JUnit 5 integration test with Spring Cloud Stream and embedded Kafka - DemoApplication.java In this model, the producer will send data to one or more topics. Spring Integration for Apache Kafka License: Apache 2.0: Tags: integration spring kafka streaming: Used By: 134 artifacts: Central (35) Spring Plugins (17) Spring Lib M (1) Spring Milestones (8) All consumers who are subscribed to that particular topics will receive data. Almost two years have passed since I wrote my first integration test for a Kafka Spring Boot application. A ProducerRecordCreator strategy can now be injected into the KafkaProducerMessageHandler for custom ProducerRecord creating respectively. Level up your Java code and explore what Spring can do for you. You can simply add a .filter() element to the flow..filter("! Apache Kafka is the widely used tool to implement asynchronous communication in Microservices based architecture. Note Spring Kafka's RecordFilterStrategy has the reverse sense of Spring Integration filters. The Spring Integration Kafka Support is just an extension for the Spring Integration, which, in turn, is an extension of the Spring Framework. It took me a lot of research to write this first integration test and I eventually ended up to write a blog post on testing Kafka with Spring Boot.There was not too much information out there about writing those tests and at the end it was really simple to do it, but undocumented. Apache Kafka is a simple messaging system which works on a producer and consumer model. Home » org.springframework.integration » spring-integration-kafka » 3.2.1.RELEASE Spring Integration For Apache Kafka » 3.2.1.RELEASE Spring Integration for Apache Kafka Home » org.springframework.integration » spring-integration-kafka » 1.3.0.RELEASE Spring Integration For Apache Kafka » 1.3.0.RELEASE Spring Integration for Apache Kafka Using Spring Boot (but you can configure the container however you create the container)... spring.kafka.consumer.enable-auto-commit=false spring.kafka.consumer.auto-offset-reset=earliest spring.kafka.consumer.group-id=so54664761 and The artifacts for these projects are available in the Spring Milestone repository. The Outbound channel adapter is used to publish messages from a Spring Integration channel to Kafka topics. 创建项目 创建项目文件夹spring-kafka 生成项目结构gradle init --type java-library The channel is defined in the application context and then wired into the application that sends messages to Kafka. 'bar'.equals(headers['foo'])") Will filter out (ignore) any messages with a header named foo equal to bar.. Since you can simply implement Spring MVC Web application, there is no any stops to provide for it any other integration stuff, like Kafka. Spring Integration support for Apache Kafka was also released as version 3.2.1.RELEASE with all the latest Spring Integration and Spring for Apache Kafka releases. public interface RecordFilterStrategy { /** * Return true if the record should be discarded. Each is based on the recently released Spring Framework 5.1 GA , has upgraded dependencies and will be part of the upcoming Spring Boot 2.1 M4 - just in time for Spring One Platform !