I had a septoplasty (deviated septum correction surgery) and a turbinate reduction on February 1, and although I expected some itching in the 2-3 weeks after, my nose has been incredibly itchy at all times of the day ever since my nose dried up from all the blood clearing up. A septoplasty is a type of surgery that helps treat a nasal blockage that may result from a deviated septum. Any profuse bright red bleeding that persists for more than twenty four (24) hours should be reported to your doctor. Two years ago i had tonsillectomy, it get rid of my chronic tonsillitis however the halitosis is still there. My post nasal drip down my … NASAL DISCHARGE: This usually occurs for several days, and may be bloody at first, later changing to mucus. Post-nasal drip is mucus accumulation in the back of the nose and throat leading to, or giving the sensation of, mucus dripping downward from the back of the nose. After surgery, please avoid nose blowing for at least one (1) week. This is primarily intended in order to correct some of the deformity of the partition of the two nose sides. The goal of this surgery is to straighten and align the cartilage structure that exists in the midline of the nose in order to increase the airflow to the nose. I also had my tonsils removed three mo the after the nasal done. Significant : Significant nasal drainage after a septoplasty will last for about one week. I'm suffering from bad breath from post nasal drip for a long time ago. It aims to straighten the cartilage and bone in the nose. Change your nasal drip pad as needed. Normally the patient goes home the same day, where all recovery will take place if all care is taken and the doctor's orders are followed to the letter, as in any post-surgery care. The procedure called septoplasty is one of the more common day surgeries performed by an ENT specialist. Is post nasal drip normal after septoplasty surgery Download Here Free HealthCareMagic App to Ask a Doctor All the information, content and live chat provided on the site is intended to be for informational purposes only, and not a substitute for professional or medical advice. This surgery (called a septoplasty) tightens and straightens the nasal … One of the most common surgeries being done in order to provide solution to post nasal drip is the so-called septoplasty. 3. They are designed to answer practically every question that may arise regarding the “do’s” and “don’ts” after surgery. This includes the risk of having general anesthesia, complications from septoplasty surgery which include the need for more surgery, bleeding, pain, nasal obstruction, etc. You only need to keep the “drip pad” on as long as your nose is oozing. ... And after the mucus (post nasal drip) was nearly gone. When you leave the hospital you will usually have : In the cases of a deviated septum, corrective surgery may be the only way to permanently treat postnasal drip. One of the most common characteristics of chronic rhinitis is post-nasal drip. After that some drainage is possible for another couple weeks but you can blow your nose after 10-14 days. After this, old clots may form and can be washed out with Ocean nasal spray as noted below. Post-operative Instructions for Intranasal (Septoplasty, Turbinectomy)/ Sinus Surgeries (FSS) The following instructions are based on experience with thousands of nasal operations. A month after Septoplasty - is Post Nasal Drip normal? You will have a “drip pad” (which is gauze taped under your nose) when you leave the surgery center. For a year after the surgery I took up different anti-biotics but nothing happened. This is better than the constant nasal congestion that has lead you to consider the operation. You and Sophia_Amber. After two rounds of augmentin, nasal rinse with bactroban, normal nasal spray, my allergy pill and now having been 5 weeks on allergy shots and I am finally healing.