My 15-year-old will start at a new school this week. By closing this banner or continuing to browse this website, you agree to the use of cookies. instagram/suziesmithyoga Answer: “Let go and let God” is a phrase that cropped up some years ago and still enjoys some popularity today. Just giving my 2 cents, and that plus a dollar can’t even by a good doughnut , What an encouraging post! I do not need your help. It’s so bad it’s good. God saved his life. I am going to order some choose joy bracelets as soon as I can but I want to tell you thank you! Janel Parrish had a balloon tattooed on her left shoulder by artist Daniel Winter in June 2015. Miracles happen. Thank you! This man chooses JOY everyday. I don’t follow a religion. Good job men! Sometimes it’s hard to see how I will ever move forward, but your positive words make me realize I should appreciate all that I have and be strong. “Let go and let God handle it”. Let go and let God…..easier said than done but I sure as heck am trying! You are a total inspiration to me. The balloon symbolizes letting go of things that are holding you back. We’ll see how it goes. “I liked to shake the hand of the daughter of the bravest man I’ve ever met.”. Seems you have things in perspective. So then I prayed that He would reveal if there was someone I should be praying for while I was trying to go back to sleep. I’ve finally begun to understand that the phrase means something different. LOTS of prayers coming your way for you and your family. Sure hope it’s either not cancerous, or that she can recover soon. I learn more and more everyday that most things are out of my control….and I have to let God fill in: whether it’s healing, faith, guidance, and especially acceptance. I will be praying for Elaine and her family as well as continued prayers for you. Thanks for the verse, need to be reminded of that constantly. Thanks for this post – I have been trying to choose joy myself lately, and I also need to Let Go, Let God. You are in my prayers! I was determined to go today to pray especially for my friend Staci and her mother Elaine and their family. You say you’re addicted to that show but UGH! PRaying for you guys and your friends! Find all of our books, bibles, greeting cards and special offers in our store. O j alá que los m iembros jóvenes recuerden que estamos e n pres enci a de Dios do nd e qu iera qu e yaya mos y en todo lo que hagamos. I am touched by you every time I read your posts. When I got to the psalms verse u posted I had to cry….. It reads “Faith.Love.Hope“.This depicts a very happy go lucky approach of a person. Praying for you Ashley. We made it to church 2 weeks in a row. It would, after all, be a huge relief if this set-up were to work. Let it be tattoo is more stylish for you to decide with great choices of typefaces, it is a complete idiom explaining a factor that let the things in their own way and keep yourself going whispering the words of wisdom. Shop Now, Follow the Guideposts special series, Overcoming Addiction Visit Now. Read more in my about section. Praying for you and your family, and Elaine & family. I just want you to know that I have been praying for you and your precious family. Let go of the fear, we can be afraid but it’s wasted energy. Because every dr. said they had NO IDEA how he is here, how he survived the initial accident. In the modern sense, people sometimes believe the Vegvísir tattoos would not let them go astray in life. blessings! Choose joy! Most people get tattoos with meaning to them. For more information, please see our Privacy Policy. my husband is in recovery and that’s a huge part. You are completley and totally awesome I love reading your post and am always so inspired by you.You and yours are in my thoughts and prayers. Well I am not sure what any of this means, but I guess the bottom line is that your blog is such a huge part of my day that I even dream about you. (that makes me sound so creepy) Anyways, I cored the apple first and then cut in into thin slices. the courage to change the things I can, Praying for Elaine and her family too!! It also has the Key of Life (represents the womb/ the Feminine Discipline; also represents Life, Health, and Happiness), as well as the crescent and the star which are the symbols for Islam. love that i don’t always have to lug around the big daddy camera with me! Hers affected speech, memory and processing. His roommates have no idea what the meaning is: Let Go, Let God…..huh, what? i hope you enjoyed the rest of your sunday funday! Top 3 Inspiring Christian Tattoos to Get and Why Religious tattoos: no matter the tattoo, design, or reason, I encourage you to learn more about both sides of the Christian tattoo debate. Have a good day. Actually, the Bible never tells us to “let go and let God.” In fact, there are so many commandments about what we are to do that it completely contradicts the way most people interpret “let go and let God.” thank you for your words – they are such a gift. xoxo, I