Sorry, you must have mistaken me for someone else. A compliment gives us that. If you're on a date with someone, they may give you a flirty compliment as a way to show you that they're interested in you and feel attracted to you. Cheeky Kid is a cybernaut who spends a lot of time browsing the web, grasping infinite information, and reveling in entertainment and fun. Annemarie. Funny and Clever Responses to Compliments. 14. Say something like: “I really appreciate a guy who’s willing to call instead of text.” Give me a pen and I’ll give you my autograph. If they persist, tell them in a very strong way to leave you alone. Though humility is often a prized virtue, a humble reaction could actually be offensive to the person giving the compliment. Do I look that bad? I was too busy thinking about how gorgeous I am. No matter what you end up saying in response to someone giving you a compliment, there are some steps you have to follow so you don't make the situation weird or awkward. Lovely to look at, delightful to hold. That's kind of you to say that. Me when someone compliments me: *silently tries to pretend that didn't happen and walk away*. If you wish to go a step … Like: “how you hate being called cute but you’re used to it...”. Any compliment is a good one, and you should take it. Your *insert romantic partner or family member here* thought so too. You can also acknowledge his kindness for saying something polite.While it may seem like a good idea, you should not reflexively compliment him, deny the compliment by saying he's just being "nice," or take his compliment as an opportunity to brag, … Not this again...take a number and wait in line. Maisa 1 year ago What a great video !! It’s never the time to correct them for using incorrect terms. Whether it is a compliment for a photo you took on Instagram or a status you posted on Facebook, online compliments tend to be shorter and quicker than real life. 04 “What a lovely compliment. Wish I could say the same about you. Guys probably don’t tend to hear compliments about their looks as much as girls do. You’re handsome. Make eye contact: Look directly at the person giving you the compliment and make eye contact when you speak to them. 02 “I appreciate you noticing that I’ve lost a lot of weight. // Leaf Group Lifestyle, How to Make Toasted Bread Sticks With Sliced Bread, How to Reheat Leftover Pork Chops Without Overcooking, Good Housekeeping: Responding to a Compliment. How to Compliment a Guy; Flirty Pick Up Lines That Just Might Work; If the Compliment Is Flirty. Who sent you? Sorry to tell you but that wasn’t really alpha* in fact it was kinda stupid and you could have sounded insecure about the compliment and maybe you lost an opportunity to get to know them. Reply. You’re not the first one to tell me that today. "I think you're really attractive too." Is there something you want to talk to me about?” This type of response … Did he call you instead of text you after a date (SCORE!)? Candice Coleman worked in the public school system as a middle school and high school substitute teacher. For example, if you were complimented on the toast that you gave at your sister's wedding, say something like, "Thanks, that is nice of you to say" or "Thank you, I really appreciate that." Well, hanging around the right people really changes you. You made my day. Stand up to the bully and they lose their power. Say something like, “I know you might have meant that as a compliment, but it didn’t sound like one. Oh, really? Scram! How Not To Reply To A Compliment. You should have made a point out of the compliment, drag a conversation about it. Finally, I found someone who agrees with my mom/dad. Knowing these, you can easily be one complimented person. Are you sure you’re not seeing me from a mirror? When you think about how to compliment a guy on his personality, you might find yourself stuck. 2 thank you so much, I really appreciated you kindness. Address back handed compliments. Some may sound different depending on how you say them or what kind of context you’re in. Until this point, I would have responded … It’s my duty to spread beauty in the world. Are you a spy? Yes, accepting a compliment can be more challenging than it sounds. 3 thanks! I didn’t hear you. ). 