At the end the sum of all Pet Multipliers will be used to calculate the reward. When divinity is high enough, build the Galaxies and Universes. Defeating them again after rebirthing does not give any more. Below level 750, your damage reduction will be (level/10)%, as usual. You can reduce the number of clones needed for Powersurge with might, meaning that DRC, CBC, and 1KC can help. Reward capped at 25. God Power Reward: 10 Statistics Multi: 3 million. About 10 million(?) After every rebirth you'll get log2(universes created) to all TBS levels. Completed DRC’s and Improved Next At For Challenges (regular INA does not work) make this challenge a breeze. After this, just kill/create clones until the challenge is done. With perfect timing this will net you 15 might runs + a bit of personal training for a total of ~ 10500 might, this will double with CBC’s done. Decrease time needed to clear one room in dungeons by 1%. A bit expensive, but well worth it. Always have all your pets fighting clones to level. unless you have 10m clones or more, even with a level 70+ planet, anything more than 100k clones is a waste. You can't buy anything with divinity, meaning divinity is useless in this challenge. The second way is to start out with short rebirths (30min - might runs) at first and then (once your multis are high enough to easily get a div gen up), do one long run until the end. NRCs, PMCs, and Extra crystal slots are also a huge bonus. Get as much might as possible in 24 hrs. That being said there a few popular long term strategies to optimize the way people play. The divinity cost of creations is reduced by (1% x challenges finished) for the first 20 challenges, multiplying with the bonus of NDCs. During this challenge you can freely start other challenges as you normally would, with all the normal requirements and restrictions for each. After that, there really isn't a wrong way to play the game: chase down pets, focus on challenges that improve 1 specific area of the game, endlessly speed run to farm GP... do what you want! Having all of your 1 caps will greatly help speed up the time of this challenge, as well as having the premium upgrade Improved Next At For Challenges. The math on the tooltip for the bonus CC is currently a bit screwed up. Have a level 50 planet minimum, be able to defeat all UBv2s. The second challenge will turn all your pets into chickens so make sure you have them set up for campaigns and dungeons the way you want and you will barely notice that they all look the same. Things like Godly liquid should be handy (assuming the overflow means their boost won't be wasted). The challenge resets your GP bonuses, unspent GP, CP, and your rebirth multipliers back to their starting values. On top of the base, this is a x480 boost to attack and mystic during unleash. Once might unlocks, train as much might as you need to defeat ITRTG v2. the most important rebirth is the first one and it is highly recommended looking at a guide before and during your first rebirth, as the rest of the rebirths are simply a matter of standard but slow play. The ability to make 3 universes in under 3 days 8 hrs. Many features could be presented more clearly and post baal sorely needs some plot, This is a problem that came up when I try to open Idling to Rules the Gods recently and also happen when NGU Idle first came out. Since this challenge does not take away your multipliers, defeating Tyrant Overlord Baal should be very easy. This is the most basic challenge and similar to any ascension/rebirth/reset mechanic in most other idle games. Regardless of how you reach the clone BB soft cap, once you have reached it, you have no more reason to make other creations, and relying on simple replacements for dead clones will invariably add several hours to the total time. Poisoned creations reduce damage reduction less. This is like a normal rebirth. Lucky Draws cannot be opened during challenge. This will likely net you well under 10k might. Scrapyard and Water temple events provide supplementary GP. Don't forget to use potions! Only the highest DUC ever completed counts toward this reward. NRC reduces the spawn time of UBs, while UBV2C increases the multiplier earned from v2's. The goal is to get a high score by having universes, BH, BHU, Pet multiplier, Might, SpaceDim and UBV4, and get Overflow Points. Completing a challenge for the first time in a UCC awards the normal amount of Statistics Multi, but each repetition of the same challenge awards 20% less (additive) until the end of the UCC. Unlocks the Crystal Factory if not already unlocked. The rounding can be a bit funny as the dungeon rewards will only show whole numbers but the actual calculations on the Fight Gods page do include the decimals. All of the Day challenges offer unique rewards, though unless you are refining your strategy, you will likely only run them once or twice. Maximize the following challenges: UUC, PMC, NDC, 1KC, GSC, AAC, CPC, DRC, and CBC. God Power Reward: 5*completed PMCs Challenge Points: 20 From this point on you will be relying heavily on might runs so it is recommended that you have at least 30-50k% might and have completed DRC’s. you can also use Potions to double or quadruple your total CS meaning that if you are planning on using potions, you only need to spend 20 GP on CS and can spend the other 50 on 1CC. CS and CC, the more the better. If you're comfortable doing UBCs, you can probably do the first few PGCs at least. This means reaching level 10 million on all trainings, 10 million kills on all monsters, and every creating achievement from Light to Universes. If you still had some skulls from the last event left, they were auto traded for pet stones. A) If you have none of the aforementioned challenges done, then you will have to train all of your might manually. Idling to Rule the Gods is a free to play Idle-Game with a lot of content and some Minigames. At the end the created amount will be used to calculate how many Bonus Levels you get on TBS after every Rebirth. This is the most active part of the challenge for that reason. In the early rebirths, don't worry too much about increasing your clone cap, your goal is to work towards the clone BB speed. All sources of points also either get more expensive as you get more (BH, BHU, Might, SpaceDim, UBV4) or have a parameter in the scoring that makes them worth fewer points as they scale up (Universes, Pet Multi). 