I do the same June . You will be in my prayers. Met ages 19 and 21 yr.Medical long-term went undiagnosed. I pray to try and forgive. he was an auctioneer so when i see an auction sign it brings back memories. I was driving home today after a a busy day of meeting, movie, then shopping. I am 74 and my spouse died Jan 2018. I can feel it. Facebook. There is just one and only true facts – nobody knows what the loss has done to you. even harder i know ill prob never see him again because he moved away. I am sad all the time, people tell me I need to move on. I never thought this is how my life would be. Hey all, So my ex girlfriend dumped me two months ago. I still cry at least once a day and I am ready to go anytime . very true i lost my wife 12 years ago while i was at work.my son called to tell me my wife passed out.i got to the hospital and she was in a coma she died three days later.she was my everything i keep working so i don’t have those 8 hours to think about missing her so much there are days i just want to die. I lost my son, my only child 6 months ago he had just turned 27. I'm still in love with her. I miss her a lot. I lost my beloved only 58 years old… He’s still my husband to me. Good luck to all…. I haven’t even been able to clean out his closet. My husband passed away on August 31, 2018 after a massive stroke. My Tom died May 18, 2018 just 10 days after our 60th anniversary. I miss who I use to be when I was part of a pair, but I know that, even as the years will go by that person that I … We were together 44 yrs. we spoke everyday, i miss her and this pain is too much…. Well not as shocked as I am! The house seems so empty and quiet. I can’t, I miss him so much. I miss every aspect of our lives together!!! My husband passed April 28, 2019. Use the love you have been given and give Death a kick in the ass by paying it forward to those who need the help now….in this life…while you can. We go on our weekly dates every Friday while our kids are at school. Love you, Becky. But I need him, he was the love of my life. Without Faith in God, I would be in depression! I am so glad I came across this blog. I miss Richard not a man. Follow. He was 56. AND keeping my vows-beyond-death with my mate…..we now straddle two worlds, by choice. My Husband had a Hemarogic stroke 5 yrs ago we’e been married 53 years. I lost my wife 6 months ago. So even though I don’t know exactly how you feel I can relate. 2. If it were not for my sister I would not be here the loneliness is the worse what do you do to fill the void of your husband of 45 yrs? But with nobody to exchange with the way we used to. WoW, well written, after 34 years with my husband, I feel exactly the same. My world has been completely tossed upside down. I do not believe that you are gone, Will I ever forget him? My ex fiancee of 3 years broke up with me about a month and a half ago and I'm still hung up on her. I pray every day for God to help me with my grief. I still think of her and miss her, but something happened that proved I am getting a lot better. Probably because you were highly emotionally charged. There isn’t much Ed without Billie. The only thing that gives me solace is that I think I have developed a heart condition and the thought of it taking me away from all of this. It’s not always easy to give voice to the thoughts and emotions inside you. He’s left me in a financial mess am going to lose my house and everything. May the love of our Lord fill our hearts with the confirmation this is a temporary separation, until He calls us by name, and comes to take us to join our spouse in our room in His mansion. I have been reading all these comments and felt filled with compassion for the terrible reality of our shared grief experiences. I miss the confidence, and fun we had. I still miss my dog. every thing will be fine, God will help us.”. I know I have to move forward without her, but that is going to take time to get used to because we did EVERYTHING together and I Loved it! You fit in fine before. Hello everyone, I just lost my husband last week on May 1st, he has been sick for a long time, he was in a lot of pain, he tried so to hang on for me, waiting for me to retire, I miss him, it would have been 34 years this coming October. I so want to feel like my life is needed here. We married 5 years later. We who have lost a spouse will never ever have that spouse again as there are no marriages in heaven if there is such a place. Over the years you will gain confidence that you can accomplish anything life throws your way. My brother, told me to get on with it! Everything changes after the loss of a spouse or partner. April 14th/2018 at 7:30pm my husband took his last breath while I was holding his hand. He pass August 29th. We were married for 52 years…..I just turned 72. I have cried millions of tears, the price I have paid for the love we shared for each other. Sometimes i hardly believe that someone with her energy and passion can just die and leave. Very tired of society always pushing down our throats “oh the new normal….”