Cows are bred and protected for their value. ??????. It is also prayer for the welfare of one's own animals as every animal owner will naturally do. What Havi (oblation), again, (if offered) lasts for all time? EXCAVATION AT PRABHAS PATAN, DISTRICT JUNAGADH.— [Indian Archaeology 1976-77 A Review]. The Vedic Brahmins however , seem to have changed their mind on beef eating at least in the Gangetic  belt. Considering all the evidences presented in this article, insisting that cows and other animals are not meant for food will be illogical. Download my manuscript that compiles my findings (including archaeological) below (in Microsoft Word): I am one of the few GENUINE Hindus left in the world – a man sworn to SCEPTICISM in the tradition of Charvaka and Chanakya. ????? But, he is totally wrong as the reference is found in Agananuru and not in Purananuru. Meat too was consumed quite widely. Found this on the internet. The work (i.e. Why should beef eating make broken men untouchables? ?????? A twice-born man who, knowing the true meaning of the Veda, slays an animal for these purposes, causes both himself and the animal to enter a most blessed state. In Shathapatha, Ashwa is a word for the nation or empire, The word medha does not mean slaughter. What conclusion can be drawn from this evidence? Thus go-hatya must have come to be considered a mahapataka at least one century earlier, i.e., about the commencement of the fourth century A.D.”. We are of course principally concerned with the cow. It says: “This Yupa is a weapon. The question is why should a Hindu king have come forward to make a law against cow-killing, that is to say, against the Laws of Manu? The answer is that if beef-eating had remained a secular affair-a mere matter of individual taste-such a bar between those who ate beef and those who did not would not have arisen. Chances are the first two responses will be ‘the Vedas’ and ‘the Cow’. It is unnecessary to enlarge upon the subject further. ???????? I point out to you the wild rhinoceros. If we go to the Brahmanas and the classical commentators of the Vedas, the puzzle is solved. 9) 49. From these references it will be seen that Manu did not regard the cow as a sacred animal. The eating of ‘dirty’ food, it warns, is not as terrible as the eating of flesh [Mahabharata, … regarded as showing that! Consider that chicken owner saying, "if anyone will harm MY chicken, I will punish him". From TO EAT OR NOT TO EAT MEAT, A BUDDHIST REFLECTIONS. ??? That is, the goat is first sacrificed and then the horse. 3) Any cattle that naturally died could be eaten/ its meat dried and sold. If this view is not accepted as the correct one, then every verse of this chapter would be a question mark with no answer. Were the Untouchables given to beef-eating from the very start? ??????????? If we take the example of Kapilar, it can be said that only certain Parppar ate meat, but not all Parppar. It is interesting that the same Manu permits eating of meat and does not list the killing of cows in the major sins. However, the primary point is that in no terms in this verse and other verses like it implying any prohibition of cow slaughter. BJP makes HUGE profits from selling beef. Some half-baked Hindus who like to play games might try to call all these references as later interpolations. 056 Who were present in yudhishThira's rAjasUya sacrifice? We have thus a copper-plate inscription dated 465 A.D. and referring itself to the reign of Skandagupta of the Imperial Gupta dynasty. (5.22-23) “He may eat meat when it is sacrificially consecrated, at the behest of Brahmins, when he is ritually commissioned according to rule…” (5.27). Atharvaveda 18/4/20 mentions the following. What had happened to Jains and Buddhists should have happened to them also. Sooyavasaad bhagavatee hi bhooyaa atho vayam bhagvantah syaama That in an agricultural population there should be respect for Buddhism and revulsion against Brahmanism which involved slaughter of animals including cows and bullocks is only natural. Applying the second meaning to the verses where the word 'Aghnya' appears in the Vedas appears to be a more appealing prospect. In today's Mahabharata, there are about one lakh 10 thousand mantras. Aswamedha does not mean horse sacrifice at Yajna. There were many cut and charred bones of cattle, probably suggesting consumption of beef. connection,weshouldpoint!out!that!theSanskrit!wordusedforthesacrificial!cow!isVasa(i.e. With mutton they remain gratified for three months and with the flesh of the hare for four. #047 mAdhavi's story part 8 - Was the Chief God of Heavens = just a killer of pigs? Evidently at some stage, the practices mentioned fell into disuse, and Hindus came to abstain from meat, from beef in particular. However, the scholar Yudhisthir Mimamsak outrightly rejects such a bogus conclusion when he says, "There is no strong evidence to consider these passages as later interpolations. This has been recorded by any number of scholars of the Vedas and epics. So, he will ensure that such theieves are punished. It forms the basis of Mimamsa, the earliest of the six orthodox schools (darshanas) of Indian philosophy. 