couldn’t agree more. and the wisdom to know the difference. awww, Vinnie has always been my favorite! Thank you. grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, maybe you could try that? Thank you, choose joy! And the lotus to represent overcoming a hardship. Praying for Elaine! I first heard this when I was going through my divorce. Rune Tatoo. Second, i also heart Steve Buscemi. Watching Armageddon this afternoon….Brett says that I remind him of Steve Buscemi. I hope you would like this translation and would even like to have it as a tattoo. Praying for you and her, and I am sure you are a blessing to her just as much as she was to you. Entertainment blog “Wet Paint” reports that Guadagnino received the tattoo some time last year but that he said he was not allowed to talk about it until Season 5. Sometimes it’s ok to let go. Thinking of you often. Also- You both have very good men. Today’s sermon at church was on Psalm 46: God is our refuge and strength, an ever-present help in trouble. Don’t worry about the spiritual analogy from Jersey Shore – my roommates & I constantly found those types of things while watching the Harry Potter movies If it brings you closer to God, who cares what the source is? I just don’t understand all these people that I know or have heard of that have been diagnosed with lung cancer! Thanks for allowing God to use you to reach people that otherwise may not have ever been reached . My mom had a major stroke 4 1/2 years ago and she had 2 smaller ones this past year. Staci and her husband Ben were the first ones to make the Choose Joy bracelets for us……they started the whole thing. Oh Lord, I couldn’t help but cry. Lost his leg at the scene, broke front & back pelvis, torn abdomin, amongst other life-threatening injuries as he obviously was thrown from his bike. I have witnessed it all too well, just keep believing . Cool that the guy got a tattoo like that. You make me believe. I know, I know….I’m using Jersey Shore to make a point…..but the tattoo is exactly what Psalm 46 says: Be still, and know that I am God. Praying for you Ashley! and that made me giggle that your mr. compared you to steve buscemi. Symbol Tattoos Meaning. The devil wants there to be no room left for God in our lives. I mean, not a clue at all, nor even a guess. Nanci Asaro, Carmichael, CA, Last night I had some trouble sleeping, and first, I prayed that the Lord would help me get back to sleep. I am really glad to hear that you felt well enough to go to church and out to eat! Renovating a 1960s ranch house and an old train depot. Long story short, my step-dad was struck by a van on his motorcycle coming home from work. So, here we go with Small Tattoo Designs With Powerful Meaning: Ohm – The sound of the Universe After severe anxiety, depression and PTSD led to a massive crisis last year that resulted in nearly six months in the hospital, it was clear that she could not return to the splendid high school where she started 9th grade. It is Easier to Trust God When Not in Need. Read More: How Elizabeth Vargas Overcame Anxiety and Addiction. So, i know some of the things to pray. What does let go and let God expression mean? I had a crazy dream about you and your family last night. Living a simple, creative life in #smalltownusa Bryson City, NC. So how do I choose joy in situations where most people would think there isn’t an ounce of joy to be found? Elaine will be in my prayers too. . , yes, I am so trying to learn that. Breathe to remind me to relax, let go of the negativity and stress, let God take care of it. When we kept saying “why did this happen to you” . .your time is coming! sometimes easier said then done for a lot of us. I’ll be taking care of your problems today. The minute I saw the title of your post I thought about Jersey Shore too and then I thought there was no way you would watch Jersey Shore. Slide 2 of 5. I find myself checking your blog every single day – you are contagious! Hola Ashely, incluiremos en nuestras oraciones a Elaine y todo saldra segun los planes de Dios. It is nice to fellowship with believers. Anchors Away: Let go of whatever’s holding you back — or at least let your new anchor tattoo be a reminder of what to leave behind so you can set sail. We were looking at pictures of her from when she was sick and I am sure in pain but not a single one shows it there is a smile on her face in every one. Psalm 46, my favorite verse, maybe because I have a hard time…letting go. I used to think that the phrase “Let go and let God” was about turning my troubles over to Him, and He would take care of things. I’m praying for Elaine also! Thank you for being so brutally honest about your journey! “Sometimes you gotta learn to exhale…trust life, and let things go,” Janel wrote on instagram. LOL! They sound delightful. This cute tattoo twists the concept of the “water carrier” into something unique and meaningful. Okay, I checked, there is about 40 posts telling you to use plastic spray paint… My question