03 “Thank you. Take it in your stride One way to respond to a compliment is to let the person who complimented you, know that you are extremely pleased with what he has said. This is a straightforward reply that shows you really admire the guy giving you the compliment. This might be effective for compliments in activities like beer pong, an arcade game, and, if you work in the same office, a successful project. Acting surprised or awkward will make the other person feel uncomfortable. Compliment Who He Is. My point is to keep the conversation flowing and but if text wait at least 1 minute to open the chat if they replied immediately but if they take 1 minute wait 3-6 and if they take 10 wait at least 10 minutes to reply. Flattery won’t get you anywhere, fella. that's right it's bad...really; the awkward and discomfort level you're imagining right now- it's an underestimate. A sincere compliment can remind us of what our best qualities are. If you know the guy fairly well and know what values he holds dear, this should guide you as to what … You have no idea what I traded with the devil for it. Oh sorry, what? You're so affectionate. I think these are really helpful for the people who get tongue-tied or do not know what to do when given a compliment. Want to learn how to compliment a guy in a way that will leave him with a smile on his face all day long? I can see that honesty is still the best policy. It’s not that hard, no, but we are used to complimenting people on their looks. 15. Complimenting your guy is fun – it’s a way to get out all those little cute things you’ve always wanted to say to him while also flattering him. Yeah, I’m getting tired of being mistaken for *insert name of good-looking celebrity here*. They bring spark to an already existing flame. It was my pleasure.” What not to say: “You haven’t even tasted it.” Or anything else that puts your friend on the spot. What is the rply when someone told you that love is in the air??? Well, you’ve been graced by luck because this list is here to help you out! But often when girls compliment they are EITHER testing you (which doesn’t happen often) or they really mean it and if so you shouldn’t talk it out. Can you please say that again? Men crave compliments just as much as women do, but they get a whole lot less of them. Explaining your suggestions and interpretations, you help them to understand how this piece has affected you. Well done once again 1 thank you! You can use any of the replies found here, but only with prudence. Try and find a balance that makes the compliments that you give this guy seem as natural as possible. This is so good. Here’s a handkerchief. A simple "thank you" is always welcome, but it just doesn’t cut it anymore in some other cases. If you were busy and couldn’t reply within a long period of time then you should not reply cause then you will seem like you can’t stop thinking about you. In addition to teaching, she is also a tutor for high school and college students. Than as the conversation goes you could pick something she says and make another point from there. So the best response is to completely ignore them. A good, sincere compliment can make a guy… To respond to a flirty compliment, you can say: "Thanks so much- I picked this outfit just for you." I really enjoy cooking for friends ! Don’t allow back handed compliments to go by unnoticed. 1 year ago Reply to Maisa Perfect, Maisa! I am glad you liked it. Thus, a discerning eye is needed to properly skim through them all and see what is good and what is bad. Why are you drooling? When you compliment a man on his non-physical attributes, it shows that you look deeper than the surface and truly see who he is beyond his looks. And some are spoken with all sorts of purposes in mind. This is the result of soaking in the blood of countless virgins. I know. Even though men are not typically seen as people that you give compliments to, they like being appreciated just as much as women. This is always the trickiest part of texting. 1. Luckily, we’ve got a great range of ways to reply, as well as some general advice on how to deal with compliments, praise, and those weird back-handed compliments. Compliments are lies meant to manipulate you. I’m sometimes a little self-conscious about my appearance, but hearing you say I look pretty today means a lot.”. I’d tell you how, but you would have to pay me. I would like return the compliment, but I swore to tell the truth and nothing but the truth. Remember that your guest may feel just as awkward. Anything funny (not desperate) just joke a little but act like you’re serious in a funny way. And don’t dwell on it. However, some other ways to express your gratitude upon receiving a compliment are as follows - You're really sweet. Don’t ever cross the line! It’s obvious you don’t look bad but you say this because you want to downplay his words and make him smile. (Acting all paranoid, huh? Just remember: “Always be gracious and kind whenever you can!” You know you’re better than any compliment in the world. A compliment should always be responded to with a "thank you," says LisaMarie Luccioni, adjunct professor of communication at the University of Cincinnati, in an article for "Psychology Today." After hearing what you just said, I realized that honest people still do exists! Compliment a guy to let him know you appreciate some aspect of him, but not to try to sweet-talk him into doing what you want. Here are some good ways to meet a guy’s compliments. To tell you the truth, in my past life, I was an ugly insect. How you accept it: “You’re welcome. Well A girl thats good looking said ¨your cute me and my friend been thinking about you last night .