Floodplains are, in general, those lands most subject to recurring floods, situated adjacent to rivers and streams. If so, what type? In fact, some terraces may have been floodplain boundaries prior to renewed downcutting or tectonic activity. Case Study Remote Sensing Welcome to Spain. of Mitigation. Although the temporal analyses do not cover the whole reach of the Pilcomayo River valley bordering the study area, they clearly demonstrate the highly dynamic nature of the floodplain and areas of sediment deposit. While mobility is not much of a problem in areas with dense vegetation and consolidated soil types, in areas where the vegetation is sparse and soil types are coarse and erodible, mapping of the floodplain must include anticipation of the possibility of channel migration in addition to the existing channel configuration. Is it likely that structural mitigation measures will have to be considered? D.R., and Rango, A. Computer-enhanced information from aerial photography or a combination of this with satellite imagery has been used. This week, NOAA will begin releasing GOES-17 Advanced Baseline Imager (ABI) “beta” level data and imagery—data which are still preliminary and not yet fully ready for use--to forecasters and scientific partners. The 70mm positive transparencies or "chips" were mounted' in a color-additive viewer. D. With the development of remote sensing and computer analysis techniques, now traditional sources can be supplemented with these new methods of acquiring quantitative and qualitative flood hazard information. Fairbridge, The Encyclopedia of Geomorphology (New York: Reinhold, 1968), pp. Phase II in the execution of a planning study calls for the formulation of projects and preparation of an action plan. Explore holistic health, spirituality, self-empowerment and the power of alternative and natural therapies in healing the body, mind, and spirit. Introduction Among the problems discussed in this study is the issue of national security, broadly defined. Natural events such as landslides (see Chapter 10), volcanic-ash drop, lahars, and debris slides (see Chapter 11) can increase the amount of sediment available for transport by a stream. broader ecosystem context, PHASE II - ACTION PLAN AD PROJECT FORMULATION. See chapter 3 for a discussion of these conflicts. On small streams, floods induced by rainfall usually last from only a few hours to a few days, but on large rivers flood runoff may exceed channel capacity for a month or more. More rigorously, it denotes the mean and variability of meteorological variables over a time spanning from months to millions of years. - Will additional information be needed? Figure 8-10 - APPLICATION OF LANDSAT REMOTE SENSING DATA TO FLOOD HAZARD ASSESSMENT, ADDITIONAL ADVANTAGES OF USING LANDSAT DATA. - What complementary activities will the study team carry out to maximize the use of the flood hazard assessment and mitigation information with emergency planning and disaster relief institutions. Finally, Landsat MSS data in two different photo-optical data processing techniques to delineate flood-prone areas in the Honduras coastal plain and the Pilcomayo River floodplain provide evidence of the value and importance of satellite information. The photo-optical data-processing method described above has been developed as a low-cost alternative to digital image processing. b. The planner should seek the contribution of a variety of disciplines to assess the risk of proposed activities. The floodplain boundaries and hazard-level zones were then drafted on a mylar overlay of the image mosaic and composite map. Figure 8-11 - LANDSAT MSS DATA SETS FOR FLOOD HAZARD ASSESSMENT OF THE COASTAL PLAIN OF HONDURAS (Landsat-1 MSS band 7 (path 18/row 49) December 19, 1973), Figure 8-11 - LANDSAT MSS DATA SETS FOR FLOOD HAZARD ASSESSMENT OF THE COASTAL PLAIN OF HONDURAS (Landsat-2 MSS band 7 (path 19/row 49) December 3, 1978). Figure 8-6 shows the relationship of satellite remote sensing data and other flood hazard information to the information used in the integrated development planning process. a. Williams, R.S., Jr. "Geological Applications" in Manual of Remote Sensing (2nd ed. Seasat, Space Spatial datasets include natural resources, roads, community facilities, property boundaries (cadastre), aerial imagery and survey information. The repetitive coverage of any area by operational Earth observation satellites makes it possible to monitor dynamic features of flooding that can cause changes, e.g, changes in the channel of the river itself or floodplain boundaries. Natural resource management planning should include a precise delineation of floodplains and related hydrologic hazards at map scales suitable for the formulation of projects. Raw visible image with map overlay. It should be noted that delineation of floodplains using remote sensing data cannot, by itself, be directly related to any return period. Multilingual Dictionary of Remote Sensing and Photogrammetry (Falls Church, Virginia: American Society of Photogrammetry, 