. It should have been me. I keep myself busywith the things I do.But every time I pause,I still think of you. It feels as if there is an elephant sitting n my chest and it wont budge. Loss of a loved one forces you to embark on a journey that doesn’t end, but the colors change. This has been the hardest day of my life. Iost my husband suddenly 6 weeks ago. I lost my best friend just 11 days ago, going through a rollercoaster of emotions every minute. I cry every day and it is getting harder for me. I am so sorry for your loss of your husband. I to am living it- Good Luck in your life journey. ____________________________________________. I had lost mine, but as time passes, it was and now will forever be my saving grace. I miss you so much and I don't know what to say I should be over you. You mentioned passing time, for me I dont think I can bare that…my loss happened this past March 2020. my wife and I together 53 yrs 4 mo. I am 64-worked almost 40 years and had no intention of going back and being miserable. You go on. Your email address will not be published. Is that normal? Being without them! Lesley, I am so sorry for your loss, I know what you atr going through I lost my husband it will be 3 years on June 12th, 2019, he had congested heart failure and diabetes, I still cry for him sometimes but it is not God’s fault it is Satan’s fault if you want to blame someone blame Satan he caused all this when he betrayed Adam and Eve, that is where it all started. I am feeling worse now as I looked after ‘his’ cat and kept myself together for her. Finding guidance and encouragement from a person who truly understands the all-encompassing nature of grief and how if affects every moment and every part of life could be just what you need to move forward. “You are my best friend, and I love you honey.” I lost my husband April 7 2019 the loneliness and quietness is killing me ! I can relate to all the quotes, losing a child hurts deep in your soul. We did not make it to our year anniversary. The sun will no longer be a comfort after a storm. Its been One Year since he went into the kitchen and died. He said it is over. I am imagining all of us holding hands together, sharing in the alikeness and lovingly supporting each other in the differences of our personal grief experiences. You’re the only person who is honest enough to say how hard it is and sometimes you don’t get over it. Does anyone else feel this way? Some things are better but still so hard sometimes. There are days I cannot participate in life. I have lost my tolerance for people. It’s been five weeks since my wife took her last breath. She used to ask me how I was doing, and she used to hug me for no reason. My husband and i were high school sweethearts. Believe that she is watching you, and she wants you to be happy! With warmth and purest ecstasy. We loved to take walks together, he made me laugh with his quirky humor, he loved watching movies and playing tennis. I lost my husband on April 29, 2018. Hi Karen. And if more help is needed? A little too much, a little too often, and a little bit more every day. This came to me while I was praying to our Father asking him Why. We were tightly bonded together. I am a different person, will never be the same again. I have lost my father, mother, brother, stepbrother, and stepfather to cancer and now my husband. Your email address will not be published. I feel so sad I just need him back so much. lovely. He is my handicap right now. My late wife was a housewife and me a sole breadwinner.It’s so funny that I feelI was still wanting To do more for her and My child.I miss her a lot.I don’t See any purpose of working any longer.I want to accomplish things for someone,not myself. I, too, try to keep up a good fight every day. He was my entire life. They did so much each hour each day, I always disliked the expression “passed away’. My husband died April 12, 2018, i am sitting hear reading this and crying, my heart is broken. I will work as long as I can because it helps me to keep my sanity from losing my best friend, my love, my everything. My husband died in Dec.’17 and I still can’t believe it. We would have been married 50 years in November, 2018. When will this end? it’s ok you are allowed to feel this way. I lost my husband of 32 years on Nov 3, 2018. i died too that day. The hospital would call and ask me about his body.so his family all donated mony and got him crematef.he left me with 800 in cash a closed checkbook.i understand he did not pay the insurace. More than half our lives. The other part of me wants to keep it together both before and after this door slams in our faces. It is agony! and I miss him dearly, love him forever, and i know that someday I will be with him again. I have a buyer for the RV….I sure could use the money. and I get angry at there sight. The pain and sorrow are so intense. That’s how its always been and I can’t change now. He was only 60:years old and in good health. My husband died in October 2018. A hole. i keep hoping i will wake up and realize it was just a nightmare. After 37 years I am now empty-a shell of myself- a person I do not like- The married guy was a pretty good- fun loving-confident guy- BECAUSE OF HIS WIFE! it still hurts so much every day. It's been several months since my ex-girlfriend and I broke it off. She sank into a coma and died 4 days later from a massive hemorrhage in her brain. ... Its been almost 6 months since she has passed and m still in that shock. My wife and I met when she was 17. We always knew within five minutes where the other was. I work, I cook, I clean, I, I, I.. I know that we shouldn't get back together but I just miss him so bad. My husband also died June 23. If it weren’t for me trusting God each day, I don’t think I could have any hope. Or am i torturing myself by allowing myself to think about her? And as much as I am grateful for others touch, it is not the same. I talked to him out loud constantly. It articulated a lot I havent been able to figure out how to say. I’m angry with him because he wouldn’t try to help himself….he ate whatever he wanted even though a diabetic. God Bless you and I will be praying for you. I miss sharing the smallest things day to day with him. Next month, November 17th would have been our 45th Anniversary. I think today was the first time I realized why I don’t look fwd to going home sometimes. I feel the deep loneliness you all talk about and I know the ache in my heart will never go away, it’s like an open wound that will never heal.