is did it work? -Evelyn. I’d like to order some “Joy” bracelets. We all were in disbelief but not him. It all comes in his time and way. I am very tired and I really, really, really don’t want more pain. i have captured so much more now that i have an iphone! I’m so happy you were able to make it out today!! xo. Grab some tattoo balm and prepare for a tattoo of your own after studying these designs. Thank you for showing us the good and the bad of who you are for showing that even in a chemo chair you are smiling but thank you most of all for teaching me to choose joy. Elaine has brought over my favorite drinks, antioxidant soup, and “smooth move” tea….anything she could do to make my day easier the last few weeks. Stay strong. I love that you inspired Boo’s party. There was a time in my life when I would have been praying like mad in a situation like this. I also am praying in my own way for you and your friends. The Great Smoky Mountains and Western NC Hiking. Be still… other words, “let go” and let God handle it. Keep it up! There is a spray paint specifically for plastics (made by Krylon, I think). Letting go obviously means letting go of the limited ego with its self-will, its narrow understanding and its preconceptions. "Let Go & Let God" Lovato has the words "Let Go & Let God" across her feet. Prayers for your wonderful Elaine and your dear, supportive friends. On September 27, 2011, Demi Lovato tweeted the message “Let go, and let God,” and then, a year later, pictures of the newly-blonde Demi … Such sweet girls . Glad He loves us in spite of it! thank you for your reminders to Choose Joy. . Staci follows up almost every day on my progress. Thank you in so many ways. I was willing to hand it all over to God and let Him just answer that prayer His way when I first added it to my prayer list, BEFORE the difficulties arose.But it was easy to forget that request and fight letting Him be in control when I … Size: 2.5" x 1.5" Save 20% with purchase of a Power Pack/10 of our Let Go Let God Temporary Tattoo! First tattoo. They are so stupid!!) They are amazing! Steve Buscemi – maybe Mr. LBB just thins of you are a super-smart horn-dog, LOL. The Greek word “Meraki" To do something with soul, passion, love, and creativity or to put yourself … After church we went to lunch at our favorite lunch place and I watched as Boo inched precariously closer and closer to falling into the fountain. But I DO! My husband loves watching the same movies over and over again and Armageddon is one of them. I used to think that the phrase “Let go and let God” was about turning my troubles over to Him, and He would take care of things. She is only 75! I just let go……and have faith. Our prayers also to Elaine & her family…. The saying bothered me because there were many times I tried to pass Him the baton, and it fell with a clunk on the ground. Yesterday, Elaine told Staci to make sure I knew that she was wearing her Choose Joy bracelet in the hospital. What’s your interpretation of this abstract tattoo? They look like sprinkled covered doughnuts! Well, guess what Ben and Staci: you are now responsible for over 10,000 Choose Joy bracelets floating around to date…and 4,000 more that have yet to be shipped out. One popular meaning of letting go is to passively sit back and simply allow things to happen. Last 2-5 days on average (up to 10 days depending on the skin type and usage). Let’s take a look as some of the more popular symbol tattoos with meaning. Thank you for who you are and for sharing yourself so openly. You worry about the day-to-day stuff (the little things) and then you turn the rest over to God because He’s got this! I know with all of us in her corner she will back with us in no time. (Also, my favorite line from Armageddon comes from Owen Wilson: “Scariest environment imaginable. Maybe just make a whole doughnut fiesta. God is good, and I know that He will provide for you and your family. The new school has tiny classes, a lot of flexibility and people on staff who can help when my daughter has a hard day. I’m also praying that He will draw you and your family near to Him. I love the relation to jersey shore and I think you should totally get that tattooed on your head too:) You truly are an inspiration! My 4 year old daughter is very similar in that respect, and I love that they like to impress us. (By the way… I’m from NJ originally and I absolutely hate Jersey Shore! They would be such a cute (and healthy) snack for Boo’s doughnut party. I am so shocked to hear about Elaine. Tackling this topic is a great opportunity to come to God to understand and glorify Him. I thought it was odd, though, that none of them knew what Vinny’s tattoo meant. My kiddo wants me to create a tiered doughnut cake for her birthday party. We have a dear friend in Charlotte across the street who is dealing with a brain tumor, and I want to share your blog with him! It’s that scripture which calms my heart and soul and makes me want to live the best life I