1984). Cropland development may or may not increase runoff, depending on the land's prior use and the type of cropping patterns utilized. Struve, H., and Judson, F.E. Floodplains, and Flood-Prone Areas, 3. Catastrophic dam failure produces a rapid loss of water from the reservoir and an instantaneously severe and dramatic change downstream. Do not use fluorescent lamps in the light table. Figure 8-13B is a Landsat 2 MSS band 5 negative of that same portion of the valley from 1976. The "bright band" on radar imagery forms due to: a. Weisnet, and A. Rango (eds)., Satellite Hydrology, Proceedings of the Fifth Annual William T. Pecora Symposium on Remote Sensing, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, June 10-15,1979 (Minneapolis: American Water Resources Association, Technical Publication Series TPS 81-1, 1981). Rango, A., and Anderson, T.A. Deutsch, M. "Space Technology Applied to Flood Mapping and Flood Plain Assessment" in Satellite Applications to Flood Control and Forecasting, Report of the Sixth FAO/UNDRO/WMO/ESA Training Course in Remote Sensing (Rome, November 1983). 2. To prepare the 1:500,000 scale floodplain and flood hazard map of the Pilcomayo River valley in the Paraguayan case, high-contrast negative transparencies at a scale of 1:1,000,000 were prepared from the band 5 (band 2 for Landsat 4 and 5, 1:3,369,000 scale) positive transparencies in a custom photographic laboratory. Integrating Remote Sensing Flood Information into a Development Planning Study, C. The planner, while not a technical expert in all these fields, must know to ask the pertinent questions which will be answered by those who are. APPLICATION OF REMOTE SENSING DATA TO FLOOD-PRONE AREAS: TWO CASE STUDIES, 1. In traditional floodplain mapping, the requisite data and maps include the following: - Related maps such as soils, physiography, geology, hydrology, land use, vegetation, population density, infrastructure, and settlements. Forest vegetation in general increases rainfall and evaporation while it absorbs moisture and lessens runoff. IN ORDER TO EVALUATE FLOOD HAZARD, A PLANNER NEEDS TO KNOW: - Where the floodplain and flood-prone areas are.- How often the floodplain will be covered by water.- How long the floodplain will be covered by water.- At what time of year flooding can be expected. Techniques of Floodplain Mapping 1 (1977), pp. In addition to a record of peak flows over a period of years (frequency analysis), a detailed survey (cross sections, slopes and contour maps) along with hydraulic roughness estimates is required before the extent of flooding for an expected recurrence interval can be determined. Planet Earth: Its Physical Systems Through Geological Time (New York: Harper & Row, 1972). Where will erosion be the greatest? A high-contrast band 5 negative at a scale of 1:1,000,000 was also prepared from the 70mm positive transparency. Landsat TM and SPOT HRV imagery can be effectively used to map floodplains accurately at scales as large as 1:50,000 and to convey the idea that the river meanders across the floodplain. A detailed discussion of the application of various remote sensing technologies to natural hazard assessments can be found in Chapter 4. 10, no. To observe changes in the floodplain between 1972 and 1976, a high-contrast negative at a scale of 1:1,000,000 was prepared from the low contrast band 5 positive image of the same scale. Floodplains, and Flood-Prone Areas What is more readily available is information derived from static techniques which are capable of yielding information on flood hazard assessment. Conversion from a digital to analog or film mode at an early stage of a project will eliminate the need for a dedicated computer capability at many institutions and at the same time can increase the efficiency of the selected digital image processing facility. Its main features are: -100% free and open imagery and elevation data, from official sources. Forecast, Warning and Emergency Systems: flood monitoring, alert systems, evacuation and rescue plans, shelter and emergency relief, PHASE II: PROJECT FORMULATION AND ACTION PLAN DEFINITION. Therefore, the focus of the method presented here is to provide a technique which uses original or raw film data for floodplain mapping and floodplain hazard assessments. - NOAA AVHRR; provides multispectral coverage four times each day (two daytime and two nighttime) but produces data adequate for only small-scale mapping (1:3,000,000 -1:500,000); most useful in delineating maximum flood coverage of surface areas. This static approach uses indicators of flood susceptibility to assess an area's flood proneness (Sellers et al, 1978). Soils maps and geological maps often delineate floodplains. b. Berg, C.P.. Weisnet, D.R., and Matson, M. "Assessing the Red River of the North 1978 Flooding from NOAA Satellite Data" in M. Deutsch, D.R. Hands Free : Records done by hand are labour-intensive, keeping staff from doing other more valuable work. This device permits simultaneous viewing of both images on a ground-glass