057 Were Aryans as much enamoured as Europeans and Americans with body colors of humans? ???? ?????? Thus people trying to twist the mantras have no ground to stand on except deceit and fraud. They were also aware of a number of wild-game and animal products, such as milk, curd, ghee, and meat. THE stoppage of beef-eating by the Brahmins and the non-Brahmins and the continued use thereof by the Broken Men had produced a situation which was different from the old. Here, the irony is the “Tannumai” made of calf-leather is to be used to drive away the “cattle-lifters”, though, the “Tannumai”-player happened to be – not only a beef-eater, but also not a “cattle-protector”. If the horse wanders into neighbouring provinces hostile to the sacrificer, they must be subjugated. It is generally believed that the Buddhist Bhikshus eschewed animal food. I shall present a brief gist of thi... Are you searching for Objective Type Multiple Choice Questions on various subjects, to prepare for various Admission Tests and Competitive Exams? ", [The complete works of Swami Vivekananda, Volume 3, Pg 536], "There was a time in this very India when, without eating beef, no Brahmin could remain a Brahmin;". The Broken Men were a community of paupers with no means of livelihood and entirely dependent upon the Settled Community. It is performed to please the gods or to attain certain wishes. References found about Beef-eating: The specific references found in the Sangam literature about beer-eating are mentioned and discussed. Even a thousand buffaloes.1 Agni was not so particular. they call the foliage of every tree palasam). In this way the Hotar (priest) connets it with these world. HINDUS ARE DIRECTLY RESPONSIBLE FOR EXTREME TORTURE OF COWS IN INDIA. Even ascetic Brahmans were not strict vegetarians. Which 99.99% of Hindus haven’t read. However, nothing on the lines of prohibition can be deduced from this verse and other verses where the word 'Aghnya' exists. Only a person with the intention of twisting the meanings does not reveal this. V. 30. The nature of settled life led is proved by the megalithic evidences. Un                 Puram.14.13; 96.6; 381:1-3; 382:8. They are Rig Veda V1.28.1.8. In these things, to wit, little piety, many good deeds, compassion, liberality, truthfulness and purity. They wanted the newly converted Brahmins to also not eat beef. The only questions that arise are : Whether what is true of the present is true of the ancient past? Accordingly, it is evident that bull / ox was killed wantonly for the purpose mentioned. in introduction, he mentions about the western attitude towards cows, cowdung, cow worship, gosalas etc., (pp.ix-x). ???????? ??????? 3 ???????? But eating the dead cow was not. In Rig Veda (X. The answer is that the Brahmins had to suspend or abrogate a requirement of their Vedic religion in order to overcome the supremacy of the Buddhist Bhikshus. The cut-marks, present on many of them, suggest that meat was the staple diet. On the Tishya and Punarvasa days, on the seasonal full moon days, and during the fortnights of the seasonal full moons the branding of horses and oxen must not be done. Such is the evidence in support of the contention that the Hindus never ate beef. This explanation is obviously unsatisfactory. May this horse bring to us all-sustaining wealth, with abundance of cows, of excellent horses, and of male offspring: may the spirited steed bring us exemption from wickedness: may this horse, offered in oblation, procure for us bodily vigour. As has already been pointed out, the Mahars of the Maharashtra claim the right to take the dead animal. It did not apply to the Broken Men. Although the Vanaras are generally depicted as vegetarians, the Brahmans were actually not. A true seeker / practitioner of non-violence has to gradually stop eating plants also. Mesolithic Subsistence in North India: Inferences from Dental Attributes, by John R. Lukacs and J. N. PalSource: Current Anthropology, Vol. Download. ??????? The scale on which the slaughter of cows and animals took place was colossal. The king of the gods, Indra, too is said to be fond of beef, Bhaduri