Love fuels their creativity and invigorates their lives. Even though you avoid conflict, you tend to leave yourself open to being a “pushover”. They spread warmth, and make sure their friends and loved ones do not feel alone with their problems. They’re not going to reach your standards. I just often find myself laughing at myself and wondering what on earth I am. To all the men out there, is this you? And you have this sense that this person will ‘complete’ you. In this adventurous movie, Leonardo DiCaprrio takes on the shared ENFP Male “Fear of Missing Out” by living multiple lifestyles as a con artist. Here’s what you should watch out for when you are dating or married to an INFP partner. Partners should resist trying to ‘solve’ this issue, mainly because INFPs don’t see it as an issue, but rather a part of who they are. Everyone has worth. Our introverted nature often has us showing our affection less through words and more through actions and gestures. But when the initial infatuation dies off, INFPs start to see flaws in their partners that they deem to be unsatisfactory or even flawed. One of the unique things about someone who has an INFP personality is that they are gifted in learning foreign languages. While your true intentions are to always be aware of who you are, and what you’re thinking, to others, you may seem obsessed with your own life, selfish, and disregarding others. Like most introverts, regardless of how much they love their partner, they still need plenty of alone time. They will become highly engaged, and share with you about the change they want to make in the world. It’s always a breath of fresh air to realize you are not weird or less than good enough. Before you know it, there may be different types of turbulent traits. Some may have mixed traits with other personality types. Are you sensitive, sometimes to a fault? You may criticise your partner or judge them without seeing the whole picture. Partners who force INFP to see the practical side of life (like making them choose a job based on salary alone) might win out for a season, but will be surprised to see a disillusioned and unhappy INFP. INFPs are the very cogs clicking within a moral compass. Evaluate what your partner has said, and ask questions to clarify. While others may ride the bus and never pay attention to their outside surroundings, you may become fascinated by every little leaf and branch of the trees on the side of the road. As private as we may seem about love, we are incredibly affectionate when we do fall in love. Learning Mind has over 50,000 email subscribers and more than 1,5 million followers on social media. Conflict cannot always be pushed back, especially in the case of injustice or when bullying is the problem. So if it’s not the love they dream about, they will never be happy or satisfied with the relationship. Listen before feeling your values are threatened. And that article is very true. If the problem revolves around you, as an INFP, you rather apologize than push to be right, even when you are. They are also supportive and encouraging. Will you support me no matter what – do you have my back? Helps me know even more about myself. This is the type of individual that dreams of long-lasting love and finding the perfect relationship. If they sense you are open, they’ll pour out their hearts to you. Here are a few traits to consider, in case you’re wondering if you might be an INFP man. Do you think I’m being real with you? Speaking as an INFP male, we tend to fall in love pretty quickly with the woman we are with and don’t tend to date often as we prefer relationships in general. Not usually. Some of these traits seem magical, while some of them can be frustrating. You see things the way they should be, and you know how to make that outcome happen. I feel as though being an INFP male is the worst thing ever because you want love and happiness more than any other male yet you're the worst at actually getting these things. Thank you for reading, Peter. Don’t let us forget the gray areas either. You might be surprised by how you fit in. They appear like a breath of fresh air in a … Get connected with us through our newsletters and get fresh and interesting content each month. They’re too honest for their own good. Learn to build your partner up from a space of encouragement, not criticism. 4. The result of this is not always positive, as INFPs … Just because they’re more pragmatic or less people-oriented doesn’t necessarily make them evil people. These dreams could be fighting for a cause, chasing a potentially underpaid profession like becoming an artist, writer or musician. So, here are 10 things you should know about us: 1. Clarify with your partner about their behaviour. Their character traits are mostly unappreciated. Are you like this? They initiate contact. Both like the idea of living lightly, which grants the freedom to pick up and relocate at the drop of a hat. Instead, stop and listen. They’re the ones who will tell you how they feel, what they want, how they want it or how much they love you. 10 Things You Need to Know if You’re in a Relationship with an INFP. An INFP is a person who will taker longer to fall in love than an ENFP. Enter your email address to create your account, Able to express their thoughts and emotions well, May project their idealism on their partners, Sensitive to criticism and negative feedback. INFPs dislike fake people, so don’t try to appeal to the INFP … Do you sometimes get lost in the details of life? At many points in your life, you have imagined the ideal partner for yourself – elegant, classy, intelligent, yet attuned to the spiritual (or something like that). You are a hopeless