screen and can be photographed. The reduction in channel capacity, although it may be temporary, can result in more frequent inundation of the floodplain and contribute to its modification. Floodplain and Flood-Related Changes Detected by Remote Sensing A "100-year flood" or "100-year floodplain" describes an event or an area subject to a 1% probability of a certain size flood occurring in any given year. Salomonson, V.V. The exponential distribution is a good method to represent TBS, as it characterizes seasonal variation of TBS. Will deposition occur and enlarge the floodplain? The advantages of using Landsat data, in addition to those already mentioned, are listed in the box below. with Land A combination of these [characteristics] perhaps comprises the essential criteria for defining the floodplain" (Schmudde, 1968). Comisión Nacional de Desarrollo Regional del Chaco y Secretaría General de la OEA. This information could then be used to define areas susceptible to flood events. Risk A variety of mitigation measures can be identified and selected which will reduce or minimize the impact of flooding. It is eventually disposed of by downstream drainage, water infiltration into the soil, and evapotranspiration. Figure 8-7 - FLOOD HAZARD ASSESSMENT IN AN INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLANNING STUDY, Figure 8-8 - REMOTE SENSING DATA: CHARACTERISTICS FOR USE IN AN INTEGRATED DEVELOPMENT PLANNING STUDY, Application of Remote Sensing Data to Study Stages, - Complement small-scale regional maps with color-coded feature depiction, - Spatial resolution of study area and resource management issues to Dams may also increase ground-water recharge. Effects of development practices on the risk of flooding are discussed below. The concept of preprocessing CCTs is also discussed below since it is feasible to acquire digitally enhanced film products for these applications. The images were then accurately registered and red and green color filters were introduced to color-code specific surface features, such as surface water, sediment deposits, and vegetation (see Figure 8-12). 209-213. Figure 8-8 provides an overview of the source, scales, and application of remote sensing data for each stage of the study. However, the most common structure of haiku features three lines of five, seven, and five syllables, respectively. Several reasons have been proposed to explain this. A few hydrologists have used thermal infrared data to map flooded areas (Wiesnet et al., 1974, and Berg et al., 1981). The length of time that a floodplain is inundated depends on the size of the stream, the channel slope, and the climatic characteristics. American Society of Photogrammetry. The floodplain delineation and temporal analysis information was used to further assess flood hazards as part of overall project identification criteria. This demonstration product is most suitable for people ;- Degree of abandonment of natural levees;- Occurrence of stabilized sand dunes on river terraces;- Channel configuration and fluvial geomorphic characteristics;- Backswamp areas;- Soil-moisture availability (also a short-term indicator of flood susceptibility);- Soil differences;- Vegetation differences;- Land-use boundaries;- Agricultural development; and- Flood alleviation measures on the floodplain. For which areas? In a humid climate during a major flood, a considerable part of the flow of a stream with a wide floodplain is carried by that floodplain. Such information is a critical component of a risk analysis, and without it the usefulness of floodplain delineation information is greatly diminished. B. LANDSAT-4 MSS band-7 subscene showing the same reach of the Pilcomayo River as in "A" above. In mapping floodplains, black-and-white positive film transparencies of Landsat imagery in 70mm format are especially useful for floodplain delineation. Haiku is a Japanese form of poetry that consists of short, unrhymed lines. "Flood Inundation in the Southeastern United States from Aircraft and Satellite Imagery" in Water Resources Bulletin, vol. Widening of a river channel and destruction of part of the floodplain by major floods is common and has been observed in semiarid regions. Figure 8-14 USE OF SATELLITE IMAGERY TO DETECT RIVER COURSE CHANGE (A), Figure 8-14 USE OF SATELLITE IMAGERY TO DETECT RIVER COURSE CHANGE (B), Figure 8-14 USE OF SATELLITE IMAGERY TO DETECT RIVER COURSE CHANGE (C). If not, will additional assessment activities take place within or outside of the planning study? Both utilized inexpensive, practical, yet different photo-optical processing techniques that were designed for the specific situation. The practical application of using Landsat MSS data to delineate flood-prone areas is described in the next section. Definition sketch for identifying storms in a precipitation record. 