Appendix A . ISO 20000:1 2011& 2018 Service Management System. The lack of CM, or its ineffectual implementation, can be very expensive and sometimes can have such catastrophic consequences such as failure of equipment or loss of life. This study yielded results indicating a benefit to using configuration management on projects of this nature. This serviceability is often defined in terms of the amount of usage the component has had since it was new, since fitted, since repaired, the amount of use it has had over its life and several other limiting factors. Most professionals mix up or get confused with Asset management (AM), where it inventories the assets on hand. Configuration management helps engineering teams build robust and stable systems through the use of tools that automatically manage and monitor updates to configuration data. Capturing and disseminating the operating data to the various support organizations is becoming an industry in itself. Automatic processes and procedures when cost effective. Bitbucket offers a powerful system for configuration management that is built around Git pull request workflows and CI/CD pipelines. d. None of the options. The IEEE 12207 process IEEE 12207.2 also has these activities and adds "Release management and delivery". Learn how and why this technique is used. Configuration Management Principles and Practice. It identifies four procedures that must be defined for each software project to ensure that a sound SCM process is implemented. Configuration management can be used to maintain OS configuration files. I wondered if taking the twenty principles used for an enterprise architecture framework, we could see just how well configuration management stands up to supporting these general architectural principles in an enterprise context. Configuration Verification and Audit: an independent review of hardware and software for the purpose of assessing compliance with established performance requirements, commercial and appropriate military standards, and functional, allocated, and product baselines. Configuration data can be overlooked at times, but it is critical to system operation. Configuration data should be aggregated and compiled from ... Baseline. These tools are what will bring enable the automation needed to achieve CI/CD. Change management and configuration management are complementary, but not identical processes. One team member may tweak a hardware allocation value so that the software runs more efficiently on their personal laptop. The rise of cloud infrastructures has led to the development and adoption of new patterns of infrastructure management. Docker is based on configuration files called Dockerfiles, which contain a list of commands that are evaluated to reconstruct the expected snapshot of operating system state. CM implements the policies, procedures, techniques, and tools that manage, evaluate proposed changes, track the status of changes, and maintain an inventory of system and support documents as the system changes. There is rather much repetition in the book which makes it sometimes little boring to … He has built multi-national teams that value self-direction and self-organization. Configuration values will often be added, removed, or modified. Anne Mette Jonassen Hass is a senior consultant and registered BOOTSTRAP lead assessor for DELTA (Danish Electronics, Lights, and Acoustics), one … For the specific ITIL process, see, Operating System configuration management, M. Burgess, Cfengine: a site configuration engine, USENIX Computing systems, Vol8, No. Many of these functions and models have redefined CM from its traditional holistic approach to technical management. Imagine numerous post-it notes with passwords and URLs blowing around an office. CM programs and plans provide technical and administrative direction to the development and implementation of the procedures, functions, services, tools, processes, and resources required to successfully develop and support a complex system. The Configuration Management process establishes and maintains the consistency of a system’s functional, performance and physical attributes with its requirements, design and operational information and allows technical insight into all levels of the system design throughout the system’s life cycle. Configuration management deals with the state of any given infrastructure or software system at any given time. Configuration Management (CM) is a technical and management discipline, that provides a positive impact on product quality, cost, and schedule when consistently applied. Configuration management (CM) is a systems engineering process for establishing and maintaining consistency of a product's performance, functional, and physical attributes with its requirements, design, and operational information throughout its life. Terraform is an open source configuration management platform by HasiCorp. During system development, CM allows program management to track requirements throughout the life-cycle through acceptance and operations and maintenance. These disciplines are carried out[by whom?] In many cases, without CM, the documentation exists but is not consistent with the item itself. CM verifies that changes are carried out as prescribed and that documentation of items and systems reflects their true configuration. Many types of component use electronic sensors to capture data which provides live condition monitoring. These Guidelines provide the reader with the basic ideas of the industry needs, the benefits to the implementing organization and describes Configuration Management functions and principles… [10] CM for information assurance, sometimes referred to as Secure Configuration Management, relies upon performance, functional, and physical attributes of IT platforms and products and their environments to determine the appropriate security features and assurances that are used to measure a system configuration state. Version control also solves another configuration problem: unexpected breaking changes. Configuration management is a systems engineering process for establishing consistency of a product’s attributes throughout its life. DevOps configuration also brings system administration responsibility under the umbrella of software engineering. release number, data format, role or relationship, held in the Configuration Management database (CMDB). This removes a potential organizational dependency bottleneck of a software development team waiting for resources from a separate system administration team. Any secret data like passwords and keys should be identified and securely encrypted and stored. 9When Configuration Management principles are applied using effective practices, return on investment is maximized and product life cycle costs are reduced. Configuration Management Principles and Practice explains the elements and benefits of a sound CM strategy and shows how to put that strategy into action. Outside the military, the CM process is also used with IT service management as defined by ITIL, and with other domain models in the civil engineering and other industrial engineering segments such as roads, bridges, canals, dams, and buildings.