6. A good way to help is to rotate the toys your dog has available to them for playtime. It’s a well-known fact that dogs feed off of our emotions. Through positive reinforcement, your dog will be able to better understand what is expected of them and stay motivated to learn. They are very hard to reach and are a subject to a lot of annoying health problems. 21 Ways to Make Your Dog Happy. Learn to talk and communicate with your dog. Dogs love to play. Treats, affection and encouraging words are some of the best techniques. One needs to learn some ways in which they can use to make their dogs happy. Some dogs are afraid of cars, but most love to travel. Not sure how to get started? Dogs and humans are very alike, but we are not the same – a lot of times we give our dogs mixed signals or wrong impressions, while we ourselves think we’re being perfectly logical. While games are a great way to stimulate cognition and keep a dog happy, basic exercise is also incredibly important. One easy way to make your dog happy is to invite them along for a social gathering. By understanding their needs, we can make them feel understood and keep them happy. Let Your Pup Win a Wrestle Once in a While, Dog Facial Expressions and Body Language Explained by Science, 8 Signs Your Dog Is Experiencing Joint Pain, How to Fix Your Dog’s Noise Phobia and Loud Noise Anxiety, 30 Best Animal Shelters That Make America Proud, 25 Most Difficult Tricks and Commands to Train Dogs. Bathe the Dog Regularly (But Not Too Often), 13. Some people prefer little lapdogs and others enjoy the company of a large slobbering powerhouse. READ NEXT: Dog Facial Expressions and Body Language Explained by Science. Little Things You Can Do to Make Your Dog Happy. Have you ever given your dog a bath only for them to run out immediately and roll in some filth? 5 Benefits of Elevated Food Bowls for Dogs: Myths or Facts? Some owners teach their dogs to carry their own treats in a bag on their back when they go out – dogs just love to do things. With rodents, try getting wheels to encourage exercise or put them in exercise balls to run around the house. Visible results: healthy skin, shiny coat, good digestion, and lots of energy are indicators of high-quality food. Ask your vet the best types of prevention methods for your dog breed. If you only read these two tips, then this short article on how to make your old dog happy and comfortable will have served its purpose. Most dogs get very excited at the sight of a new treat, even if the old one is still their favorite. Cleaning their ears is also important. This may not be something that will actually make your dog happy in the moment, but certain in a long-run. A happy home, a comfortable place to sleep, a balanced diet and love and affection from their friends are some of the essentials. Just like with people, there are a certain set of skills and a certain... Muscles are a sign of health and vitality, even for dogs. Animal shelters are the unsung heroes of a modern society. Make them feel like a king. Are you worried your dog is looking a little down? How to Make Your Dog Happy? The type of games you play with your dog should also be considered. It is not a good idea to keep your dog in a kennel throughout the day. Training obedience may be a bit tiresome for you, but if you do it right it will be a joy for your dog. Daily Grooming. Dogs will have this with their human family as well. Intelligent dogs which are not sufficiently engaged can develop behavioral problems because they are understimulated. If she wants to rest and take a short nap, you’ve found the … Physical activity helps the dog to release energy and helps them channel the wild nature which is part of their recent ancestry. This might be your year to try out skijoring, snowshoeing or running—invigorating and beneficial for both you and a dog’s wellbeing. Dogs love to sniff things. That’s not some mystic, “energy” mumbo-jumbo either – dogs simply use our emotions as hints as to what’s going on around us. However, remember that dogs also have their own taste palette, so even when buying top rated dog foods that are considered healthy, ensure your pup takes to this new recipe. Find out what your dog absolutely loves doing and make it into a job for them. Bring your dog to the vet to make sure she isn’t sick or injured. Dogs do love eating table scraps – they are not just regular treats, but treats that we eat as well, something that we eat together with the dog. Science on Pros and Cons of Neutering or Spaying Your Dog, Addison’s Disease in Dogs: The Guide for Pet Owners, 10 Key Differences Between Wolves and Dogs, Swimmer Puppy Syndrome: How to Help Your Dog, TOP #123: Ridesharing for Dogs and Their Owners, TOP #120: How to Pick Mentally Stimulating Toys for Dogs, TOP #119: How to Restrain Dogs in Cars to Keep Them Safe, Recipe: Chicken and Rice Dog Food for Upset Stomach, Recipe: Homemade Dog Food for Renal Disease, How Much Homemade Dog Food to Feed Your Dog, Recipe: Grain-Free Pumpkin Coconut Dog Treats, Recipe: Beef and Vegetable Meal for Diabetic Dogs, Dog Won’t Open His Eyes? This is why AnimalWised