¨ I played it out like an Alpah and didnt turn around or said anything . Thanks, would you like to borrow it for a second? What it might sound like: “Wow! Thanks, but I prefer to be noticed for my intellectual capacity. I’m warning you, I’m too hot for you to handle. It’s actually the result of me not taking a bath for weeks. Don’t tell anyone, but I used to be an ugly duckling. Compliment: “Nice suit, man!” Your response: “Well, it’s actually a sport coat.” It makes you look like a jerk. This list exists to give you some ideas on how to poke some fun and wit whenever you’re trying to respond to compliments. It’s my favorite. It’s been a struggle to stay away from the donut box, but it’s totally worth it!”. What should i done not to seem desprate . Here are seven ways to accept a compliment with humility and grace. There are a few things to keep in mind when responding to a compliment in order to leave both of you with positive feelings. If you want your reply to be laced with a little humour, you can try one of the following - I'm glad we think alike. But do give him compliments to ensure that he feels good about himself. Thank you, so please vote for me in the next elections. Mwahahahaha....the human sacrifices I offered have finally worked! Due to this, your response should be quick and short, though you can include an emoji or two if you want. This will probably also make him like you even more. Tell that he always makes you smile. This should follow with a warm thank you. Copyright © 2021 Leaf Group Ltd., all rights reserved. 1. When it comes to receiving a compliment, your best bet is to say "Thank you," according to "Good Housekeeping" contributor Peggy Post. My cosmetic surgeon says the same. Don’t make your compliment with the goofy smile of the guy who wants to make a good impression at all costs. When given a compliment, be polite. Reply. Give him a compliment for all of his efforts that he will do for you or his family. Not only does this prevent you from presenting yourself as a cocky guy who takes all the credit, but it also shows her how much you acknowledge and appreciate what she did in your team effort. 1. Author. If you are not often the recipient of a kind word from a guy, you may be left unprepared when a compliment comes your way. I think I’m just ahead of you by one bath. Let’s not stray too far from the main topic here though! Reinforcing good behavior is a great way to compliment a guy. Make him feel that he is the reason for your smile. Give him compliments for efforts. 0. Yeah...I wanted to ask you out, but my friend said I'm now out of your league. If you’re in a real, serious relationship, always make sure to ask for consent first. But if you break it, consider it sold! Of course you do. These are just some of the many compliments people tell one another on a daily basis. Tell your partner that you really like his way of thinking and caring for anything. If someone gives you a backhanded compliment, let them know that you understand that it was not really a compliment. I want to throw a rainbow at you. It’s kind of like the whole thing with Pavlov and his dogs: reward good behavior and your guy will do it again and again to please you. Be confident: Speak in a confident manner when responding to a compliment and make it seem as if you get compliments all of the time. you can smile brilliantly at the person and say “thanks” so that leaves him feeling happy to answer. When it comes to receiving a compliment, your best bet is to say "Thank you," according to "Good Housekeeping" contributor Peggy Post. Deliver it in a more profound and solid way. Compliment the guy walking his dog on his cute pooch. The Awestruck Compliment, from a Non-Cook . If I had a dollar for every compliment I’ve received so far, I’d be a billionaire. It’s so often that we go for compliments based on what we see and we forget to also say nice things about someone’s personality. Snap! Some are said with good intentions. Thank you. You can also acknowledge his kindness for saying something polite.While it may seem like a good idea, you should not reflexively compliment him, deny the compliment by saying he's just being "nice," or take his compliment as an opportunity to brag, according to Debrett's. Continue the conversation like it’s nothing. Express your gratitude. 1. First of all, don’t correct people. It’s straightforward, but it gets the job done!