Though her team has no gym and no uniforms -- and the school itself is in danger of being sold -- Coach Rush looks to steer her girls to their first national championship. :Alien Leader: We are the martyres from the star you call Sirius B, and we are not interested in earthling trivialities! I, Lao Chu, command you-take the city, drive out the human pestilence! Even now I feel a new power surging in my circuits! It's the Cap... Not so fast, bonehead! If one attaches, that person will become a zombie. OTHER SETS BY THIS CREATOR. Talon: After him! Skull Master: [the Skullmaster first meets Max] At last... the Chosen One. Norman: [Breaks a huge block out of the wall] There is now. What are the disadvantages of unorganised retail? Virgil: Well done, Mighty-One-turn your power toward Hydra! Cyberskull: Ha, that wasn't me, you protoplasmic preteen pinhead! Max: The whole cave! Max: I wonder what the penalty is for grand theft mothership? Virgil: On the other hand, since destiny is composed of equal parts, chance, free-will, and necessity, when you exerted your free-will, by refusing to take an innocent life, namely my own, rather than altering your destiny... you actually raised it to a higher plane! Skullmaster: What I want is the past, the present, and the future-something you have precious little of. Max: Uh, sorry, my mom told me never to talk to strangers, especially ones with no skin and birds on their skulls-later! Listen to it beat, like a human heart. But the people hesitated, so Skullmaster used his dark powers to topple the very walls of the city, and the people quickly conceded their souls to the stone. 101 terms. Dr. Bob: Okay you two, just to show you I'm a good guy, you can watch the really big show from here. Max: [to a skeleton] Too much fibre, bud. Virgil: Destiny is equal parts chance, free will and necessity. Good golly, Miss Kali! Jiffie: Help, help! I am now the eye of the sun! Max: Here goes nothin'. After all, we are innocent, we must wait for the chief constable to let us go. Now I can avenge his death... Virgil: Once again you must save the world, Mighty One. Only the future can tell me what I want to know. Lancelot? In other words, freaks of the world, unite! Maybe you could lighten up on the pressure, just a little? Norman: You don't want to see this, Mighty One... Max: Hey man, I've seen violence on TV and movies! Not yet, for that it needs souls! [Max is hanging inches from the ground]. But that one, was Skullmaster. Virgil: You see, Mighty One, even though it's earlier than I planned, we can still defeat Skullmaster, but only if you do what I say. According to legend, a zombie neither lives nor dies, but exists only in limbo. Max: Excuse me, um, aren't there any union rules about superheroes getting two weeks of R&R? Still fits. Now feel the power of ultimate darkness! And if I know anything, I know that you guys are always on my side. But it does not yet live! Talon: [Talon tries to tempt Max with an offer of immortality] Can we not share this mystic disc? Max: Sometimes you gotta do things, whether you want to or not! Max: Forty minutes? You will call me *lord* Cyberskull! And that, warrior, is you. Little John? And I'm losing my lunch! Norman: It took me a long time to grow that hair... Max: Hey, Normie, it took me even longer to grow this head! Give me one good reason why I shouldn't destroy you right now? In *my* world you play by *my* rules! Why are you dripping slime on the floor? What do you want? Virgil: You are right! I fear the world needs you once again. All those comic books I read were right! It is because evil is the superior force. Cyberskull: That was cheating! Or haven't you heard? Swallow. Hydra's Good Side: Ah, light! Max: A Cyberskull action figure? A book whose secrets will enable me to rejoin the shattered Crystal, of Souls. Max: [to cab driver] I never thought I'd hear myself say this, but follow that sabretooth tiger! Chew. Max: Norman, yoo-hoo, Norman, it's me Max, the Mighty-One, the Cap-Bearer, your buddy, remember? But I've been thinking, even though you were my teacher in those distant days of Lemuria's golden age, there were