brings you these 10 essential tips to make your dog happy. Watch Queue Queue. Clip Your Dog’s Nails (Properly and Safely), 25. Maintain hygiene, and protect your dog from fleas, worms, and other insects to prevent any diseases or ill-health. While it may seem obvious that having fun with our dog is something which will keep them happy, it is something too many of us overlook. It is easy to make your dog happy and it all begins with you treating him like a family member. Who doesn’t love a delicious popsicle? Taking a weekend to go out of town with your dog can be a great fun for the both of you! Happy dogs enjoy playtime and walks, says Barrack. One of the first thoughts that new dog owners have is, how do I make my dog happy? Anyone who sees a dog jump around excitedly just from picking up a leash will know how much enjoyment they can feel. Make sure that your dog always has access to shade, to fresh air and to cold water. 2. Believe it or not, humans are not the only ones with self-esteem issues. They will feel left out and may even fear for their security. Or do you just want to do everything you can to make your dog the happiest in the world? If we think this may be happening to our dog, we need to take them for a checkup. You know what’s not fun? It is particularly important for dogs which spend a lot of their day indoors or on their own. Learn how to train your dog https://tr.im/tp2Ok. This can be counter-intuitive for some, but if a dog’s claws get too long they can cause some serious problems and uncomfortable issues in your dog’s paws. 4. Well, maybe not a paying job per say, but get him some mental challenges every once in a while – a puzzle toy with treats in it, or maybe teach it to fetch you your keys whenever you’re going out. Check out our video guide on how to bathe your dog for detailed instructions. It's not just affection, however, which makes them happy. As we state above, dogs generally do not need much to be happy. Giving your dog a bath, playing with it, and showering it with attention will go a long way in fostering a bond between you and your dog. Physical exercise keeps their body healthy and helps to prevent diseases which will impede their happiness. Daily walks rarely last more than 30 minutes and do not allow your dog to spend enough energy. However, they also love to win every once in a while! However, we don't actually enjoy spending time with them and we don't engage in a positive way. In fact, throughout the centuries, many breeders... Every dog has its own unique markings, traits, and personality, beauty is often appreciated when it comes to having a furry companion. However, 99% of the table scraps people feed to their dogs are exceptionally unhealthy and often dangerous – don’t risk it. It is our responsibility, but, fortunately, it can also be our pleasure. While games are a great way to stimulate cognition and keep a dog happy, basic exercise is also incredibly important. While all dogs are individuals, they are generally affectionate and loving creatures which find happiness living with their human guardians. Are you planning to make some changes to make your dog happy? And dogs can enjoy new collars every once in a while just like we enjoy new clothes. They love to be with you in the car, to watch outside the window, to feel the wind, as well as to go to new, fun places. It just makes them feel loved and wanted – the primary demand for every dog on the planet. Important for you, important for your family, and, most of all, important for your dog! One of the great parts is that you don’t have to spend any money to do it. Medical problems such as obesity or kidney failure will need specific diets. Dogs are also curious creatures. As caretakers of a dog's needs, it is important we do what we can to ensure their happiness. Ensure not to be too harsh on them. Plenty of fresh water is also vital in keeping them hydrated and healthy. Make sure your dog gets a chance to stretch his legs, run off some energy, and mix and mingle with the world a minimum of two times a day. In general, if we give them affection, attention, somewhere comfortable to rest, quality food, sufficient exercise and plenty of opportunity to relieve themselves, dogs can be some of the happiest animals in the world. If you're not sure how to give your dog a bath at home, don't worry – it's easy! Give him a bath. Often time dogs even bark back, not to say anything in particular, but to take part in the “conversation” – they are a social bunch indeed. Not only are dogs generally happy beings, but they return the love they receive tenfold. Some where the family convenes and others tucked away should he want some quiet time. Go for a Walk. You wouldn’t be happy drinking from such water, would you? Yes, we’re aware that dogs don’t understand our languages, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t like to hear us talk. As with treats, new toys are also a great tool to use when learning how to make your dog happy. Although this may sound counter-intuitive, a dog which is given free reign and allowed to do what they want will not be happy in a human