Yes, you can use. Don't be afraid, just don't over do it. Take a look at complimentary nutrients which are also available from Superthrive. and as far as a differance i cant say either way cause im on my first real grow and have used it through out, but i can say that when i transplanted, and FIMMED my girls show no signs of stress and normal vigorous growth resumes withing 24-48 hours consistently. To avoid hurting your plants, we recommend starting at a slightly reduced dosage and working up to the recommended dosage at a pace which you are comfortable with. A very easy option is to take a cutting of this plant and use … How Can I Apply Superthrive? After trims, transplants, things like that. Superthrive should only be used during the veg cycles of the cannabis plants life. The recommended feeding schedule for can be found below to help you understand the correct measurements of nutrients to use. I only use it during times of stress. View all Superthrive Products. Our studies show that it is effective throughout all growing and productive stages. Superthrive can simply be mixed with water and applied directly to the soil. I've read that superthrive MAY have a growth hormone that if overdone will actually retard growth. You must authenticate before performing your action. Click the links below to see more about SUPERthrive’s many uses and to find tips on how to get the best results when you use SUPERthrive. Also I believe I have "nute burned"? FAR better for your plant in the long run and plenty of the kelp products out there are organic. I gave my plants a small amounts last week. Superthrive today is still unchallanged in its effective use as a plant stimulent, containing 50 vitamins and hormones necessary for healthy plant growth. Set the wrapped root ball of your tree into a solution of 6 teaspoons SuperThrive to 5 gallons of water in a bucket until the ball is well watered. Adding Epsom salts to a spray bottle or tank sprayer allows you to dose the leaves directly and increase their ability to absorb magnesium. Hey all, so I ran out of SuperThrive the other day, and went to buy a new bottle. some say only to root clones and early veg, others use all thru flower until flush. I used to use 1 drop per gallon during veg or cloning. Studies have shown that adverse weather conditions and over-growing can diminish soil fertility. Below you can find the recommended feeding chart provided by the nutrient company. Similarly, you may ask, how much SUPERthrive do trees need? Not Registered? When bubbles cease, add soil & Superthrive water on top. Join the biggest Cannabis Platform for free, How to Hire the Best Dispensary Employees, Join the biggest Cannabis Platform for free. Add the same 3-ounces-per-100-gallon concentration that you would use if you were adding SUPERThrive to a standard irrigation system, regardless of the type of hydroponics system that you use. Also im planning on giving them one more treatment and cutting it out when i switch to flowering, as it will lengthen the flowering time, but i may continue to give it to one to see if its true and how significantly it extends flowering. Now, I will admit, I shoulda been from Missouri, I'm a natural-born skeptic, and I like to see real proof of bona-fide research before I use a product. More info bellow! You can also use a spreader, applying about 3 pounds of Epsom salts per 1,250-square-foot area. See how it goes. your plants wont notice one bit. After 48 days since the beginning of the experiment the results have became apparent. Ask one? It works directly on seeds and roots to create vigorous roots and robust plants. Have you ever had a plant that you wanted to make more of?? Customers commonly report faster growth and germination, vivid colors, higher produce yield, stronger roots, and more vigorous and robust plant life. Wow there is a LOT of info going all over the place when people ask about this stuff. SUPERthrive® maximizes potential by quickly building a strong root base and reducing transplant shock. i use it as directed 1/4 tsp per gal. There are instructions on the bottle but it says you can use daily but I have read on here that is not the way to go. best way to use superthrive is, store in fridge. Transplanting Hint: Place root ball in hole filled with Superthrive water. How Often Should I Use Superthrive? For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. I use it from clone to finish.I put a drop per gallon in my clone machine, and I add a drop per gallone to every res change. I know to back off on the nutes.... but I have heard to use like a final flush or just plain water, for a period of time till I go back to feeding them. These products will compliment each other, or serve different purposes. Possibly give the buds a chance to pack on a few extra inchs, I dunno but we will see. Lololol. You can use Superthrive on a weekly basis in place of regular watering or apply it as a foliar spray to enrich the leaves. Use Superthrive before planting by soaking root balls and afterward by drenching to prevent and treat transplant shock and insure survival. Our unique, non-toxic vitamin solution encourages the natural building blocks that plants make for themselves when under the … SUPERthrive® replenishes the soil to nourish and encourage the natural building blocks that plants make themselves under optimum conditions. We recommend finding a schedule that works for you. Use Superthrive before planting by soaking root balls and afterward by drenching to prevent and treat transplant shock and insure survival. CFLs Week 2/3 (2 - 22" 6500k and 8500k light bulbs). Kelp products help at ALL stages of plant growth! Everything on the internet is true, right? JavaScript is disabled. My Nepenthes alata began pitchering about a month after I started using Superthrive (~6 months after I purchased the plant), but perhaps it just took that long to adjust to the conditions in my living room. Pesonally, I do not use it as a foliar, but that a personal choice. We suggest