many lessons I learned that you never taught. Mighty Max (1993–1994) was an animated action/sci-fi/horror series that follows the adventures of Max, a wisecracking 11-year-old boy who receives a cap in the mail that activates portals to other locations. My spirit is everywhere, Cap-Bearer! Max: [sarcastically] Yeah, and they're here to give us the key to the village. Virgil: I fear that will be impossible. Take it... Max: [Upon being given the Cap, Skullmaster betrays his word and destroys Virgil] Virgil! Find him first, and bring me his beating heart, and I'll eat it raw! Max: Never mind him, we gotta realign those satellites. Mankind's fate is in your hands, Mighty Max. Follow me. Deny me, and I'll cut the boy a new smile! And you're outta mine! Something tells me he might have to brush up on his social skills. Max: Why should I listen to a stinky traitor like you! Max: Uh, do you have any idea what he just said? Virgil: Beware, Mighty-One, there is much power in that page, it can either bring you victory, or... well, how can I put this, you might create a molecular chain-reaction, resulting in a process not unlike spontaneous combustion. Max: There's only one thing to do: settle this once and for all-mono a snako! Gorr lives on, protecting the world from that immortal beast. [he punches the door and gets electrocuted] Ho! Norman: This job just keeps gettin' better. Virgil: Perhaps, but this time I have a hunch... Cyberskull: [Later on in a garbage can, the Cyberskull action-figure toy comes to life] I am Cyberskull, it's time to play... Max: Now there's one nerd packin' a major 'tude! A scared, little boy... Max: No wait, this is all in my mind. Norman: True, but that doesn't make it a bad idea. Like this, I've mutated these little rascals to help me. Max: You know, I knew you were going to say that. Max: [Max reasons with Freako's mob of mutant slaves] Stop! No matter what happens, don't lose the disc-whatever the obstacles, the danger, the enormous odds, persevere! When the earth is thine and the astral domain is mine, we shall rule for all eternity! Norman: I like it, but it'd be better with swords. Mighty Max. And by the time your feeble mind can comprehend it, it shall not exist, since, with the power of the Lemurian Arcana, I shall shatter that balance, forever! Max: Oh good. Bea: Max! Take for example, the destruction of my prized possession, the Crystal of Souls, by your nasty little Cap-Bearer... On the other hand, friendship also has its place, old friend. And insufferably insipid "good!". I did not feel smart until I met Freak. What about the air force, or the U.N.? You agreed to do exactly as I ordered-and my orders are, destroy Skullmaster now! Virgil: It appears the aliens ignite when they rise above a sub-freezing temperature. Max: Yeah, well, you may be 50-feet tall, but to me you're still Marlin Dex, technodweeb! Virgil: I'm sorry Mighty One, we must flee until you're old enough to fulfill your destiny! I think this quote is important because without Kevin in Max's life, he would still be dumb and left alone. Nothing but chaos remains. That's impossible. Gwen Avery is the Mother ofKevin The Fair Guinevere as Freak Calls her, Or the Fair-Gwen-of-Air as Max seems to think she is called.She is known asGwen Dillonin the movie and is played by Sharon Stone. But now I'm back, to take my revenge! Below you will find the important quotes in Freak the Mighty related to the theme of Memory, Grief, and Trauma. Max: Oh please! Danger is near. Step off the cliff! What would you expect from a fowl? Arnold Schwarzenegger? Rating: (38K votes) Get the book “Books are like truth serum-- if you don't read, you can't figure out what's real.” ― Rodman Philbrick, quote from Freak the Mighty “Pain is just a state of mind. But never fear, the right way is frequently the more difficult way, and after all you are the Mighty-One, Mighty-One. And thank you, Mighty-One, for the role you played in my destiny! Max: [after landing in a vat full of brains] This must be the think tank, huh? [opening lines of the series, as we see Skullmaster's digging machines at work], Skull Master: Dig. So much