household. A veterinary checkup will provide a general physical examination, but will also provide an opportunity to check their vaccination and deworming schedules to see if they need updated. Showing love to your dog with pets and caresses will not only provide them with happiness, but it will strengthen your bond and keep you close. Instagram. As a dedicated dog parent, the steps I take to make improvements in my life often involve my pup. Bring his toys and remove his leash. They also love it when they get to utilize their sense of smell. Dogs are being invited into our world, so it is up to us to ensure they are shown the ropes. If you want to learn how to make your dog happy, be sure he gets nice, eventful and enjoyable walks every day. What dogs do have, however, is the desire to chew things and to, sometimes, destroy them. As dedicated dog parents, we want our pup to live a long, happy, healthy life. Every dog breed is different. Taking your dog to the vet every 6 to 12 months may provide a couple of hours of discomfort. In this special presentation you'll discover exactly why it's so important to start training your dog the right way. All rights reserved. Dog Won’t Open His Eyes? What they will be pleased about is having their illnesses caught in time for a good prognosis, their immune system protected against infection and anything worrying being troubleshooted. Add these daily activities to your routine to make and keep your dog happy. If you’ve got the time, arrange for doggy play dates and let him enjoy the company of his own kind. If you are a dog owner, then here are a few tips and tricks to you can to take to make sure your dog is happy and stays safe. You will just need some patience, time and love. It is necessary to take long walks (at least one or two times each week) for the well-being of your dog. Collars are one of the top safety items in a dog owner’s inventory, but from a dog’s pov, they are a fun accessory that they go on walks with. Any time you bathe your dog, clip their claws, brush their fur or perform any necessary element of their hygiene routine, remember to make it a positive and pleasant experience for them. And while we’re not suggesting that you lick your dog back, it’s important to show your dog that you’ve missed it too – pet it, snuggle it, talk to it. Dogs love wrestling with you – it’s a favorite play for most of them. If we are anxious, the dog is looking for the reason for our anxiousness, if we’re sad, the dog gets sad because it knows there must be a reason for our sadness. The same way we feel much better when something is going according to plan, so do dogs – they're creatures of routine. It is how they see us. OK, so many dogs may not be very happy when they are actually at the vet. Training your dog to do some tricks, especially with nice treats and verbal and physical praise, is a ton of fun. This education should also focus on establishing meal routines, walks, games, places not to go and anything which required them to adapt to the home's routine. A beloved dog will feel safe, but at the same time will know the rules and follow them. Symptoms of Labor, How to Control a Male Dog Around a Female in Heat, When to Give a Puppy a Bath for the First Time, Possums as Pets: General Guidelines and Tips, Tips to Prevent your Dog from Getting Dizzy in the Car, Teaching a Child to Care for a Pet: Guidelines and Tips, 10 Hypoallergenic Cat Breeds for Allergic Families. Write CSS OR LESS and hit save. This is why a quality diet which meets their nutritional needs is imperative in making any dog happy. Dogs love to dance. Depending on your dog's breed, bathing him twice or thrice a month is an ideal time interval to make your dog befriend water. However, one of the most important is simply to love them and love them well. If you want to read similar articles to 10 Essential Tips to Make Your Dog Happy, we recommend you visit our Basic care category. Daily Grooming. Here's what we can do to keep them happy and healthy. 1 – High-quality food! Choose high-quality food with natural ingredients. Dogs don’t have the same sense of property as us. Add these daily activities to your routine to make and keep your dog happy. Although it is possible to have a dog and keep your dog happy when you work full-time, it can be difficult to balance hours at the office with time at home. Laying with their heads in your lap and napping while you work on your computer and occasionally having you stroke their heads – this is a key part of what a dog would consider happiness. 1. To love your dog and live happily together, you need to build a strong bond with him and act in his best interest. Here are 5 easy ways to increase your dog’s quality and happiness of life. With this article we are going to look at the ways that you can use to make your dog happy. Dogs need to feel close to you when they are asleep. #1 BE AWARE Watch out for overall changes in your dog’s behavior, eating, sleeping, exercise level and mood. The key to your dog’s happiness is spending time with them and providing them a healthy lifestyle. By learning a dog's methods of communication, we can know what it is they are trying to say to us. It sounds like a no-brainer. CTRL + SPACE for auto-complete. Buy him a baby pool. This can lead to behavioral problems and even depression. Even if you don't go for long neighborhood walks, just spending time walking around outside is important. If you’re afraid that the dog may get out of the house, put protectors on the windows, but leave your pup enough of a connection to the outside world throughout the day or it will get anxious and bored. 