applying to thirsty soil and then avoiding adding any more water for 24 hours. However, new developments have led to the wide use of LED grow lights. If your using it regular definitely dont exceed a couple drops per gallon. There are no questions about this nutrient product. (added to much nute) how to correct this prob. SUPERthrive can be used every time you water your plants. i use 1 to 2 drops per gallon every feeding. SUPERthrive encourages the natural hormones that plants normally make themselves under optimum conditions. cup) or 1/4 tsp. Superthrive has been around since it won the only science and industry gold medal known to have been awarded at any official world's fair in 1940. Follow up with a thorough soaking of just water to ensure the salts sink into the soil. Customers commonly report faster growth and germination, vivid colors, higher produce yield, stronger roots, and more vigorous and robust plant life. How do I Root a cutting with a Rooting Hormone or SUPERThrive? Superthrive is gentle enough to use whenever you water. The tire producer / manufacturer and Canadian Tire use this fee to pay for the collection, transportation and processing of used tires. i have quit using it entirely except for making a solution to germ seeds, and i have had 99% germ success ever since. WHAT CAN I EXPECT FROM SUPERTHRIVE? A simple Kelp extract will work wonders. Mike from Mountain Lion Garden Supply talks about SUPERthrive. It is for vegging only!! Transplanting tomorrow into 11 litre pots, gonna use this for the first time just on its own with no nutes! Professionals acr.. Check my Grow Journal to see what im working on. Use it weekly really, or as a foliar. It works directly on seeds and roots to create vigorous roots and robust plants. Can someone tell me the best way to use Superthrive? SUPERthrive is a non-toxic vitamin solution. Toni, do you use both Superthrive and VF-11? Some growers use Superthrive year-round, while others use it only at the initial growth stages. per 100 gallons; INDOOR PLANTS: Drop-A-Cup (1 Drop per 4 oz. Any use of superthrive that is large as the one you described should only be used once or twice a grow. thanks, Karen B. Professionals across the world, including landscapers, growers, turf and golf course supervisors use SUPERthrive to transplant trees, improve crop yield, and grow lush lawns as well as indoor and outdoor plants. Reactions: keiksweat. I've also started using superthrive on my orchids and seem to be seeing more initiation of multiple pseudobulbs. Today we are testing one of the most popular products in the whole gardening hobby, Superthrive! It gives plants a better chance of achieving their full growth potential. If you damaged the label or have not purchased the product yet, you can refer to the information found below to help you understand how to use SUPERthrive. SUPERthrive is a non-toxic vitamin solution. some claim never use it during flower, or as a foilar. WHAT CAN I EXPECT FROM SUPERTHRIVE? Superthrive also contains synthetic Auxins, NAA (1-naphthaleneacetic acid) which isn't good for foliar feeding at all. I have been instructed to use superthrive, because I believe my plants need a boost for their roots. Take a look at the reviews shared by other users, or. Seems to be a very concentrated mixture. Secure your transplants, revive stressed plants and produce abundant yields with Superthrive. Professionals across the world, including landscapers, growers, turf and golf course supervisors use SUPERthrive to transplant trees, improve crop yield, and grow lush lawns as well as indoor and outdoor plants. Traditionally, this involved the use of very hot bulbs in order to get just the right spectrum of light for both blooming and vegetative growth and make the best use of superthrive plant food. You can also apply Epsom salts to lawns to help them grow greener. You can use SUPERthrive in a variety of settings and on anything that grows. I wonder if that's why so many people have negative effects. Subsequently, question is, can you use SUPERthrive on succulents? Record strains that you have smoked or grown. Jun 13, 2014 #27 How many times a week should I use ST on my plants? SUPERthrive, a world famous horticultural vitamin-hormone solution, has been around since 1940, and was invented by Dr. John Thomson. I use it only when i plan on inducing stress, or after stressing the plant. Use as directed on the label. Very hot where I live, have to water my plants in the ground a lot. The feeding schedule chart has been provided by Superthrive, the product manufacturer. Sparingly. it outdoorrs and indoors plants, according the instructios, no more than once time a week. honestly havent noticed a difference with or without it but what the hell i got it so im gonna use it. Superthrive - the Essential Vitamin Solution. You need to have a free account before you can do that. P. Pakojerte. 1 1 1. i dont foliar feed with it as i heard its contains somthing bad for foliar feed( axioms or something), i dont know if this is true but i kept it out of my routine. Now how often do I use it, when again? You shouldn't use it during flowering, or on a plant that has started to flower. On the internet it says use it all the time. some say u can use up to 1/2 tbls per gallon, others have said as low as a 1/4 tsp per gallon. That's what I'm planning on doing. Add SUPERThrive to your hydroponics system each time you change the water along with any other fertilizers or nutrients you use. 1 Mix 1/4-teaspoon of Superthrive per … ST is good for starting seeds, helping clones root and survive, sometimes if your plants are getting heat stressed , or have other issues going on you can use it. Transplanting, pruning, Supercropping, get it. You must log in or register to reply here. You should only use it when the plants are going through planned or unplanned stress. Super diluted in both ways...Think of it as a treat. per gallon of water (soak for 15-30 minutes) Maintenance for general use: 1/4 tsp per gallon or 3 oz.