for your prophecy, old friend. The Lemurian sun-symbol, was the one power I feared, and so I forced the Cap-Bearer to waste it battling Hydra, so he would be unable to use it on me! Skullmaster! Max: Oh, what? He had nowhere to go. The best quotes from Freak the Mighty by Rodman Philbrick - organized by theme, including book location and character - with an explanation to help you understand! Max: Virgil, the next time the earth needs to be saved, call 911. Simple, willing, souls... Skullmaster: [Skullmaster steals the souls of his lizard slaves] People of Dragon Island, you have given your bodies and minds over to evil. Max: Virgil, the prophecy has got to have something to say about this mess? You know what these outbursts do to your blood-pressure. The setting of the book Max the Mighty is to alwase look after your friends even thow you don't have the guts to do it. That was just a shell, a prototype. If you can disrupt the alien's computers, they cannot invade. You can't defeat Cyberskull, I am everywhere! The Book In this much anticipated sequel to the critically acclaimed Freak the Mighty, readers once again encounter Maxwell Kane.Mac, the giant-sized but mild-mannered young man who in the earlier book befriended a tiny disabled genius named Kevin, in this book finds himself coming to the rescue of another outcast nicknamed "Worm" because of her interest in reading. 15 Feb. 2021. Max: Don't I get to make my one phone call? Max: What are we facing this time? The side of the dark is far more powerful! Norman: [after battling a toy-sized Cyberskull figurine] He's small but he's wiry. This is real, and real violence has real consequences! Skullmaster: Warmonger, you treacherous dog! Mighty Max (toyline), a series of toys from Bluebird Toys Get … Yeah, and they smell like old sneakers when they burn. [they roar the affirmative] Then join me, my villains, and you shall ghave unimagined power! Ravendark: Who dares to intrude upon me in the midst of my workings? Max: Look, I already told you I am not going back down there! Max: You mean you've turned this state into one humongous thermonuclear bomb? In fact, it looks as though I have judged you unfairly all these thousands of years. Norman: This way, Mighty One! Shoot now and be done with it forever! Everyone else was telling him to run but he risked his life to save the Undertaker. I, it was all a mistake, I, I never meant to... Skullmaster: Kill me? It cannot be stopped by more violence, it cannot be killed, but we can recognise it, control it, and channel its energy. Virgil: Norman is addressing the Doom Dragon, Mighty One. Max: How about Norman? Hydra's Good Side, Hydra's Dark Side: Yes, master! Do you realize the significance of this balance, Warmonger? Attack! If I get my brain sucked out it'll be on your head! Do you think Max is okay? Virgil: [Points] Because they are standing right over there. [Skullmaster drops the monk to his death]. And I *do* mean final! Remind me never to have a pillow fight with you, Norman. He steps out and shuts the door behind him] What is it, Normie? Skullmaster: You fool! Well at least I'll go out with a bang! It was five hundred years ago in these very woods, Norman and I managed once again to defeat him. Max: Supreme pharaohs? Just my luck, it might be the Village People. 10 terms. The Prophecy call for the Mighty-One and the Mighty-One alone to defeat Skullmaster-if anyone else destroys him the Prophecy will never be fulfilled, and an even more terrifying evil could overtake mankind! Max: Uh-oh, my mom really hates it when I rearrange the geological structure of the earth. And the treasures of the ancient wisdom will perish with us, forever. Virgil: Now, repeat after me, I do hereby promise, never again, to refer to Virgil as "chicken-head". Oh, sorry Virg, did you say 'somethin? I mean we don't want to hog all the glory for ourselves. Skullmaster: But I will, how shall I put this delicately, kill him, unless you come to Stonehenge, and give me what I want. So, Mighty Max, I'll see you, in the future... Max: Come on, Virg, the only dinosaur living in Hawaii is big and purple and sings on TV! If