romantic. Allow INFPs to be spontaneous. Their center is highly individualistic as they consider the innate traits and considerations that go along with being human. They can be disinterested or apathetic about most things, but become super passionate when you talk about their hopes and dreams. The result of this is not always positive, as INFPs tend to project this idealism on their partners. If you feel too deeply for someone else or their problems, you can become heavy with their burdens as well. The INFP is one of the rarest personality types of the Myers-Briggs classification. There are many distinctive traits of the INFP type of man. In this case, compromising on their values is akin to death! The INFP male is a sensitive and caring person. You are welcome. Can you, as an INFP male truly know this? Once a commitment … I found I could relate to all of the above!! How “Authenticity” asks, “Do you love me?” Myers-Briggs types: ENFP, INFP, ESFP, ISFP. It shows both the depth and sacrificial devotion of many infps. The INFP is one of the rarest personality types of the Myers-Briggs classification. They can’t pretend not to care or play it cool. In some cases, an INFP may be prone to seeing traits in a prospective partner or in their current partner that aren’t really there. The little mermaid wishes her beloved knew how hard it was for her to try and "walk" to reach him -- it was like shards of glass -- she did it because she loved him and he never had a clue. They intended to help you improve. Thanks for this nice article. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Take some time, read through these traits, and even take a personality quiz or two. Both INFP males and females are caring, creative and gentle, all of which are considered to be more feminine than masculine attributes. Being fiercely loyal to their partners, they desire a long-term, passionate love relationship, and take their commitments seriously. Doing so may cause a rift in your relationship. I have all of the traits and I only use to have one of the weakness of drawbacks that I over came. That I am not weird, I am not alone and I am a unique and brilliant creation of a male. When such a thing happens, INFPs may start criticising their partners, comparing them with this imaginary ideal person. This is a quintessential infp story of unrequited love. ‘My Life Is Going Nowhere’: What to Do If You Feel This Way. INFPs tend to project perfection in their lives. Being so empathetic helps this type of male become closer to others and able to help them in difficult situations. INFP males are more apt to sport longer hair (e.g., John Lennon) than INTPs, who lean toward shorter, more clean-cut hair styles. What infp doesn't relate to this? Male INFPs are in a quandary. 12 Signs of an Emotional Masochist: Is This You? This can be both physical or just to talk. INFP Relationships . 10 Signs of a Dynamic Person: Are You One? INFP Male Expressions INFP males are unique when compared to their peers, but they find a stereotypical example in the moody artist. We are very loyal … That’s right, this male has great qualities but often struggles with the same qualities in various situations, or with other facets of their personality. Copyright 2018 Personality Central. INTPs may not appear to be the most excited people when it comes to love, in truth they do become just as wrapped up in romance as most feeling types. When they’re working in the corporate sector, they’re likely going to keep schedules. INTJs will take the initiative to text you first or even sit really close so you’re at least touching. INFPs need their space to be authentically themselves. INFP stands for introversion (I), intuition (N), feeling (F), and perception (P). Remember, everyone is unique and needed in this world today, even the INFP male, as rare and magical as he may seem. But nowhere is this stronger than finding the ideal soulmate. As with any relationship, maturity and communication are key. Being a male characterized as an INFP, many times discovered through the Myers-Briggs personality test means being highly observant. ENFPs want to immerse themselves in this love, and really drown in these feelings. The INFP male is more compassionate than others. 7. See what your partner is trying to say, and concede or apologise if necessary. I imagine that engaging a new person of interest would be really hard for a male INFP because of the social pressure that dictates that men must initiate romance. You should read about the various types of personalities. Do you trust my motives and my intent? There are also INFP females as well. ENFPs have no problem expressing themselves. They usually love to show their partner how much they love and appreciate them, performing acts of service or buying small gifts they think their partner will enjoy. Attitudes toward money and children are also important factors. However, when your partner criticises you, you tend to react negatively to the feedback. © Learning Mind 2012-2021 | All Rights Reserved |, INFP Male: A Rare Type of Man and His 5 Unique Traits, What Is Narcissistic Rage, How to Recognize It and Deal with It. Watch the movie trailer here: Personality tests aren’t 100% accurate on every single trait. For instance, Christian INFPs tend to pair with other Christians, liberals with other liberals, etc. If only others could avoid conflict like the INFP, then the world might be a better place. Despite all these problems, I love being an INFP — I wouldn’t change it for the world. They have a unique perspective that can help their partners see through the problem - sometimes even helping their partners see that there wasn’t even a problem in the first place! You probably