can, yet accept what I can not control. praying for you, your friends and their mom. Also, it means that the one wearing it is a firm believer in God’s awesome creation, “Love.” 2. I knew immediately what your post would include just by reading the title! She's never publicly spoken about the tattoo's meaning, but we think it's safe to … A floating pumice rock. I am hoping I will get to be part of an online celebration of life that you should have when you are better! . Ashley – don’t know if you even remember me, we were pledge sisters at Wake. This attitude says, "There's nothing I can do, so why try?" It just my ‘dough’ the trick… , I absolutely LOVE that you used Jersey Shore (even though I have never even seen an episode) to make your point. I thought that was a little sad. i always remember something my daughter told me when i was having a rough patch thru the lovely walk of life, “if god brought you to it, he will bring you thru it”…i think she was only 17 at the time….i smile when i recall our conversation, but it is soooo true. Prayers for your dear friend. Awh, prayers for your friends and their mom!! Thanks for your honesty on this journey. 3. Yes, the goofy, creepy guy. Here are some good black and grey tattoos designs that look decent yet bold so you can have a better selection, let’s see which one would suit you the best. But if it all falls apart again, I will love You. He is the sweetest man & does not have an enemy in the world. Runes were the common system of the alphabet to the Vikings. This tattoo is of Ananke and Cronus, the Greek God and Goddess. You inspire me to Choose Joy I will keep you and your loyal friends in my prayers. God is sovereign. “Let go [of the outcome you desire], and let God [manifest His will].”. Good luck! After reading your post, i thought about this that i saw at a friend’s house last friday. Copyright Lil Blue Boo © 2021 | Privacy Policy. Cancer Sucks…Let Go, Let God…praying for others as you are fighting…you are amazing! I have never been able to, But I get it. It doesn’t mean that I don’t cry, or that I’m not sad, or disappointed when things happen…..but I can choose not to be bitter or angry. The tattoo on top is in Arabic (calligraphy): Praise Be To God; the one underneath is in French: Nothing But The Best. Did you try Krylon plastic spray paint? Thanks. Re. Small Tattoo Designs With Powerful Meaning. In culture [ edit ] The phrase has been adopted by members of the US military in various conflicts, such as the Vietnam War , [11] and is used as an unofficial slogan by certain units. The night my surgery went sideways, Ben showed up almost immediately at the hospital, no hesitation. Ananke symbolizes inevitability, compulsion, and necessity and is usually holding a spindle. One of my favorite verses, I love David”s trust in God our sermon here today was also about David and letting God take over. They DID happen & they continue to happen with him & they WILL happen with YOU my friend. . i hate that i love it so much, but i can’t tear my eyes away! Let Go Let God Manifestation Tattoo. I just felt bad for them… Praying that you will have a great week and that the new chemo is kicking cancers butt! Then, I wondered if I was having trouble sleeping for a reason. So my prayer today goes more like this: “Whatever happens, Lord, is what happens. Today, let’s talk all about the universe of Russian tattoos, their applications, and even their uncommon style! Prayers to Elaine! Elaine collapsed this past weekend from a stroke and while they were doing scans they found a lesion on her lung and several on her lymph nodes that they believe to be cancerous. Scariest environment imaginable.”, Girl that verse is what gets me through MOST days in my own life right now. The saying bothered me because there were many times I tried to pass Him the baton, and it fell with a clunk on the ground. =) Stay strong my friend – I am here for ya! You may want to give it a shot if it isn’t what you already tried. (See Viking Compass Vegvisir Tattoo) 10. The process of letting go of the idea that there are hidden meanings in every tiny thing can be tough, especially for someone just emerging from deep psychosis. I have those 3 words tattoo’d on my right wrist as a daily reminder to trust in my faith of the lord, no matter how bad times may seem he’ll carry me through. Praying for Elaine and her family. tip: theres lawn furniture spray paint that bonds at the molecule-level with plastic. I think people don’t see God in the little things of life often. Disclosure: I use Amazon affiliate links to help pay for the costs of this website. So often there are examples of bad men in our culture and I think you both have two very good ones. AMEN!!!! Are you serious? I trust. But I don’t complain about my situations, I just pray. But does that mean that getting tattoos are sinful? This is such an encouraging promise of God.God began a good … In the King James Version, the English translation of the verse is: "Nevertheless