the broken pieces of his heart were reunited... Max: [the scene cuts to Lao Chu's loyal rats, scurrying into the darkness with the shattered pieces of the heart] I don't know, Virg. Computer: "Knock Knock" is the correct access code. Besides, how do you know that's my destiny? Virgil: Do you imply that I should use my wisdom to help restore your crystal? What does contingent mean in real estate? Kevin is “a very smart boy with a growth condition” (enotes character list). Norman: I'm not even sure if I'm who I think I am! Reconfigure! Max: I wonder what it'd be like to live forever... Virgil: You were tempted, Mighty-One, but I knew you'd make the right choice in the end. Escaped Scientist: How do I know you're not one of them? That's a "Must Have" item on my Christmas list! [Whispers to himself] Gee, I hope I sounded tough enough! Whoa! Max: Whoa, a CD! Get a grip on reality pixel-puss. As Cap-Bearer, you must destroy us both to save the world! Freak the Mighty: Significant Quotes Quote (page #) Who said it & to whom Paraphrase the quote Significant why? I never thought it could lead to the end of civilization as we know it! Skullmaster: For now, Cap-Bearer, for now. Bea: Oh, I get it, still trying to impress Jiffy! Max: Oh, oh good idea, Virg! By myself? * Oh, the music, the music! In case you haven't noticed the world is a very cruel place. By the gods, now I can do what I've always wanted to do-join humanity! Not here? Skullmaster: I am back where I belong! Life, and sovereign power with me, or death? Virgil: A mistake? Bea: Who are you? Freak the Mighty. I, *know! Together they are a force that cannot be stopped. Virgil: Listen to me, Mighty-One, it is written that when Skullmaster dies I must die as well! Virgil: He's electrons have gained critical mass-he can control all matter! That disc is earth's only hope! Skullmaster: Your foolish Cap Bearer values such worthless qualities as loyalty, and friendship. No title? Max: Yeah, but just imagine what my comic book collection'll be worth in 30,000 years! Virgil: I'm afraid the aliens' ships are invisible to radar and your military is no match for their superior firepower. The years have clothed you in dirt and shrubbery, great lizard. Come on man. Virgil: Once again Mighty One, you have succinctly encapsulated our predicament. Blessed light! Max: Mmm? Max: You know, he was probably the first superhero... Virgil: Indeed, but your use of the past-tense is incorrect, Mighty-One. We're doing our best to make sure our content is useful, accurate and safe.If by any chance you spot an inappropriate comment while navigating through our website please use this form to let us know, and we'll take care of it shortly. Virgil: I'm afraid that London is in the grip of vampiric terror, Mighty-one. Quote: Page 17 "I think so, but i like hearing Freak talk, so i go "Better tell me..." Max has only just met Freak for the first time in forever and he is already warming up to him. Norman: I'm gonna make a pancake out of that pipsqueak! Norman: Let me go or I'll rip out your spine and use it as a charm bracelet! Slow and stupid! The Conqueror: By the mighty power of the gods, my staff of fire will not even leave ashes! Hydra's Good Side, Hydra's Dark Side: [Hydra kneels to Warmonger] Master, we await your command! So you want it-go get it! And now, I have the Cap, the Arcana, and my revenge! Since Kevin’s death last year, Max has felt anything but mighty. If I'm right, it'll take care of robo-nerd. Virgil: I wanted to make sure you read it before you ate it. Once again, Warmonger, you have proved yourself an excellent servant. Virgil: With Skull Master's demise, the prophecy no longer applies! It's impossible. Max: Well gee, that sounds like a really fair offer, can I think it over? Isn't that a Seattle grunge band? And I will have my revenge, on the one named Mighty-Max! Ah... to feel the sun again. Skullmaster: [Thinking fast, Max leaps onto Skullmaster in a futile effort to stop his ritual, he inadvertantly disrupts the spell just enough to cause a catastrophic reaction, hurling everyone back in time to the very beginning... ] And now, the end