The guppy (Poecilia reticulata), also known as millionfish and rainbow fish, is one of the world's most widely distributed tropical fish and one of the most popular freshwater aquarium fish species.It is a member of the family Poeciliidae and, like almost all American members of the family, is live-bearing. Most of the time, freshwater fish are tough, sturdy little critters that deserve our love and attention. Nothing can compare to the beauty of a thriving freshwater tank full of live plants and healthy, happy fish. Even though guppies are fairly clean, fry are very susceptible to pollution in the water, so to make sure they stay healthy it’s important to maintain good water conditions. Keeping this in mind, you can come up with an interesting tank full of different colours and species of fish. African Cichlids. A good schedule is usually flakes in the morning and then a live or freeze dried food or vegetable in the evening. Also, we don’t have a variety of tropical fish and no goldfish. 6 watching. You will also need to have a few tanks to accommodate breeding pairs as well as some small tanks for the fry. Also make sure the lighting and temperature match in all tanks, this way there is less stress and more chance of success. It’s important not to over feed your guppies as well. Your guppy should be fed only a couple of times a day, and only in very small amounts. The Causes, Symptoms & Cures. $18.00 shipping. Our family’s farm is indeed shipping Livestock & Plants proactively! Guppies are relatively small in size and stature. An interesting Saltwater Puffer Fish We think this is a Golden Puffer, which is also called a Guinea Fowl Puffer or Spotted Puffer with the scientific name Arothron meleagris. $60.00. Guppies stay small, usually under 2 or 2.5″ in length and will add interest and color to the small community aquarium. Guppies are freshwater fish but if acclimated, they can survive in saltwater. Through selective breeding, literally hundreds of unique color strains of guppies have been developed over the years. You should also think about supplementing with brine shrimp or bloodworms to make sure they are getting all of the nutrients they need and give them a better chance at growing into adults. It’s not something you think of normally but you can also offer your guppies vegetables. Free shipping. The flake food that we consistently use for all of our tanks is the one from Aqueon. Guppies will eat a variety of freeze dried foods, you might want to think about including things like; brine shrimp, bloodworms or daphnia. Guppies are often called the “million fish” because of their ability to breed so easily and quickly. Do not overfeed and do not overstock. Guppies are very hardy and because of their hardiness and tolerance to salt water, they have populated not only their natural range but also many brackish water rivers & streams. Guppies are a hardy, colorful, livebearing fish that will add excitement and brilliance to any community aquarium! If you are going to take the time to set up and maintain a planted tank, you want to be sure that the fish you keep in the tank won’t destroy all of your hard work. Live freshwater fish may be the perfect low maintenance option for beginner aquarists looking to test the waters of fish ownership. Your freshwater aquarium is an enclosed ecosystem that needs careful maintenance to ensure that the environment is healthy for the inhabitants. You can choose any adults with the features that you want to breed, such as colour, shape or size. Petco has the supplies and support you need to create your new freshwater aquarium. Let them clean your tank and forage like a normal animal. Guppies are one of the most common species of fish found in home freshwater tanks. I choose to ignore the sales person who told me a pleco would grow to be two feet long and at 12 inches had to re-home mine. $17.99. Guppies mature within 10-20 weeks and can live up to 2 years, in that time females can have many broods of fry. Once the female has conceived you will notice a small patch just above her fin, called the gravid spot, will be a little darker, this is where the eggs are kept. aka: Common Guppy, Fancy Guppy, Guppies, Millionfish, Mosquito fish, & Rainbow fish. Just make sure the water is warm and the tank is clean, and it will be smooth sailing. WHAT IS DROPSY AND HOW DO I TREAT IT? Arizona Aquatic Gardens By designed Invigilo LLC, Howdy Friends! They are highly adaptive and have been introduced to various regions around the world, usually with ill effects to the natural fish populations. They will be fully independent and you will be able to move them to their own tank or area right away. You can tell by their growth if they are getting the nutrients they need and if they are becoming healthy adult guppies. You