do. INFPs often feel alone, especially if they see the gulf between their ideal and reality. Do you question your beliefs sometimes? Being a typical ENFP myself, I am going to attempt this answer as objectively as possible, based on my understanding of this personality type and experiences talking to fellow ENFPs. Learn to take criticism objectively. Based on this finding, you can gather that INFP and INFJ have a lot of potential at forming a successful romance or striking up a lasting friendship. Now, let’s say, you buy a car and decide to drive your personal automobile work instead. If they are not, they may end up moving from relationship to relationship, searching for the new and exciting in a person. When the INTP does fall into love, they find themselves completely caught up in this. They want to allow themselves to make these feelings a priority, since it is … Filled with integrity and leadership potential. The truth is, your partner carries a different set of values from you. With serious love relationships, ENFPs have to be careful. INFPs are idealistic and romantic partners. You prefer to praise, encourage and support as opposed to pointing out fault. The INFPs have strong belief systems and rarely change their minds from mere suggestion. Learning Mind does not provide medical, psychological, or any other type of professional advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Sherrie Hurd is a professional writer and artist with over 20 years of experience. Don’t project your idealism on your partner. Although we should never discount a person as a potential partner because of his/her personality type, type theory offers a good idea about which types might suit INFPs better. They both prefer Intuition (N), which makes communication more straightforward and less chance for misunderstanding. They care about doing right by all lifeforms and making the hard, ethical decisions that others won’t. Photos of the hottest guys online, celebs, social media, models and influencers I feel like i’m really the oposite of that one, but those are just traits anyway, so it make sense overall. They have morals and standards which can stand the test of time. You notice everything and often talk about everything you notice in-depth. All content published on this website is intended for informational purposes only. Sherrie manages multiple mental illnesses, including anxiety disorder, bipolar disorder, and PTSD. Yes, it’s about empathy, and how that works. I remember being bullied for being different. And when we’re in love, you can sit back and let us make the first moves. When I say this, it’s not an insult to everyone else, it just means that these males care beyond what’s necessary, and tend to feel the pain of others. You may jump to conclusions quickly about someone’s principles, especially if you see them doing something you consider unethical or against your principles. ENFP males are the ultimate charmers. I love INFJs and i have liked one for over five years but i only get to see him once a year or so. Yes, your partner can improve, but so can you. An INFP in love is going to focus far more on connection and emotional compatibility. They also have an ability to connect with people and convey a warmth rarely seen in other personality types. INFPs are idealistic and romantic partners. You’re going to beat up their self-esteem unintentionally. Society expects males to be competitive, non-emotional and assertive and male INFPs tend not to display those qualities. If the INFP continually does this form of projection, their partners may feel lousy or even take a beating to their self-esteem. INFPs feel most loved when their partners show patience to understand their often complex inner world. Learning Mind is a blog created by Anna LeMind, B.A., with the purpose to give you food for thought and solutions for understanding yourself and living a more meaningful life. It’s about balance when it comes to any personality type. Avoiding conflict in these situations may provide a path for even more pain. They want to find the ideal job and live out their ideal life. INFP in love. The pain and discomfort can become so bad that it affects you physically and mentally. This, too, can draw women to them, as women are often drawn to the apparently hidden depths and emotional authenticity that these men exude. But, of course, most of you know that already. If so, you may be an INFP male. Not only do they care about people in general, but they also care about the whole of the world around them. This is also true for women as well. The fact is, there are rights and wrongs for all of us which vary, and then there are universal rights and wrongs. Don’t comment or make any judgments – listen attentively and show you care about what is going on in their hearts. You’re compassionate. This is the biggest drawback to enduring empathic feelings this strong. The INFP male is so unique that they make up only about 1-1.5% of the population. You have to be careful who you trust with this part of yourself. It is also quite common for these types to prefer similar living conditions, typically along minimalist, Bohemian lines. As wild as it may seem, being observant of small details sometimes keeps you from noticing the larger ones, like which streets take you to work or home. But nowhere is this stronger than finding the ideal soulmate. Let’s face it, some people do not know how to communicate, and if you are an INFP trying to make this work, you could be disappointed. This is their soul time – so don’t take it away from them by enforcing any plan on them! To grow in your ability to love and care for your partner, here are some things you can do: You see the