of your destiny, and the beginning of my own! Virgil: No! The Chosen One could have done this. And you're outta mine! Virgil: I will agree! [He punches the door and is electrocuted]. Incredibly ugly humans, but humans nonetheless! Escaped Scientist: Why would I question you if I was one of them? They have seen The Wizard of Oz! Max: I'm the Mighty One! Your left head! Spare Max! Max: Forget the prophecy already, Virgil! Max: Oh please, who asked you, wimpo? Open Saskatchewan! Norman: Some of it's fate, some of it's free will. Of course, you didn't expect to leave this room alive, did you? Pull the other leg, it plays Jingle Bells! I was afraid it was something serious. Max: Oh great! I've fought dragons, faced off against giant eyeballs, werewolves, and dinosaurs, but spiders... uuuh! Professor Zygote: You will be pleased to know that your mental capabilities will long outlive you, once I have incorporated them into my own genetic matrix. What are the Advantages and disadvantages of null curriculum? Virgil: Witch doctor: If you like, but I must warn you. Kevin showed Max how to think, and together, they were known as Freak the Mighty. Max's Mom: It's a zombie symbol-the hole in the body is where the soul once was. With the power of the crystal, Skullmaster ruled the Earth for centuries-until the original cap-bearer arose to lead the last of the free people against him. But that's impossible! Max's Mom: Max, you're not going into that tunnel unless I go with you. Virgil: Forget your question and remember your promise! Or do I get the Cap? Virgil: Oh dear, I do believe the sky is falling! Let's go play Dementoids! Virgil: This time it is an understatement. Hydra's Dark Side: But darkness is the ultimate end of all things! Virgil: What on earth are gorillas doing driving chariots? Skullmaster: Lessons of effectiveness and realism! You have nothing to lose but your slobbering faces and, y'know, a few extra limbs-Stop Freako! Warmonger: I've often wondered how it would feel to see you cringe before me! Professor Zygote: My dinosaur can beat your dinosaur! You have desecrated this holy ceremony, I condemn you to the realm of the ancient dead! Norman: You shall fall as always, foul beast. Max the mighty by Rodman Philbrick, Max meets a girl named Rachel or worm in the ally way being mugged in the begging of the book. * How could it be? Max: Something tells me this is the key to stopping the aliens. Pure thought! Virgil: Every person has a gift and in that gift lies their destiny. You would dare to challenge me? I hardly recognized you. Then all the souls of the earth are mine! Thank you, today, is your lucky day... Skullmaster: Your "Mighty One", has three minutes to save your life. You, are a great character. Norman: [after looking at mutants coming their way] I eat mutants for... never mind. I'll bet you-:Alien Leader: Silence, whippersnapper! Max: Whoa! Why don't you just nuke 'em? Surrender now and spare yourself needless pain! He's coming, as prophesied... to destroy me. The king ordered his people to transfer their souls to the stone. 21+ Freak The Mighty Quotes From Max. I smell a rat... Virgil: There's more than one way to break a heart. “It’s all in your head, Max, everything you can remember. Call off that monster! It will take me weeks to decipher this! Norman: Ah, the Doom Dragon... We meet again, old wyrm. Prophesighed to destroy me? You can beat this wimp, you're a big guy! A scared, little boy... Max: No wait, this is all in my mind. Max's Mom: So what are these nasty looking things, anyway? Lao Chu: I, Lao Chu, Emperor of the Rats, am to be frightened by a human boy? Max: I'm not making eyeguy here angry, I'm helping him before he pulls the great big cosmic boner of the millennium! Hydra's Dark Side: Bah, it is the darkness which permits the oblivion of sleep! I have serious doubts about our host's mental stability. I thought I'd made a mistake once, but I was wrong. I don't think it's such a good idea messing around with evil. “We’re Freak the Mighty, that’s who we are. You're humans! Max: Yeah, well you also have something else, bonebrain-company! I am Cyberskull reborn! With