[3][4][5]. Without SCM, source code would become so fragmented and unorganized that development would be impossible without breaking major pieces of th… These new cloud platforms allow teams to specify the hardware resources and network connections they need provisioned through human and machine readable data files like YAML. This workflow is similar to running ad-hoc shell scripts but offers a more structured and refined experience through the respective platforms ecosystems. The CM process for both hardware- and software-configuration items comprises five distinct disciplines as established in the MIL–HDBK–61A[9] Configuration management is used to maintain an understanding of the status of complex assets with a view to maintaining the highest level of serviceability for the lowest cost. CI incrementally establishes and maintains the definitive current basis for Configuration Status Accounting (CSA) of a system and its. ;login: issue: April 2011, Volume 36, Number 2", "Choosing between the leading open source configuration managers", "NISTIR 7339 Analysis of Standards for Lifecycle Management of Systems for US Army",, Articles with specifically marked weasel-worded phrases from July 2016, Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike License. Specifically, it aims to ensure that operations are not disrupted due to the asset (or parts of the asset) overrunning limits of planned lifespan or below quality levels. The main purpose of the Configuration Management Working Group (WG) is to ensure that the state of the art and the body of knowledge in CM be used to enhance the state of the art and the body of knowledge of SE; and vice versa. Upon the successful completion of this course, you will have the ability to: Understand ITIL ® 4 best practices related to service configuration management; Define and apply data governance and management principles to your configuration management … If not, install Git, initialize a repository for the project, and add the configuration data files to the repository. He has driven organization-wide process improvement with results of greater productivity, higher quality, and improved customer satisfaction. principles that are basic for an effective configuration management What are the principle(s) that are basic for an effective configuration management? This is the first in a series of posts about Drupal 8's configuration management system. Configuration identification is the process of identifying the attributes that define every aspect of a configuration item. There are 10 basic principles for an effective configuration management: Protect critical data and other resources. Ideally the CM process is applied throughout the system lifecycle. During his career, he's successfully managed enterprise software development tools in all phases of their lifecycle. While Ian has broad and deep experience with both Java and .NET, he's best known as a champion of agile methods in large enterprises. The final lesson will introduce you to the building blocks of domain-specific language. form, fit, function, cost and with emphasis on life/safety. Configuration Management Schedules Describes the general CM activities schedule . Configuration management work can be identified as dependencies for other work and properly addressed as part of agile sprints. Provide value to customers. An overview of the cloud, How infrastructure as code (IaC) manages complex infrastructures, Continuous Delivery with Feature Branches, How infrastructure as a service empowers the modern enterprise, Automated Software Testing for Continuous Delivery, The different types of testing in Software, Tips for scripting tasks with Bitbucket Pipelines. As changes inevitably occur in the requirements and design, they must be approved and documented, creating an accurate record of the system status. For information assurance, CM can be defined as the management of security features and assurances through control of changes made to hardware, software, firmware, documentation, test, test fixtures, and test documentation throughout the life cycle of an information system. The data files are then read and the infrastructure is provisioned in the cloud. Configuration Management originated in the United States Department of Defense in the 1950s as a technical management discipline for hardware material items—and it is now a standard practice in virtually every industry. Configuration database developers: Design solutions and provide technical knowledge. Many of these systems utilize Infrastructure as Code to define and maintain configuration.[12]. Establishing rigorous configuration control enables the successful deve… Configuration Management was introduced as a process in ITIL V2 in 2000, but the principles that underlie the discipline have existed for as long as complex technology systems have been around. In software development, configuration management is commonly used alongside version control and CI/CD infrastructure. Git is a foundational tool in higher level configuration management. This consensus standard establishes the recognized principles … In the military, this type of activity is often classed as "mission readiness", and seeks to define which assets are available and for which type of mission; a classic example is whether aircraft on board an aircraft carrier are equipped with bombs for ground support or missiles for defense. Complex, cloud-based system architectures are managed and deployed through the use of configuration data files. You’ll learn what Puppet facts are and how it uses a program called facter to analyze, store and gather this information. It is an interactive course using syndicate exercises to consolidate learning that discusses roles and responsibilities, key definitions and configuration management processes. Traditional and small scale system administration is usually done with a collection of scripts and ad-hoc processes. A configuration item is a product (hardware and/or software) that has an end-user purpose. Not only for project management and audit purposes, but for software development activities such as debugging (for example, knowing what has changed between one set of tests and the next to help identify what could b… Typically, the four principles are instantiated into version control, change control, problem … In 1991, the "480 series" was consolidated into a single standard known as the MIL–STD–973 that was then replaced by MIL–HDBK–61 pursuant to a general DoD goal that reduced the number of military standards in favor of industry technical standards supported by standards developing organizations (SDO). Complex assets such as aircraft, ships, industrial machinery etc. The following list of other configuration management tools are designed to be stored in a Git repository and leverage Git version control tracking. He's currently focused on the emerging DevOps culture and the tools for enabling better continuous integration, continuous delivery, and data analysis. A word of caution before adding configuration data to a repository: make sure that any secret data like passwords or keys are encrypted with an external key. Principles of Configuration Management - Part One. It's not really code so it’s not immediately put in version control and it’s not first-class data so It isn’t stored in a primary database. It first was developed and used by the defens… The five disciplines are: The software configuration management (SCM) process is looked upon by practitioners as the best solution to handling changes in software projects.