good things in others. By continuing to use this website, you consent to the use of cookies in accordance with our Cookie Policy. At their best, INFPs are one of the most supportive and encouraging types. However, if these disagreements are in violation with the INFPs deep-seated values or principles, partners will be surprised to see a very insistent, stubborn and inflexible INFP who will refuse to budge even an inch! INFPs are peace-seeking and hate conflict. I think I’m an INFP male, thanks for making me accepting myself!!! I remember writing about the simple letters INFP, and now we are seeing different types of INFP personalities like the “turbulent” and the “assertive”. Consequently, … Focused. But not when they’re relaxing. We cannot be put into boxes. As introverts who use Introverted Sensing (i.e., as their tertiary function), INFPs tend be fairly conservative with their spending … For those who are creative and love being original, however, the basic personality type for this idealist is the INFP. So appreciate those traits you have and build upon the positive aspects. According to theory, the ENFJ or the ENTJ probably form the best partnership with the INFPs. INFJ on August 18, 2017: About the "41. Instead of rough confrontation, you tend to talk through the issues, finding resolution and peace which benefits all parties involved in the disagreement. INFP’s have sharp values that cut out all the bologna society deems appropriate. In short, there’s a lot to love about INFP men! A clear statement, standards to teach, achieve, exemplify, maintain for both men and women. They want to make decisions without feeling you want to control them. They embrace their uniqueness and individuality and can also accept their peers for who they are. Finally. They have very high standards for who they could potentially love. This man is always looking inward and analyzing who he is. We reveal ourselves slowly. What is suffocating for them is if you start using this ideal as a standard for your partner to reach. Believing their partner’s potential, INFPs won’t hesitate to call out the greatness within their partners. They are also supportive and encouraging. If you are an INFP man, then embrace that fact, and learn to love the good and the bad points of who you are. While similar interests might be nice, it is a similar person who will make an INFP swoon. When they’re off work, they want to hang loose, no schedules, no deadlines. No one person is alike exactly. I have all of the traits with the exception of the “strong beliefs” one. There is an incredibly romantic, sentimental being that lies just below the surface of an INFP’s reserved exterior. Like other types, INFPs tend to seek a partner with similar values and worldview. And nothing helps more than knowing what to expect from your INFP partner and understanding what they need in love and relationships. Perhaps you’ve even met this person before – and thinking about it fills you with a sense of hope and romance. What is right, and what is wrong? They rather take things as they come and spontaneously respond to changes. The INFP personality type tends to be very romantic. INFPs tend to project perfection in their lives. Yes, you try not to fight about things that can be cured with communication. At first, they are blind to their partner’s faults, seeing only what they want to see, and even falsely assuming that their partners have certain traits. Want help solving these INFP problems? They enjoy anything which excites and challenges them, and the passion and thrill is something which definitely pulls them in. They have an ideal vision of love, and that ideal isn’t easily attained. INFP are private people who only reveal their true thoughts and emotions to those whom they believe care. You may be enamored by the cracked sidewalks or the intricate details of the buildings that fly by on the way to your destination. For the most part, they will avoid disagreement with their partners by deferring to their partner’s opinions. All Rights Reserved. Partners who know the INFP’s dreams and give permission to them to chase it will have a very happy and fulfilled relationship. The INFP male is a sensitive and caring person. The qualities INFPs seek in a romantic partner cannot be divorced from their underlying motives for seeking a relationship in the first place (see above). Will you give me space to be “me?” How “Authenticity” answers, “Yes! 8 Signs of Narcissistic Supply: Are You Feeding the Manipulator. We do require time to ourself and a fairly significant amount of it as we process our emotions and recharge our batteries. Being people of dreams and passion, the INFP is happiest when they are in free pursuit of their dreams. This is the hidden struggle in the gift of the mediator personality. It has given me the long-awaited vindication that I have searched for so long. Listen and ask questions to uncover their heart. Would it be a surprise to know that you haven’t a clue about how to get there? What are some helpful dating tips for INFP guys? I am an INFP male and this is pretty much spot on. INTPs also feel this sense of passion for the ones they love, especially when they fall deeply for someone. For most things, they have no issue with their partners making the final decisions. Even intuitive-feeling females usually prefer NT males or ENFP/ENFJs in my opinion. It will take some time for the INFP to make up his or her mind about someone, and even then the INFP may have second thoughts regarding that person. Most of the time, it’s not fun being like this. This is especially true when you share your raw feelings about who you are. Hey everyone it's been a while but i have a special video for