refers to an activity involving a force and movement in the directon of the force. is the capacity for doing work. Born in Detroit, Michigan in 1928, poet Laureate Phillip Levine’s work traverses a wide range of diction and syntax, while he epitomizes dark, brooding, and grim poetry. New Selected Poems published simultaneously reminds us that he has been our preeminent poet of working life for several decades.” Examples of work include lifting an object against the Earth's gravitation, driving a car up a hill, and pulling down a captive helium balloon. What Work Is (Alfred A. Knopf, 1991) A Walk with Tom Jefferson (Alfred A. Knopf, 1988) Sweet Will (Atheneum, 1985) One for the Rose (Atheneum, 1981) Ashes: Poems New and Old (Atheneum, 1979) 7 Years From Somewhere (Atheneum, 1979) The Names of the Lost (Atheneum, 1976) On the Edge & Over: Poems, Old, Lost, & New (Cloud Marauder Press, 1976) Work is defined as the displacement of the object due to a force applied upon the object. What Work Is makes some of its severest poetry out of wounds inflicted on workers and the environments by manufacturing. What Work Is is one of my favorite poems, and the book itself is filled with dozens of others that might as well be. Levine, a Pulitzer Prize-winning American poet, best known for his poems about working-class Detroit. This lesson reviews the sociological definition of work and a history of the cultural changes in the workplace. There must be a reason why people endure even the most back braking of work. Work is force applied over distance . . You must have energy to accomplish work - it is like the "currency" for performing work. This online Work Calculator helps you find out the work, force or distance based on the other two parameters. Philip Levine has a perfect knack for capturing experiences that I think are common to, or at least feel common to, most people. Work is defined differently for different groups. The speaker of Philip Levine’s poem “What Work Is” is a would-be laborer standing in a long line of other potential employees outside an automobile plant. Work. Energy. . Work, however, is not only about drudgery and a never-ending quest to endure. A force of 20 newtons pushing an object 5 meters in the direction of the force does 100 joules of work. Work is done when an object moves in the same direction as the force is applied and also when force remains constant. I've now read this twice and will read it again, probably multiple times. Work is a mechanical manifestation of energy . Levine explained this in the poem why a man has to work. This poem was both very thought-provoking and effective in portraying the poet’s argument.The argument was primarily about the struggles of the middle and lower working classes in comparison to the powerful authorities held by higher officials of Levine’s society. Based on the content, it could be inferred that this…