reminds. Vegetarianism in a strict sense means eating only plant products. Neither the law nor the doctrine of Himsa could interdict what they were doing, for what they were doing was neither contrary to law nor to the doctrine. ?, ???????? Vultures like BJP invent ways to get hold of it. In fact an independent yajña is actually called pa?ubandha, pa?u meaning animal (Gopatha Br?hma?a 1.5.7), There isn’t space to go into the detail of even the main yajña here, but this extract from the ?atapatha Br?hma?a should give you an idea. ??????????? The flesh of the rhinoceros, offered to the Pitris on the anniversaries of the lunar days on which they died, becomes inexhaustible. È  Aralai kalver / Mazhavar / Panar etc., ate beef. In the second place if there is anything that separates the Untouchables from the Hindus, it is beef-eating. "Odan' (rice) mixed with meat is called 'Mansodan'. Indeed the cow was killed because the cow was regarded as sacred. He says that there is redemption for any sin / crime committed against good act, but not against ingratitude. Moreover, nothing is mentioned to prove that Andanar, Aruthozhilalar, Aravor, Maraiyavar, Muppirinulor, Pusurar, Vedhiyar, Mudhalvar, Kuravar and other classes of Sangam society, who are also considered as “Brahmans / Brahmins” ate meat. Ambedkar’s 1948 work The Untouchables: Who Were They and Why They Became Untouchables? We shall describe it. It registers a grant and ends with a verse saying : 'Whosoever will transgress this grant that has been assigned (shall become as guilty as) the slayer of a cow, the slayer of a spiritual preceptor (or) the slayer of a Brahman. A Brahman by nature might not be accustomed to do such undesirable act. To give readers a brief idea of Ashwamedha Yajna, I will briefly mention the entire ritual based on Hindu texts like Katyayana Srauta Sutra, Apastamba Sutra, etc; but I will not mention the obscene portion of the Ashwamedha ritual as it is irrelevant with the topic at hand. According to them each animal dedicated to a particular diety in this chapter has to be sacrificed to that deity. 2) Male calves and bulls were regularly eaten in ancient India. That is why the sight of sacred things is forbidden to the profane in certain cases. To say so will be just an assumption. The offering varied depending on which god was being propitiated. This mantra is speaking about a particular cow which gives milk to the Asvins, the divine twin horsemen in the Rigveda. It can be tried, for whatever it is worth. What one likes the other dislikes and yet this difference does not create a bar between the two. He can eat beef, mutton, pork, fish, venison or meat of any animal or bird. This is not the place for describing the full story of the struggle. Excavation at Gandlur, District Guntur.— [Indian Archaeology 1983-84 A Review]. The Anushasan Parv (Book 13); section 88 mentions many animal sacrifices which are can be done to please the Pitris (fathers). ||. 3. Commenting on Purv Mimansa Sutra Adhyaya 3, Pada 6, Sutra 18, the Shabarbhasya says. Instead the Yajurveda clearly mentions that a horse ought not to be slaughtered. So far as the evidence from the Rig Veda is concerned the conclusion is based on a misreading and misunderstanding of the texts. Cows painted over a door are believed to bring good luck. For example, Sutra 158 of the same chapter says, "Meat of a peacock, patridge, rooster, goose, swine, camel, donkey, cow and buffalo is beneficial for developing one's body.". Note the following verse: V. 35. When Cow was deified? ?? Sanction and Prohibition of Beef: Sanction or prohibition of eating anything starts from the association of it with God, Prophet or religion itself. "A person of magnanimous heart who eats meat along with a wine named as 'Maadhveek', is quickly relieved of tuberculosis. In this connection, reference may be made to Chapter III. In the chapter on food the Sushruta Samhita (1st– 4th cent CE) recommends all kinds of fish, bird and animal flesh showing that meat eating was commonplace during that period. ????? One most commonly used mantra of that sort is Atharvaveda 1/16/4 which says, "If you destroy a cow of ours, a human being, or a steed, We pierce you with this piece of lead so that you may not slay our men.". ???? Renowned classical commentator of the four Vedas, Sayana Acharya, also gives the same reason for calling Yajna as 'Adhvar'. That this was a revolution is beyond question. Here, the “Aryan-Dravidian” interpretation falls down completely. His Laws contain the following provisions regarding meat-eating: V.11. Kane: “It was not that the cow was not sacred in Vedic times, it was because of her sacredness that it is ordained in the Vajasaneyi Samhita that beef should be eaten.”