you guys today! Being so articulate and charismatic, you just have to give them the stage to … Support and encourage them. There are so many different people on this planet, all with positive and negative aspects of their personalities. As a survivor of childhood trauma and multiple types of abuse, she is an advocate for mental health awareness. Best parent! When the ENFP falls in love with someone it often takes up so much of who they are and what they feel. Only after that, you can try to explain your actions to help your partner understand where you’re coming from too. And when we’re in love, nobody can mess with you when we’re around. But whatever you do, never be ashamed of who you are. Men, when young, are usually taught a certain way, according to the world’s standards. Is this a good pairing? Can you see the struggle? Unfortunately, the INFP male suffers the most from this programming, as they vary drastically from what we are taught to believe about men. IS this just for men? The assertive and planned ENFJs or ENTJs are a great match for the whimsical and spontaneous INFPs. They are caring, contemplative and can be emotional, traits generally associated with females. This may be especially true if ENFPs have introvert partners who are unassuming or what they call ‘boring’. :) Even still, dating is not always a breeze. These tests just help us understand the majority of how we relate and react in society. Do you waver? Are most males with this personality like that or am I something else. study also noted that INFP males showed a slight inclination for INFP females. INFP stands for introversion (I), intuition (N), feeling (F), and perception (P). They also like to spend a lot of quality time with their partners, bonding over long meandering conversations in which they get to know the other person and reveal themselves in return. INFPs live for a dream or a beautiful vision of the future. Hey, these are some of the many traits of the INFP male, and you could certainly be this type of person. The Marioles et al. They are creative and think outside the box, unafraid to color outside the lines or be different from their fellow men. When im around him i feel something click but considering i almost never see him i still haven't figured out yet if he feels the same way. INFP is one of the rarest personality types, struggle in the gift of the mediator personality. Beyond all the words of affirmation and acts of love you can give them, INFPs want to be understood. You may even lash back at your partner for being hurtful. Although you may stand strong in your beliefs, you cannot ignore the good points you hear from friends and family that contradict what you believe. One of the most intriguing traits of the INFP male is introspection. The truth is, there are many different types of people, and we should never try to remold them to our liking. Life wouldn’t be the same without you. They are great counsellors – always willing to lend a listening ear. I think it varies from person to person. The INFP and INFJ relationship also has the support of another study, this time surveying the preferred love languages of each MBTI personality. INFP/INFP. Being fiercely loyal to their partners, they desire a long-term, passionate love relationship, and take their commitments seriously. Not only do they care about people in general, but they … Hey, if you are an INFP male, you have a pretty tight belief of what is right and wrong. When others find out how much you think about yourself, they sometimes see it as self-absorption. Thank you so much Madame for the article. With this background and personal experience, she strives to help others overcome trauma and abuse, cope with mental illness, and heal over time. I love you!” I will be patient with your honest expressions. Even though compassion is a good attribute, it can also become a weight. Hey, maybe someone you know or love has these characteristics. This means that maybe you’ve been riding the bus to work every day, but you haven’t paid attention to how you get there. To show you are genuinely interested in them, ask them open-ended questions and get them to share their personal stories. Do you look within and try to figure out what you’re about? Reflections of an INFP widow on her ENTJ husband of 40 years (very touching, but you will need to read the whole thread to get the story). INFP boys who are encouraged in their identity or who feel they can fully be themselves grow up to be brave, authentic, and compassionate. It is not that they won’t listen to advice – they are usually open, but they want a personal space without inhibitions to dream and act on those dreams. This means that they want to be able to express their thoughts and feelings freely without the fear of being judged. They want to find the ideal job and live out their ideal life. While being observant, you often forget the obvious. The person you date will likely be far from this ideal. Every one of them has fantasized about what it would be like to act like a completely different person for a while. While most times, communication can help with problems, there comes a time when confrontation cannot be avoided. Can any INFJ tell me any little signs that he might like me back?? Sometimes, the INFP can become frustrated by the strong debates of others. Like I first mentioned I have all of the traits and non of the weaknesses. So, this means, while you may have most or all of the traits, others may not. Do you sit for hours and take your own traits and personality apart, looking through the magnifying lens of your heart and mind? While they aren’t rude when talking about these things, they are usually committed to their standards.