus drink an enormous amount of water. Most dogs will need to urinate every 4 to 6 hours, though many dogs will go as long as 8 to 12 hours holding their urine while their owners go out to … Tumors. Pollakiuria is a fun word to pronounce (pol′ă-kē-yū′rē-ă), but it’s certainly not a fun symptom to deal with. So, all that glucose in the urine pulls a lot of water out into the urine with it, and suddenly the animal is urinating large quantities. Pyometras most frequently develop in middle aged or older females approximately one to two months after their heat cycle has ended. 3. The truth is, it varies.