might want to stay away from pellet style food as it can be too large for a guppies’ mouth. Do not give in to a kid whining about getting a fish unless you do your research. If you are serious about breeding it might be a good idea to keep the fry in a separate tank until they are older and have developed their immune system better. Keep the water at a comfortable temperature as you risk killing your guppies if the water temperature is too hot or too cold. We recommend you get the best possible food for your fish. I created this website to help fellow fishkeepers get accurate and helpful information at the click of a few buttons. Crossing any number of our varieties will produce a multitude of other color strains. However, a more professional breeding takes careful planning and resources. Though they do require some strict water parameters. You’ll also want to make sure that there is a least 2 inches of gravel on the bottom of the tank. Although the natural range of Poecilia reticulata is in northeast South America, they have been introduced into habitats around the world for various purposes but mostly for mosquito control. Guppies are tiny, active fish. On the other end of the spectrum is one of the most unusual and ancient fish species in existence today. With a gradual acclimation, these fish may be maintained in either a freshwater aquarium or a saltwater aquarium. For example 3 males and 5 or 6 females can often live together in an aquarium, but one male and one female or a few males will not get along well together in the same aquarium. If you’re a brand new aquarium owner, be sure to regularly care for your fish and learn their personalities. Guppies are freshwater tropical fish native to South America and are from the Poeciliidae family.. Poecilia wingei (also known as an Endler Guppy) is also part of the Poeciliidae family and is closely related to the common Guppy (Poecilia reticulata).It is the Poecilia reticulatathat we’ll be discussing in this article.. Male wagtails, while they can be sexually aggressive, are rarely aggressive toward other males; in general, they are compatible with a variety of tankmates. Also, most Platies will grow up to 3 inches long, so they’re not very big. It’s a good idea, therefore, to remove any leftovers once feeding is over. You will want to make sure your guppies have a lot of hiding places, so make sure you decorate the aquarium with lots of plants and ornaments. Once the fry are born you want to provide them with plenty of places to hide and plenty of foliage. Size: 1.5 inches; Difficulty: Intermediate-Expert; Minimum Tank Size: 10 gallons; 5. First, scrape any algae from the sides of your tank. Freshwater is much easier to maintain. Coral,fish,saltwater,aquarium,reef,pond,LPS,SPS,Softies,zoas,mushroom,kessel,radion,Dartmouth,freshwater,livestock,aquatic plants,halifax, fishstore, 5 Neon Tetra. These Tetra Bloodworms are awesome and cheap! Or try a bottom dweller, guppies stay in the middle and top so adding these will not only keep your tank clean like the shrimp but will stay out of the way of your guppies, keeping the whole tank happy. They are a hardy fish that adapt well to most environments. Guppies Live Best in a group with at least 3 males and about twice as many females. Guppies are native to Antigua & Barbuda, Barbados, Brazil, Guyana, Jamaica, the Netherlands Antilles, Trinidad & Tobago, The U.S. Virgin Islands & Venezuela. Once they have reached the age of between 6-8 weeks they should have no problems being introduced in to the main tank with the rest of the population. It can live up to 5 years, if you do everything by the book. Offspring of guppies are called fry and are live-born and self-sufficient right away. I suppose any variable could explain your situation but I’m no … When designing the tank it’s really important to think about what you want your tank to look like and what kind of fish you want to occupy it. Also make sure that your tank is healthy, the fry are sensitive and it isn’t likely they will survive any kind of disease. These “Fancy Guppies” are bred to exhibit a plethora of colors, unique body color patterns, different shapes, body markings and sizes of caudal fins. There is also the option of including different species into the tank, such as shrimp, they will also keep the tank swept for you between cleaning’s so they are a great addition. The Guppy (Poecilia reticulata) are a highly adaptable species that can survive and thrive in environments that many other tropical fish species would be unable to tolerate. However if you would like to have more control, you can take things to a breeding tank. Males can have brightly coloured spots or stripes as well as other markings as a result of selective breeding, while females are usually grey in colour.