1. Flood Hazard Assessment How will they be made and implemented? LISTmap is publicly available through your computer's web browser or via your mobile device. Freeman, 1964). Slides of full scenes and subscenes can be projected at any scale for analysis. DEVELOPMENT PLANNING PROCESS, C. While some activities can be designed to mitigate the effects of flooding, many current practices and structures have unwittingly increased the flood risk. APPLICATION OF REMOTE SENSING DATA TO FLOOD-PRONE AREAS: TWO CASE CONCLUSIONS SPOT sensors and Landsat MSS and TM sensors are designed to provide data directly relevant to these requirements. The annual flood is usually considered the single greatest event each year. A data search was made, and two relatively cloud-free Landsat MSS data sets were available covering the study area. Satellite imagery can be acquired in digital (CCT) or analog (film) formats. Kruus, J., et al "Flood Applications of Satellite Imagery" in M. Deutsch, D.R. Flood Inundation Mapping and Remote Sensing in Iowa, Iowa Geologic Survey Publication Information Circular No. - Thematic enhancements, such as linear contrast stretches, band rating, geometric and atmospheric corrections, edge enhancements, etc. To see what changes occurred in Atlántida Province, Honduras, between December 1973 and December 1978, which includes the Hurricane Fifi event, duplicate 1:1,000,000 scale film-positive transparencies of the Landsat images, band 5, were made. 10, No. - Which institution will be responsible for entering, storing, and retrieving the data and information. Characteristics Related to Floods, d. SPOT and Landsat program film product costs are such that the cost of producing thematically enhanced photo-optical data products for specific applications such as floodplain delineation and flood mapping now approaches the cost of digital image processing. Leopold, LB., Wolman, M.G., and Miller, J.P. Fluvial Processes in Geomorphology (San Francisco, California: W.H. This condition can result in surface water elevations contained within the channel being considerably higher than the land surface elevations immediately outside these levees, which results in a flooding potential that is much worse than that in the typical situation where the channel is at the bottom of a U-shaped cross section of the floodplain. - Potential utilization in geographic information systems. Remote sensing technology can and should play an important role in the design of the planning study. Riggs, H.C. Streamflow Characteristics (New York: Elsevier, 1985). Topographic maps at suitable scales for the project should be available within the country. As such, the river may change its course and shift from one side of the floodplain to the other. While data prices vary from source to source and country to country, experience has shown that the per square kilometer cost of data acquisition, analysis, and preparation of analog products may range from U.S. 4 cents using film-positive transparency data format to U.S. 20 cents for CCT data format (1989). 5 (1974), pp. The second study covered the Pilcomayo River valley in Paraguay. Access to either analysis system can be facilitated by specialists who are familiar with satellite data sources; the selection of available imagery, its purchase and processing; and the analysis of analog products. This causes a watercourse to overflow its banks onto adjacent lands. The approximation of a flood-prone area on a map is shown in Figure 8-2. These colonias consist of peri-urban subdivisions of substandard housing lacking in basic services such as potable water, electricity, paved roads, proper drainage, and waste management. Online Dictionaries: Definition of Options|Tips Options|Tips Satellite Hydrology, Proceedings of the Fifth Annual William T. Pecora Memorial Symposium on Remote Sensing, Sioux Falls, South Dakota, June 10-15, 1979 (Minneapolis: American Water Resources Association, Technical Publication Series TPS 81-1, 1981). In the absence of information from dynamic techniques, it is possible to estimate the probability of a flood event occurrence when information from static techniques is combined with historical flood observations, disaster reports, and basic natural resource information, particularly hydrologic data. It must be emphasized, however, that remote sensing technology is a tool, one of many that are employed by planners today. - How and by whom will flood hazard assessment information be summarized for the study documents? For temporal analysis, a transparency of Landsat 1 MSS data from 1972 was provided. Flood hazard maps can be prepared early in a development planning study to aid in defining and selecting mitigation measures for proposed sectoral development projects. The value and effectiveness of equipment such as a color-additive viewer is actually increased, since digitally enhanced and corrected imagery will be used instead of raw data. Owens, H.J., and Wall, G.R. This deck is especially well suited for offering guidance through lunar and seasonal energies, and for anyone who resonates … Derechos are associated with bands of rapidly moving showers or thunderstorms variously known as bow echoes, squall lines, or quasi-linear convective systems.