5. It will also helo prevent disease as it gives us a chance to monitor for external parasites. When you own a canine that has muscles rippling like the water, for... © 2020 TopDogTips.com. If you're looking to learn how to make your dog happy, you also need to make sure that he's never in this situation. Give Your Dog a Not So Simple Job. 5 Ways To Keep Your Dog Happy And Healthy. And as the smarter of the two species, it’s up to use the communication between us and our dogs to be as clear as possible. Quality Food. A dog is an animal. This doesn't mean what they are eating is good for their health. Mites and infections can affect the ear canal and lead to serious problems. In nature, dogs wear their claws out, but in a house they often need to be clipped. Here you’ll find 10 easy ways to make your dog happier. If you want more detailed info then head over to PetPlan’s handy SummerSafetyHub which is full of useful to keep your dog happy and healthy. Here’s What This Means (and what to do), My Dog Has a Bump on Her Private Area (14 Possible Causes), 7 Most Common Dog Paw Problems and What to Do About Them, 5 Signs of Dog Anal Glands Problems (And What to Do), 10 Vet Recommended Dog Food Brands That Are Inexpensive (2021). We play it at least once a day and never did we miss even once. 10. Tackle a new skill with your dog. Make sure the wheels and balls are safe for your rodent, though. Dogs are much more sensitive to higher temperatures than most people realize. It's important for puppies to get lots of run-around time when they're developing. Treat them whenever they do as you ask them to. Have a dance party We always want to make sure our dogs are as happy and healthy as they could be, but we sometimes get stuck thinking we’re doing everything we can do. Just as we enjoy playing with things and learning new tricks to show off with in front of our friends, so do dogs. Consider his feelings and be willing to invest in his happiness. And while we’re on the subject of cleanliness – dog ears are another body part that needs frequent attention. From daily walks to agility training, certain exercises simply get the job done while others are exciting challenges for your dog.When it comes to physical activity and your pet, the first thing to note is that even the simplest activities like walks go a long way. Playing with your dog will also help enhance family interaction and stimulate them physically and mentally. One of the best ways you can learn how to make your dog happy is to play mentally stimulating games with him. In-Home obedience training classes for you and your dog is my specialty. Don't Ignore Verbal and Physical Praise, 8. Dogs love to put their head out the window and take in all the scenery and smells. 1 – High-quality food! With Make Your Dog Happy you will get customized, one-on-one obedience/behavior training designed for … You need to plan long walks in the forest or in the fields. The result will be behavioral problems which will lead to your own stress and anxiety. Retrievers tend to love fetching and Border Collies usually excel in agility. That’s because it loves you. Their reasoning is that they’ve tried several dog treats before, and the dog loved one of them the most. Some dogs don’t love taking baths, but that’s usually due to incorrect introductions to bathing. Here are some tips on making your dog a little extra happy today. Getting lost and never seeing your home and family again. Keeping him locked inside the house all day long will definitely make him bored. Purchasing a dog is... Not just any dog is cut out for farm life. 7) Make sure he has several comfy places to relax. Make brushing your dog’s teeth with a dog toothpaste a routine part of your day. Teaching your dog to hide properly can be challenging, but it can be done. This video is unavailable. We can often think of our companion animals as little more than a responsibility. No, we don’t mean you should bark (at least not when other people are around), but you should try to understand how your dog thinks. Give a Regular Visit to Your Veterinarian. Regular brushing not only makes your pooch look good, it also helps prevent skin allergies and improve the bond between you and your dog. Especially cold-weather dogs, like huskies, often get tortured when bought or adopted by people that live in warm climates. A happy dog is a healthy dog. Dog’s don’t enjoy cleaning themselves nearly as much as cats, so it’d be great if you take care of that when learning how to make your dog happy. Watch Queue Queue This will be the best foundation to building any dog's happiness. Twitter. Visible results: