The goldfish life span can vary, depending on the type. An average goldfish lifespan is usually 5 to 10 years, but there is no exact answer to the question of how long do goldfish live. Most comet-variety goldfish can live well into their 20’s, some even into their 30’s and 40’s. How Long Do Goldfish Live In A Pond? However, in the wild, the fish can live for as long as 25 years, with the oldest ever recorded goldfish living for slightly over 4 decades. The average lifetime of a goldfish is ten to fifteen years. Goldfishes makes great … Yep, in fact: Goldfish are the longest-lived of all aquarium fish. Some reported living more than 45 years (thats how long do goldfish live in perfect conditions). Mar 19, 2021 ; Anshika Mishra 24 0 0 ; Before we talk about the lifespan of goldfish, lets us clear the Goldfish myths that all of us have heard at least one time before we become a goldfish owner if not more. While goldfish can actually live a very long time, most people seem to think that goldfish are incredibly delicate. Incidentally, goldfish are distantly related to koi, and the oldest known koi passed away in 1977 – aged 226! In the wild, goldfish typically live between 6–7 years, but with proper care and suitable habitat (such as a well-maintained pond or aquarium), some varieties may live as long as 25 years. Or at least give your goldfish the best and longest life possible? It is hard to verify some of these “oldest fish” records, but many famous fish lived well into their 40’s. So if you are planning to go on a long vacation you should make some arrangments to feed your goldfish. Even though all goldfish seem the same to everyone, there are several types of goldfish, with the most common being the common goldfish and fancy goldfish. Don't do this at home, kids. The simplest arrangement is to ask your neighbor friend to feed your fish when you are on vacation. Goldfish that live in a pond generally live between 10-15 years however, in some cases they may even live up to 20 years. The oldest living goldfish was Tish, won by a UK family at a funfair. Well, the average lifespan of a pet goldfish kept in a basic fish tank is between 4 and 10 years. The oldest living goldfish was from the UK and lived to the ripe old age of 44! In-fact, goldfish have the potential to live even longer than that — for example, the oldest goldfish on record lived to be 45 years of age! That is a long time even for them but like I said with good care, goldfish life expectancy in most cases is around 10 – 20 years! Five Tips for Helping Your Goldfish Live Longer. How long do goldfish live? Goldfish can live for about 2 weeks without food. Why do goldfish die so easily? Looking through YouTube, we can see that the fish that survive the up-and-down of being tortured by show-offs do so if not in the stomach for a very long time, … Goldfish CAN Live to be 40+ Years Old. Water Quality. In fact, if you’re taking care of your goldfish in a pond, then it’s often the case that they’ll live longer than goldfish that are kept in tanks. The number one cause of death in goldfish (and in any other fish in the hobby) is poor water quality. These are the most common factors causing goldfish to die prematurely. How Long Do Goldfish Live? But it’s not a good idea to keep your goldfish unfed for that long. However, if you have a 10-gallon aquarium for 3 to 5 goldfish, then your goldfish will probably be … While the goldfish survives in the Jackass clip, this one is not so lucky. Ready to go for gold and take your shot at the record? If you decide to provide your one little goldfish with a 75-gallon aquarium, then that goldfish will likely grow enormous and live his long life, happily. Just take a look at the chart below: They are also one of the longest living of all popular domesticated pets! Goldfish can live for long periods of time if they are fed a varied diet and housed in proper water conditions. How Long Do Goldfish Live? There, happy I didn’t keep you in suspense? The longest lived goldfish on record lived to age 43.