the foundation of God standeth sure, having this seal, The Lord knoweth them that are His." There is comfort in giving all your troubles over to Him and allowing Him to be in control. The switchblade tattoo is one of the more popular knife tattoos due to its unique looks and the meanings that can be attached to it. Always in my heart! I should have that tattooed somewhere, except i’m 46 and extremely afraid of what sagging tattoos are gonna look like when i’m old and droopy! Sometimes that’s ALL we have. Elaine is my dear friend and it made my heart less heavy to read your positive words. Don’t judge….but I’m a reality TV junkie…..and all I could think about in church during the sermon was last week’s Jersey Shore episode where Vinny gets a new tattoo: His roommates have no idea what the meaning is: Let Go, Let God…..huh, what? That is what I have learned too. That can’t be easy to do all the time. Let the young remember that you are in the presence of God wherever you go and whatever you do. Elaine’s husband Fred showed up on my doorstep to help contact any cancer center I wanted to get in to. The road may not be the quickest or the easiest but He is using you for His glory & you will be so much stronger in the end – trust me! Least romantic love scene ever Ben Afleck and Liv Tyler with the animal crackers. My friend was like you, she kept smiling she choose joy. I dreamed that you were healed and had built some crazy house/ranch with horses and I was your assistant or something I think. Hope she recovers soon. Go vinny!!! In this decade, we’re learning that any global crisis can upend health, …, Church Leaders Get Creative to Serve Their Communities During the Covid-19 Pandemic, Her Dog's Injuries Taught Her a Lesson in Letting Go, Rafer Johnson: An Athlete Whose Faith Came First, Gratitude is the Key to a Well-Lived Life. You remind me EVERYDAY tp choose JOY Ashl;ey – even a bazillion miles away in Australia… Love to you from Down Under! Surely it will provide him comfort and encouragement. Thank you for reading! Funny..First of all, I heart jersey shore and i probably wouldve thought the same thing about Vinnys tat if our sermon were on that. If you were already thinking about getting some kind of knife tattoo, then you might find that a switchblade design is the perfect pick of the bunch. I believe. It is so hard to watch her struggle. In either case, the below list of tattoos and their meanings may help you find the perfect tattoo with the perfect meaning. Also, I hope you don’t remind him of Steve Buscemi in Boardwalk Empire . I stumbled across your website a few days ago and I am hooked! They would never want me to give credit though. i love that saying vinny got – very powerful! This is typified by the fatalistic "Que sera sera" (Whatever will be, will be). And your friends! Your post is just another confirmation to what I’ve already heard today. Philippians 1:6 says, “And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ.”. So I was just cutting an apple for my 3 year old and it made me think of Boo’s doughnut party. A donut party? Trusting in God is a lifelong process. Praying for you and your family. An Aquarius tattoo isn’t always equal to the water vessel. Only by doing so can we find new sources and welcome better things in life. “Good Morning. I have had a challenging year, as I lost my husband one year ago this week to a heart condition we did not know he had. Let Go of Worry. Let's investigate what the Bible says about tattoos, honoring God, and just how we get to Heaven. You keep going with that sweet smile , “You will keep him in perfect peace, Whose mind is stayed on You, Because he trusts in you.”, That’s my resolution…Let Go and Let God!! My prays go out to you, your family, and your friends family. Energy better spent on “Joy”. Xo praying (in my own way….not church) for you!!! Inked across the star’s chest in scripted, black letters were the words “Let Go Let God.”. . While Cronus is the King of the Titans and the God of Time, known for his kindness and generosity. Aren’t donuts kind of a gooey mess themselves?! Trust, Trust, Trust. God's will may test us in ways that are difficult to contemplate. prayers & good thoughts for you & your friend’s family. What wonderful friends you have! It’s common to have symbols as tattoos as they are typically compact, relatively simple designs, that have an underlying meaning. storm at the sea..