its power, I shall make the Crystal of Souls whole, and the world my kingdom! When I have absorbed all the world's energy nothing will stop me. Skullmaster: [Skullmaster reforges the Crystal of Souls] At last, the Crystal of Souls, rejoined by the Lemurian Arcana, forged by dragonfire! Turn around, so I may see you. Let's go. He doesn't look a day over 2000. Cyberskull: Free! "I like it down under, got the place all to myself and no fear of Gram sticking her head in the door and saying Maxwell dear, what are you doing?" [Warmonger scratches his head in puzzlement] No, of course you don't. "Ho, Aah" is not the correct access code. Skull Master: *You're* the Chosen One? Skull Master: You fool, you can't save the world! Hydra's Good Side, Hydra's Dark Side: Your power is insignificant, for it is the power of light! Think about it". Max: Oh! Eat me a hole so I may bring... pain! The final conflict, has begun! We are back at the beginning! Me? 10 terms. Max: Virgil-I've had it! When focus is achieved, you need only release it. I'm being kidnapped by snakes! Norman: The hammer and helmet of Thor! Bea: Three eerie looking things in black robes behind me? If you do, you'll be no better than me! At the end of the book Max uses his physical strength to remove that heavy beam and saved the Undertaker. Over the years it's made me, different. It must be-the Crystal of Souls is shattered! Follow us on. Ravendark: Doom Dragon:Curse you, Thunderer! Skullmaster: And you will! Max: [Max makes a deal with Lava Lord] Hey lava-dude, what's 'cookin? Max the Mighty is about Max meeting a new kid that needs help in her life like Kevin. Goodbye, Max! For in destroying Skullmaster, we all would have fulfilled our... destiny. Take the portal to the archery range, and next time, wait till your birthday to open your presents! Virgil: Norman, no! [Scoffs] You're a worm, an insect, a nothing! Cyberskull's becoming a little unglued. But together, Max and Kevin become Freak the Mighty and go on many imaginary adventures. A demon? Max: Ya' see, I can't figure you out, Virg. Max: How about Normie? That is, uh-without law, there is only chaos. Now listen carefully Skullmaster, I am beginning-yes indeed, I am beginning to formulate a plan... Skullmaster: [Skullmaster interrogates a captive Virgil] It's good to see you, Virgil, "old friend." Virgil: There not all they're cracked up to be. An example of this is when Max says "Max the Mighty can stop him". Skullmaster: Really? My mom'll be worried if I don't call and let her know I'm in jail! Virgil: Max! Max: Hey, don't get me steamed, bonehead, or I'll gnaw your ankles off! The press calls Max's dad "Killer Kane," and Max thinks everyone wonders when he will go bad, too. Directed by Tim Chambers. Dr. Bob: Now, if you'll just be patient, in about forty minutes we'll have some apple pie. I'm off to the mall! Max's Mom: Maybe they're friendly zombies. Where, since the beginning of time, Hydra, last of the Titans, has maintained the balance between the positive and negative forces, in nature. Virgil: No! Professor Zygote: [Zygote invades Max's mind] I am thought! Max: Yeah, right! Virgil: Mighty-One, we must act at once. Skullmaster: You will suffer this impudence! :Skullmaster: Secrets are bad for the soul, venerable one. Hydra's Good Side, Hydra's Dark Side: [Hydra demonstrates, turning air into rock, water into fire and land into water] To receive, to transmit, to reverse, to transform! It is a secret lab called The Experimental Bionics Unit; Freak will become the first bionic human. Virgil: But don't you see? Skullmaster: So I can stop your Cap-Bearer from destroy me! Skullmaster: In case you've forgotten, old friend, it is also written that your destiny and mine, are inexplicably bound-when I die, you are doomed as well. You promised to follow my orders exactly, no matter the consequences, and my directions are, to fire your missiles, now! Virgil: Oh, don't worry. But don't harm him... yet. Max: The end of the world? Virgil: [Virgil and Norman are at a soccer game] Such a primitive game. Hydra's Dark Side: Then why is it that the good and pleasurable things in