. tells us how to cut up the animal and gives an idea of the distribution of its flesh (TS 6.3.10. One is what evidence is there that the Broken Men did eat the flesh of the dead cow. This disposes of the first objection. It is the date when cow-killing became a mortal sin. Even on a simple reading of this mantra, one cannot conlude that it is prohibiting killing cows for food. All one can do is to mention a few salient points. Such questions require satisfactory answers which modern vegetarian Hindus are unable to provide. If the analysis is correct then it is obvious that the worship of the cow is the result of the struggle between Buddhism and Brahminism. Manu goes further and makes eating of flesh compulsory. The Brahmins in all probability had come to be hated as the killer of cows in the same way as the guest had come to be hated as Gognha, the killer of the cow by the householder, because whenever he came a cow had to be killed in his honour. As the French author, Gabriel Tarde has explained that culture within a society spreads by imitation of the ways and manners of the superior classes by the inferior classes. On the other hand, there is no community which is really an Untouchable community which has not something to do with the dead cow. Neither of the two great Hindu epics, the Ramayana and the Mahabharata teach vegetarianism and both often refer to eating meat as if it were normal and uncontroversial, as indeed it was. Therefore, if beef-eating Brahmins were performing yagnas or cow were sacrificed during yagnas, definitely, they would have been opposed by the public for their contradiction or totally wiped out from the society or they would not have been recognized and respected. The horse is associated with the Sun, and its yearly course. The Broken Men being guilty of sacrilege necessarily became beyond the pale of society. I point out to you the forest cow. ????????? As for the Mahabharata, the feastly tales there are better described as beastly ones. As he is the god of mullai region, automatically, the cow should have also received due respect theologically. But when the learned Brahmins argue that the Hindus not only never ate beef but they always held the cow to be sacred and were always opposed to the killing of the cow, it is impossible to accept their view. ? Online answering and evaluation of random-generated question papers are available free. What made the Brahmins become vegetarians? Conclusive evidence of beef eating in the proximity of Ayodhya during the late Vedic period The serving of meat to the guests is confirmed by Shatapath Brahman 3/4/1/2 which says. The sacrifice is to give a new life to the animal. One common argument is that a cow in Vedic literature is called 'Aghnya' meaning 'not fit to be killed' and therefore a cow cannot in any way be killed. Kapilar addresses to a Chera king, “Your hands have become hard due to warfare and giving alms to poets, whereas, the hands of poets have become soft, as they used to sing about you and eat smelling meat, seasonings of food, curry and boiled with rice with meat” (Puram.14:12-14). Among the Kamyashtis set forth in the Taittiriya Bramhana, not only the sacrifice of oxen and cows are laid down, but we are even told what kind and description of oxen and cows are to be offered to what deities. That Manu did not prohibit meat-eating is evident enough. Assuming that they were given by the King of Bedar, the King obviously did not create them for the first time. ?? There is another taboo which is against beef eating. Thus guests in ancient India were called 'goghna', because on their coming a cow was slaughtered to be served to them. When it was noticed abroad that the Bhikshus were in the habit of eating such food specially provided for them, the Tirthikas made the practice a matter of angry reproach. Click anywhere on this sentence to download my slides, you can become PM of India if manage to get a lot of people killed, Vedic religion’s failed attempt to force everyone to stop eating beef, A Buddhist’s analysis of meat and beef eating in ancient India (by Shravasti Dhammika), Cow on Indian Political Chessboard: E-Digest Compiled by Ram Puniyani, Archaeological evidence of beef eating in India (Indus Valley, Vedic period, etc. The Brahmins followed it. As observed by Mr. P.V. So also the contradicting position of the meat eating Buddhists, as they were preaching love, ahimsa etc., at one side and eating meat at another side. In the Rig Veda, Indra demands that he be served 15 to 20 cooked oxen. Some of the bones and antlers bearing cut mark and occasionally charred, indicated that meat was an important component of their diet. 