Compare Odysseus’ emotions with those of Telemachus at their reunion. Odysseus leaves his home tot fight the war in Troy. While Odysseus is gone to war, he experiences hospitality in some places more than others. Athena appears in the main hall in the form of Mentor, though Odysseus knows it is she. Throwing off his rags, resourceful Odysseus sprang to the wide threshold with the bow and the full quiver, poured the arrows out at his feet, and addressed the Suitors: ‘Here is a clear end to the contest.Now I’ll see if I can hit another target no man has as yet, and may Apollo grant my prayer!’. Prince Telemachus, Odysseus’s son, wants desperately to throw them out but does not have the confidence or experience to fight them. There is perhaps nothing in the Odyssey which has sustained such varied criticism as the recognition scenes between Penelope and Odysseus. Why does Telemachus think Odysseus is a god at first? Eventually one man said that he would rather be killed quickly by a god than starve to death slowly. The first person that Odysseus kills is Antinous. They sail out to wait in a cove. Odysseus gives them the chance to run away, but they choose to fight – led by Eurymachus. When Odysseus returns to Ithaca, he has to be in disguise. The Suitors of Penelope even plotted to kill Telemachus, the son of Penelope and Odysseus, perceiving him to be a threat to them and their plans. Helios punished Odysseus' crew because they killed some of the cattle. Which god has a special interest in Odysseus? The Odyssey tells the journey of Odysseus, a hero in Greek mythology. In Homer’s Odyssey Odysseus should have killed the suitors because they had overrun his palace, sleeping with the maids, and demanded Penelope to marry one of them. Here is the chronological order of Odysseus’ journey home: 1. Then, with the help of Telemachus, Athena, and others, he attacks and kills the suitors who have presumed to take over his household. In Book XXII, Odysseus, who had previously posed as a beggar, reveals his true self by using his bow, which only he is strong enough to use, to kill Antinous. Odysseus decapitates him with one swipe, the head softly bouncing in the dust. Odysseus is an Ancient Greek hero involved in the Trojan War. Unknown to the suitors, Odysseus is still alive. The Odyssey Graphic Novel Quiz Books 1-5 1. a. Hermes b. Hera c. Athena d. Zeus 2. 9-12 Apologoi (Odysseus reveals his identity and tells the Phaeacians of his travels). 1-4 Telemachia (Odysseus’ son’s adventures begin: Ithaca, Pylos, Sparta). Penelope also hears about it for the first time and is distraught. He has enemies at his home that will recognize him. The suitors, horrified, plead for mercy, blame Antinous for their wrongdoings, and offer to repay all they have stolen. and the four of them throw spears back, killing one suitor each. A) his first meal with his wife B) the servants in the kitchen C) his hunger D) his attack on the suitors 16. Odysseus made himself known to him, and with him deliberated upon the plan of revenge. On the day of the contest, none of the suitors can string the bow, but Odysseus does and sends an arrow flying through all twelve axe heads. We see that Telemachus runs ‘straight to the porch’ after he sees that he’s left someone there unregarded. It was 20 years since Odysseus had left his palace, but still his wife Penelope had some hope he would return, though most believed him dead. View The Odyssey from AA 1Book 22 Questions 1. Immediately Odysseus reveals himself and kills Antinous with an arrow. Odysseus easily strings the weapon and fires an arrow straight through the axes; then he and Telemachus stand together to face the suitors. He reveals himself to be the long-absent king of Ithaca. Odysseus puts her up to it to see if she is truly loyal. Odysseus / oʊ ˈ d ɪ s iː ə s / (Greek: Ὀδυσσεύς, Ὀδυσεύς, Ὀdysseús), also known by the Latin variant Ulysses (US: / juː ˈ l ɪ s iː z /, UK: / ˈ juː l ɪ s iː z /; Latin: Ulyssēs, Ulixēs), is a legendary Greek king of Ithaca and the hero of Homer's epic poem the Odyssey.Odysseus also plays a key role in Homer's Iliad and other works in that same epic cycle. When Penelope heard the massacre, she run to the court. The suitors threaten to kill Mentor if he joins the fight, but Athena, while on Odysseus' side, does not immediately join in the action; she wants Odysseus and Telemachus to prove their worth first. The epic by book numbers:. After Odysseus kills Antinous, Eurymachus tries to make a deal with him. Revealing his true identity, Odysseus began massacring the suitors and, aided by Telemachus and the swineherd Eumaeus, they had soon cleared the court of all 108 of them. They all know the power and fame she would bring to any of them, having been Odysseus' wife. He came up with the idea fort eh Trojan horse which allowed the Greeks to win the war 2. She questions Eurycleia who dissuades Penelope from notifying old Laertes about his grandson's departure. This is also to stop anyone who has Now It's My Turn: In the