life, are so often called evil? Crack the planet that dares to chain me. Virgil: The Prophecy can no longer be fulfilled-we're doomed! Ahhhh...! I mean, who am I to hold you back? In the end, the hero tricked Skullmaster into falling through the main portal to the center of the Earth. Norman: [Points] It's the "pits", Mighty-One. Your final destiny as a hero has come! Skullmaster: [Skullmaster bursts through the space on the wall] You will die, Cap-Bearer! Max: That oughta crash supernerd's program! I know Mighty-One, that you are the Justified One, I know you are he who is true of voice, I know you can stop them! The Book thief -study guide 6. Max: Well then lava, can I call you lavv? Max's Mom: [the sabretooth is shredding velvet curtains in a restaurant] I hate it when cats do that. Don't ask me why. Max: You know, you're right. Max: Man, how can you see it with all this fog? Max: All right! Skullmaster: The pages of the Arcana grant many powers, illusion is one of them. I seek-:Monk: The Lemurian Arcana? Talon: I have scavenged one million fleshless souls of man and beast, grant me passage to earth where I may hunt my fill-so long has it been since I have tasted pulp and blood! Hey, don't become like Freako, he wants to make the whole world like him-everyone! A monster? Max: We gotta find that eye of the sun thing, Virg. Virgil: Lao-Shu Chenwan, the Emperor of the Rats, has returned to lead his people. Norman: [Norman is overcome by an unnatural rage] Now we'll have to fight. Max: [laughs nervously] Well, you know, call me optimist! Kevin has a mega brain, but he is crippled and sick. You know, you'd love the part with the flying monkeys. All of eternity will be mine. What do you think, Normie? And with good reason-time to die! What will be will be! Freak the Mighty Quotes. Why didn't you spell it out in pepperoni? Venom: No! Mighty Max may refer to: This Study Guide consists of approximately 37 pages of chapter summaries, quotes, character analysis, themes, and more - everything you need to sharpen your knowledge of Freak the Mighty. Quote 1. The shattering of my crystal released you, Lava Lord, but your freedom will lead to obliteration, not revenge! Max: [while falling] Hey, Virg! Web. Virgil: Mighty-One, forgive me for doubting you, but I had to be sure who the true Mighty-One was! Max: But then you promise-no more of this hero stuff, no more Mighty Max, ok? Author Goodreads Quotes 72. Max: Check it out. Norman: [Norman is battling hideous mutants] This is getting ugly. But this book is hidden in the lost city of Devagon, innaccessible for thousands of years. I mean, it's only a bloodthirsty eight-hundred-pound gorilla wanting to tear him limb from limb. Zero degrees latitude, zero degrees longitude. Norman: Ha-ha! I think it's right around... Skull Master: Reveal the location of the Arcana, and I will. But that is not enough, evil is ever hungry... Will you freely give your souls? Kevin is the “freak” in the equation, because of his birth defects. And no chicken tandoori! Max: What the heck are you talkin' about? [Zygote faces his T-Rex against Max's devolved pet iguana, Thor]. Soon I will know everything, I will have everything-I will be a digital god! Max: No, Virgil, I am serious, ok? It is more than just a lifestyle. Max: You know what Talon? Additional Voices: There is a chance Lao Chu could be brought back. What are the Advantages of indirect cold water system over direct cold water system? Max the mighty is a very good book and I … Warmonger: A simple command: destroy Skullmaster! Max: Aw, that's no way to make friends, Normie! Norman: I'm gonna bash your big brain in! (p.1) Max is talking to the Reader. Norman: [Swings hammer into face] Swallow this! In the early 70s, Cathy Rush becomes the head basketball coach at a tiny, all-girls Catholic college. Thunderer, Thunderer, Thunderer, would you test your mettle on me again? Come, let us return together to the sands of Egypt, for all eternity... Max: Well, as Anubis said to the mummy: "that just about wraps things up!". Venom: I am Venom, apostle of Apophis, rightful conqueror of the world, last of the supreme pharaohs!