healthy skin, shiny coat, good digestion, and lots of energy are indicators of high-quality food. But giving your dog a new toy every once in a while is great as well. One crucial thing that dog parents often forget: Dogs need the ability to make choices for themselves. As all intelligent animals, dogs love games and mental tasks. We've got a video guide for this one too! Next time you’re out of the house for a while, just hide several treats in some strategic places and see how many your dog has managed to find when you come home. Playing Tug of War Laika’s favorite game is the tug of war. They do, to an extent, but not as much as we do. 1) Go for a ride in the car together. Brushing your dog’s teeth may be tiresome and boring, but having teeth problems later down the line is much more of a problem than brushing is. Remember, a healthy dog is the happiest. Physical activity helps the dog to release energy and helps them channel the wild nature which is part of their recent ancestry. One crucial thing that dog parents often forget: Dogs need the ability to make choices for themselves. Only right, healthy and nourishing food can make your dog happy! Then socialize him from the earliest possible age, otherwise he may become fearful and aggressive toward strangers – animals and people alike. October 23, 2019 ; Facebook. This is why hygiene is such a priority in keeping our dog happy. Play is important to keep your dog happy and healthy. But just meeting those basic needs isn't enough to make your dog happy. Whether it’s daily walks or regular playtime, your dog should remain active. Rotate Dog Toys. However, the protection they receive against general dangers will mean they will live a longer and happier life. Seeing our dogs as the family members we love and appreciate is important for their happiness. A no-brainer for some, but still something that needs to be said for others – a fixed dog lives a much longer, healthier and happier life than it otherwise would. Educating your dog is essential for harmonious coexistence in the home. You may even say they live to play. There are always new ways to spice up your dog’s life and some owners might not even be covering the basics. Again, the amount of sociability a dog will display depends on various factors. Next time you’re going out to visit with your family or friends let your dog tag along. Click to attach a photo related to your comment, Diet is important for your dog's happiness, Exercise is essential to a dog's happiness, learning a dog's methods of communication, How to Get a Dog to Sleep - Tips and Home Remedies, Third Eyelid Showing in Cats - Causes and Treatment, Curly Haired Dog Breeds - List and Description, Is my Dog about to Give Birth? Check out this peanut butter dog treat or these chewy banana treats you can make for your dog. So why not let them? After all that wading in the stinky pond down the street, give him a nice bubble bath with specially formulated puppy shampoo. 2) Treat your best friend for fleas. Doing so will make your dog happy and help them to love you even more. When your dog calls out for something or wants to express their desires, but is ignored, they will be confused. But, what’s even more important is that a clean dog is much happier than a dirty one. Take him on long walks. Baths are not the only way to get wet – most dogs love to swim, and if you have sprinklers in your yard – turn them on and get ready for a laugh. Just like you or I, a problem in the ear can be incredibly frustrating for dogs. Depriving your dog of that for the sake of “getting to walk more before we go back” is not a good thing to do when learning how to make your dog happy. Keep giving them the old ones as well if they prefer it, but also add a little diversity – they’d be grateful. Dogs derive happiness from positive interactions with others. And while we can’t always be happy and calm, it’s best to keep the heaviest emotional break-downs away from your pup if it is to have a calm and happy life. Plenty of Exercise. It’s easy to forget your dog’s bowl of water in your rush to get ready for work or school. We’re going to discuss a few things you can do that are sure to not only make your dog happy, but any other dogs you meet too. If you’ve taught your dog that you’re the alpha it won’t get any ideas and it will just be happy to have won for once. Clean Your Dog’s Ears Well (But Carefully), 26. Find jobs for your dog that fulfill their breed tendencies. Some dogs might look happy eating almost anything, whether or not we can consider it ‘food’. Dogs are bred for specific purposes. If you take the right steps, you can remain responsible while maintaining a friendly relationship with your dog. However, there may be some aspects of their basic needs we haven't considered. Cook for your dog. If she runs up to you with her favorite ball and wants to play fetch, well maybe you should throw the ball until she uses up some more energy. They are much better suited in a home which provides structure – as they know exactly when their play time, treats or any other “perks” are arriving and can look forward accordingly.