2.1 Last update details; The extra might skill from 1KBHC can help as well. Cybele: Locks div gen. Fight stronger monsters than you normally would. Changelog for Idling to Rule the Gods This is a list of all changelogs since the first released Version of the game. Statistics Multi: 1,000,000. Otherwise, a high CC and 3.4-10k CS so that you can build some monuments and their upgrades. Go ahead and look into the Idling to Rule the Gods … Getting past Freya on RB 1 in a reasonable time (~3hrs) is an important factor during later iterations of this challenge since the gap between early gods is much smaller than the gap between PB’s. Useful on later runs, Definitely not worth it for the time required. In addition, each black hole up to the number of completed BHCs will give 5% chance of GP per hour. And on the last run you can get additional GP from UBs & UBv2s (make sure that the fights are extremely one-sided & easy so you don't lose any serious amount of clones) and get a big god crystal asap (div gen before that obviously) and create some black holes if you already reached Baal. Having pets that are able to obtain lots of God Power from campaigns and/or dungeons is greatly helpful. You can even open Lucky Draws, although those are not a reliable large God Power source. 1 UBC, 1 DPC, 25 DRC, 45 UUC, 50 AAC, 20 UPC, (other 'normal' challenges until you hit P.Baal 66), open->. While this event is active, you will receive twice as much drops from all dungeon enemies and there is a christmas campaign added where you will find cookies. Glossary • FAQ • Guides and Tools • Discord Channel, but I do enjoy the varied mechanics and the cultural references Increases the effect of your total might by 2% for each challenge completed. This is directly dependent on how many P Baals you can kill, spending a day to get a reward of +1 would be better spent on a UUC. That means that at level 1500, you will receive only 12.5% as much damage as normal, and at level 3000, you'll receive only 6.25% as much. The higher the P.Baal defeated in RTI, the faster you can increase the RTI tab boosts. As long as you have the ability to make 3 universes within 3.5 days and hit BB speed on killing Monster Queen, then you're doing AACs as quickly as possible. They increase the effects of the Might skills themselves but do not add to your permanent total Might or increase the level up time of Might skills. For the 1st one you need to build a Mighty Statue to 100/10, the 2nd one to 250/25, 3rd one to 500/50. For example, if you make 1024 universes (2^10) you will get 10 base levels to all TBS. Double Rebirth Challenge (DRC) is the simplest and easiest challenge. Note that some of these rewards aren't relevant for a UAC. While you won’t get much bonus CC from your creation crystal, the decreased costs can be well worth it especially for a new player. Each P.Baal grows in power by a factor of 100 - n, where n equals the number of times you completed a UBC, e.g. clones with a few UBC challenges completed, if you want the Seed pet reward. Building Black Hole upgrades prior to starting this challenge can give you a head start. NRCs also speed up the rate of UBs. at this point your runs will likely be long enough that you will end up investing in more clones, BS, CC, and CS than you normally would in a UBC. It may be wise to grab some stat doublers (50GP each) so that you are not missing too much rebirth multi going into RB5. Note that if you have access to ad points, investing in increased physical (or physical/mystical to prevent glass cannon syndrome) can dramatically cut the time required to complete the challenge. It is recommended doing 12 hr campaigns as there are diminishing returns on both of these campaigns. For step 2, use all clones (take the other 90 off of training/fights as well) to build the Black Hole and its upgrade. 3-5k CS is also recommended so you can make a fair number of universes in 2-3 hours. The pet has a (2 * completions)% chance to give God Power when fed, doubled to 100% if all 25 challenges are completed. The example given in the tooltip says that if you get 10k might, and level up each might to 500, each might will get 100% bonus, which works out to a 16x attack and mystic multiplier, and 4x HP for your unleash. 3.99% Ultra Rare - 357.6 EXP. UBV2s will be more difficult than normal during the challenge, and each challenge will be harder than the previous one. Your pets will give more growth, gain more pet stones and rare items, have a better chance at GP, gain more levels, and give more multi. In the year 9001, humans destroyed all habitable planets in the known universe. Defeat ITRTGV2, the last UBV2. This stacks with the permanent premium upgrade. Maximum of 25 CBCs. Idling to Rule the Gods Wiki is a FANDOM Games Community. All other GP should be spent on Build Speed. This caps after 20 UPCs, with a max bonus of 100%. With all 50 UBC's completed this is extended to v147. This caps after 50 AACs for +50% bonuses to achievements, and half the level requirement for all achievements. For the level campaign, starting it right before your pets reach a higher tier of level can greatly increase the rewards (ex a pet level 5000 can earn hundreds of more levels compared to a pets level 5001).