(Depending on the bible version)…when Jesus say “quiet, be still” calms the sea, then turns to the disciples and says yea who have such little faith. How to Let Go and Let God. This exhibit of the Russian tattoos shows off the diversity of the amazing Russian tattoo … . The enemy seeks every new day to cloud our minds with worries, doubts, and fears. Any and all posts on this site may contain affiliate links. Praise God for blessing you with peace and contentment, optimism, joy and wonderful friends! such powerful words. Much love to you and yours…. He always has the best in store for us! Those donuts actually look good – not a craft fail. Lil Boo looks so cute hanging over the edge of the fountain. praying for elaine and you of course hope you have a good night! Ashley, I also say it’s hard to say what you mean to me, but I get so much out of reading your posts. I cannot even express to you what an inspiration you are to me and others. Making a Composition Book Art Journal.... Rainbow Heart Wall Hanging - Crayola Model Magic Summer Project. I'll let go and I let God Let God have His way That's when things start happening I'll stop looking at back then I let go and I'll let God have His way [Verse 2:] There so much going on Sometimes I can't find my way And often times I struggle Struggle from day to day I … Sanskrit Tattoo Translation for phrase ‘Let Go Let God’ Leave a Comment / Sanskrit Tattoos / By Vivek Kumar / June 9, 2016 June 9, 2016. I love you!” Isn’t that AWESOME. What Does 'Let Go and Let God' Really Mean? You wrote a beautiful testimony to Faith. Maybe one of these days we’ll get it right. This is a very popular tattoo in the classification of love tattoos. This website uses cookies to personalize content and ads and to analyze traffic. This is a beautiful phrase and to translate it into Sanskrit is even more beautiful. *hugs*. They have mylar donut balloons on ebay… you could just blow them up with regular air. xx, You all need to get Arnie the Doughnut, by Laurie Keller – perfect book for a donut party! Try the universal paint that is supposed to be good for use on anything, wood, vinyl, glass, plastic, you name it…the donuts look cute though. Let go; Let God is my new motto , So nice to hear about your lovely Sunday. I am praying for Elaine, her family, you, and your family! If it’s Your will for this school plan to succeed, I will be thankful. My thoughts are with you and your family too. I think so often we make Him out to be this big far off Being who isn’t involved with daily life… I think it is awesome that you can see God in Jersey Shore… I mean… God points us to Him so many ways, and I am glad you got to draw closer to Him through that. She was on a mission to save a “rock” which I swore was either going to turn out to be dog poop or tree bark….but it did actually turn out to be a rock. . But we still always seem to try to make deals with Him or think we know better. Oooooo jersey shore!!! You are amazing and such an inspiration. Favorite lines: “What are you doing with a gun in space?” and we have to trust in the lord. Be still… other words, “let go” and let God handle it. Today Elaine is MY inspiration. ps-i love instagram pics and am still learning the ropes! Possible Meanings of Demi’s Foot Tat. Praying for you and Elaine. Know that many strangers are praying for the Lord’s healing! WHY am I telling you all this? Let us examine the true meaning of “Let go, let God” for there is a lot more to this saying than meets the eye, my friends. let go; let god. But that is such a powerful saying. That is it! I hope you are having a good day today:), [footer_backtotop href="#top" text="Return to Top"] I dreamed that you were making Choose Joy bracelets that were leather with beading and some kind of feathers hanging off them that you wrapped many times around your wrist. What photo app do you use to take/edit your photos! I’ve never seen Jersey Shore. Hold tight to that faith on all those days when you feel down of feel like YOU alone can’t get through. I think you make our Father in Heaven very proud because you meet people where they are. Adding Elaine to my daily prayers. Definition of let go and let God in the Idioms Dictionary. I have seen LOTS of miracles in the last 6 months with my own eyes so the POWER OF PRAYER WORKS. There’s a huge difference. xoxo Ashley! Letting go and letting God is a daily, moment-by-moment choice. Did you try that Krylon spray paint meant for plastic? (Jersey Shore! Definitions by the largest Idiom Dictionary. The Bible says our bodies are holy temples to the Lord. You are an amazing woman. Others may have a symbol in mind and are looking for the general meaning and symbolism. p.s I posted your Choose Joy button as the background image on the computers at my office and it seems to be having a positive effect on my coworkers:), i love that you explained that letting go and giving things up to God doesn’t mean you can’t cry… some people think that all emotions are taken away when God takes over… its not that, He still lets us experience life, but supports us, helps us shoulder the burden that life brings us…, i’m so sorry your friend is going through that, we are praying for her recovery and God’s guidance for her family and friends as they all go through it together…. My favorite is Matthew chapter 8 verse 20?-30? I am reading this after just coming home from the viewing service of a dear friend who just passed after a hard fight with cancer. Last, i will pray for Elaine and her family.I have been praying for you and your beautiful family as well.