final confrontation between Odysseus and the suitors, a group of the suitors, led by Agelaus, throw volleys of spears at Odysseus and his three allies. What type of contest does Telemachus and Penelope set up for the suitors? Before the suitors realize what is happening, Odysseus shoots a second arrow through the throat of Antinous. The Killing of the Suitors--The Maids Who Have Misconducted Themselves are Made to Cleanse the Cloisters and are then Hanged. Summary: Book 22. Odysseus is overcome with tears of joy in seeing his son, but Telemachus is afraid because he thinks he is a god or the gods are trying to trick him We are not told exactly why Odysseus kills him first. One of the suitors, Antinous, plans to assassinate the young prince, eliminating the only opposition to their dominion over the palace. They have wasted a lot of his wealth, by living at his expense during his absence. Odysseus dispenses justice harshly but not without mercy. Penelope's choice of contest — one that only Odysseus could win — supports the suspicion that she is aware of the beggar/Odysseus's real identity. View Test.pdf from CHEMISTRY 112 at University of Miami. She knows that no one can string Odysseus's bow or shoot the arrow as precisely as he can. The king kicks the table and scatters the food on the floor, and the food mingles with Antinous's blood. He ‘relieves her at once of her long bronze spear’ and tells her to ‘have supper first’. In Book 1, Xenia is first demonstrated when Telemachus greets Athena (as Mentes, an old friend of Odysseus). Who does Odysseus kill in the Odyssey? Eurymachus tries to convince him that Antinous is to blame for everything and that the other suitors shouldn’t be killed. They are one of the most effective ways of storing energy of the human muscle. This is the first the suitors know that Telemachus is gone. Antinous was holding them hostage. The suitors' entire first salvo misses cleanly; Odysseus, spurred by this, basically says, "Our turn, boys!" The oldest bow in one piece dates back to 800 BC, the same era that scholars believe Homer’s Odyssey was written. answer choices . They take the blame for what they have done and are sorry. answer choices ... Why does Eurymachus feel that Odysseus should spare the rest of the suitors after killing Antinous? She things it will start a brawl and they will kill each other. More importantly, by taking advantage of his absence, the suitors have insulted Odysseus and damaged his reputation. The suitor Agelaos leads the plan: attack Odysseus alone. Odysseus shoots Antinous through the throat just as the suitor is about to take a sip of wine. Leodes is the first man up to attempt the challenge but is described to have ‘slack, soft, uncallused hands’ which shows he has no experience in battle. Odysseus wants revenge on the suitors. One major relationship that resembles love and trust in the odyssey is between Odysseus & Penelope, as well as with his son, Telemachus. The suitors were killed and the maid-servants, who had made themselves the pleasure slaves of the suitors, were all hung. Presumably, it is because he is one of the two leaders of the suitors and Odysseus wants him out of the way. Leodes pleads that he was only the suitors' priest, but Odysseus knows that he was the first to try to string the bow and win Penelope. The suitors plan to ambush and murder Telemachus on his return. This foreshadows Odysseus return and slaughter of the suitors as Odysseus is a great warrior and will slaughter him and won’t take his weakness into account making his hands less ‘soft’. First of Many to Fall: Antinous is one of the many suitors seeking Penelope's hand in marriage. The suitors are … Why does Odysseus kill Antinous first? 5-8 Nostos (“Return” from Calypso’s island and time on Scheria). Odysseus’s palace has been overran by the suitors. Many suitors had come to woo "the widow". In the Odyssey, Odysseus exemplifies the true meaning of being a leader through courage in the face of danger, which is shown by Circe, the Sirens, and the suitors.One might wonder why it takes Odysseus ten years to return to his homeland after he has achieved victory for Ithaca in the Trojan War. Bk XXII:1-67 The death of Antinous . Odysseus conquered the suitors in multiple ways:ManlinessOdysseus conquered the suitors through display of physical prowess first. He then kills Eurymachus with an arrow to his liver, before killing many other suitors. Odysseus' crew was getting very hungry because they got trapped on Thrinacia by winds blowing the wrong way. Analysis. Which god is Then Ulysses tore off his rags, and sprang on to … Of the suitors, Odysseus first kill Antinous with an arrow to the throat. Needless to say, Odysseus easily strings it and sends the first arrow he grabs whistling through all twelve axes. Two main themes are Love/Trust & Hospitality. At first Telemachus thought Odysseus was an old beggar and then he thinks Odysseus is a god. He wanted to kill him to make a statement to all the followers of Antinous.