'destroyer of sins' is being completely brushed under the carpet. A Snataka should not step over a rope to which a calf is tied. The mingled draught, the mess of rice, the flesh which I present to you, May these be full of food for you, distilling fatness, rich in sweets. But wherein consists the Law of Piety? Some idea of the extent of this slaughter can however be had from references to it in the Buddhist literature. ????? Prof. Mookerji tries to get out of the difficulty by saying that at the time of Asoka the cow was not eaten and therefore came within the prohibition. 2) 62. Now from scripture we derive the certain knowledge that the gyotishtoma-sacrifice, which involves harm done to animals (i.e. ???????? The sacred and the profane do not belong to the same class. The key differences are attributable to the tendency for the Gangetic Plains samples to show severe dental wear, dental abscessing and antemortem tooth  loss attributable to wear rather than caries, a greater  prevalence of calculus (reflecting higher meat consumption), and a greater prevalence of alveolar resorption resulting from heavy masticatory stress in combination with calculus deposition. ?????? He opines that the cow may be the rain cloud, the milk being the rain and the milker Vaayu, the god of wind who causes it to flow. It is interesting  to know that there is some indication for killing cattle at a very advanced age. There are two passages in the Satapatha Brahmana which relate to animal sacrifice and beef-eating. V.13. A cow may be called 'destroyer of sins' due to the very fact that it was sacrificed as a burnt offering for cleansing a person's sins. It should have extended to all other animals. ??????? According to the story told by him –, “In the time of Buddha there was in Vaisali a wealthy general named Siha who was a convert to Buddhism. It is enough to give an idea of the main features of the Sacrifice. It comes, so to say, straight from the horse’s mouth and what is important is that it is also rational for it accords with facts as we know them. Definitely, this must have created a strong impression upon the minds of the men and women of Sangam society. 9. Dig a ditch in the earth to hide its excrements. Thirdly, if Brahmins became vegetarians by reason of the doctrine of transmigration of the soul how is it, it did not make the non-Brahmins take to vegetarianism? There must remain no doubt in the anyone's mind after seeing all these testimonies that the Vedic religion permits beef eating and also sacrificing the animals is considered as an investment for greater good. Again, this verse explicitly proves the belief of the Vedic people that the sacrificial horse did not actually die but was trasported to noble heavenly worlds. ?????? The caponing of cocks must not be done. Anyone who should stop the horse is ritually cursed, and a dog is killed symbolic of the punishment for the sinners. Beef was eaten in the Pune area at least till 1400 BC To conclude my article establishing that the Vedas and the subsidiary texts permit beef eating as well as sacrificing animals, I will post the testimony of renowned classical Hindu scholars, besides the other notale scholars I have already quoted. ?????????. Similarly, “Kala velvi”, the so called yagnas conducted at the battle fields as depicted by the poets, is nothing to do with “velvi”. ?????????? #026 What crime did the physicians commit? Click anywhere on this sentence to download my slides. But to those who say they are doing it because the Hindu scriptures censure it, I urge you to read the aforementioned texts and decide for yourself. ?????????? Simpiflied for easy searching and published here for my record. That the ?rya of the ?g Veda ate beef and meat is clear from the text itself. ????? I will not be commenting on the medical validity of the passages. [Note: This is neolithic, i.e. The same was the attitude of Yajnavalkya. Indus people kept cattle, pigs, sheep and goats for food. Several of the animals cannot be identified. To prove my point, I will refer to a variety of ancient Hindu sources including the Samhit?s (oldest portions of the Vedas), the Br?hma?as (Vedic texts which lay down the rules for the Vedic sacrifice) and the Dharma-sutr?s, (post Vedic texts which continue to be the bedrock of orthodox Hindu belief. It is clearly mentioned in the Mimamsa Sutrs. Simultaneous Hindi Translation and Commentary:, ?? Pillar Edict No.II was in the following terms: “Thus saith His Sacred and Gracious Majesty, the King: “The Law of Piety is excellent.