This ensures that the water has penetrated all of the soil and has been able to reach the roots system of your Pilea. I water my Pileas about once a week, depending on the season. You might notice the leaves drooping, which can signal the plant’s need for more water. What steps can you take to keep from killing your Pilea with too much water? And what should you do if you think you’ve overwatered your plant? Water Deeply, Instead of Lightly and Frequently. Baby’s tears has small round leaves in lush green and yellow leaves on rather fleshy stems. How Often Should I Water My Plant? Can be sensitive to water quality. How often should I repot my Pilea? Plant behavior can also vary between two seemingly identical plants! Remove the plant from the container, gently tease the roots and cut away any matted or … Soil repels water at first, rather than immediately absorbing it. click here to read an article I wrote on the subject), How, When, and Why to Prune Your Pilea Peperomioides. But if you have tested the top inch of soil and it is dry, and then you’ve waited another day or two to be sure, when leaves droop at that point, they are a sign that it is time to water your Pilea. Relying on a schedule may lead to overwatering or even underwatering. This is the time of year when they will need the most water to support their growth. Kind of…. If you are checking more than one plant, remember to use a different chopstick for each plant. Take care not to pour the water into the leaves, but to pour it directly into the substrate. Instead of checking your calendar, check the status of your soil every few days to determine when it’s time to water. As a part of the succulent family, these plants like to mostly dry out in between waterings. Water only when the potting mix has dried out, about once every two weeks or slightly more often. Pilea peperomioides is an easy to grow modern looking houseplant. During the first moments spent watering your plant, you can clearly see that water immediately comes through the bottom. Once in every 14-18 months is fine. You should water your Pilea when the top few inches of the soil are dry. About Pilea Peperomioides. Designed and curated by. eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'thehealthyhouseplant_com-large-leaderboard-2','ezslot_2',111,'0','0'])); With nearly any change in a Pileas health, the first thing to investigate is the amount of water that has been provided to it and the frequency with which it has been done. Each plant is unique! If you prefer, you can use your hands. When watering, be sure to water thoroughly so that water flows through all the soil and out the drainage hole in … Pileas will need different amounts of water with different frequencies depending on the time of year you’re in. There is no way to prescribe a watering schedule for your plant: forget about it, or you will end up ignoring your green friend’s needs. Soil: This plant prefers a sandy soil mixture to live in. When you leave tap water out in an open container for 24-48 hours, many of the chemicals evaporate out of the water, leaving it as a much better option for your houseplants than tap. For information on repotting Pileas, click here. If you’re not sure whether it’s time to water yet, sticking your finger into … Standing water is not a friend to Pileas. After that, all you have to do is water it when the top inch of soil is dry and you will be set! Overwatering can actually occur in several different ways. What's important is to not keep the soil wet, but let it dry out a bit in between waterings, but also don't let it dry out completely, either. I circle the watering can or faucet attachment all around the pot to ensure that ALL the soil will be moistened. All plants have a growing season. Don’t add little sips of water here and there. They are low growing plants that give off a moss-like look. For more information on the best soil for your Pilea read this article. Another reason your Pilea could be droopy is … I stick my finger in the dirt and also lift the pot to see if it still feels heavy from the last watering. The first is to water with a small amount of water frequently. Watering: You have to water it moderately, but do not overwater it (this is a really cute watering can that you won’t mind having around your house). A plant’s watering needs are not constant. As a rule of thumb, I always wait until at least the surface of the soil is completely dry before I water this plant again. Be sure that your Pileas are planted in quick-draining soil in a container that has a drainage hole and is not overly large for the plant. Once you have finished, you should see water keep coming out from the drainage holes onto the drip dish below. Overwatering can appear in many different ways, these are just the five most common symptoms of overwatering. When I can’t feel any moisture in the top inch, that is when I know it is time to water my Pilea.eval(ez_write_tag([[250,250],'thehealthyhouseplant_com-large-mobile-banner-1','ezslot_6',113,'0','0'])); Also, droopy leaves can be a sign that it is time to water your Pilea. Also called the Chinese Money Plant or Pancake Plant, it's straightforward to care for and simple to propagate.Whether you're a newbie to houseplants or a seasoned expert, a Pilea peperomioides plant is sure to be a welcome addition to any indoor plant collection. Check out this post about how and when to water indoor plants for more tips. There is no set schedule for when to water a Monstera deliciosa. Drainage holes in containers are extremely important for this, but so is finding a quick draining soil. How to Save An Overwatered Pilea: A Step by Step Guide, Five Reasons Your Pilea Might Not Be Growing, How and Why to Cut You Pilea Peperomioides in Half, Is a Pilea Peperomioides a Peperomia? It is normal for the older leaves on your plant, specifically those at the bottom of the stalk, to droop and eventually fall off. Overly wet roots cause all sorts of problems for Pileas, from not allowing oxygen and nutrients to be absorbed to discolored, limp leaves and root rot. Tropical plants usually go dormant from October to February, and this changes the amount of water the plant needs. Water your plant when the soil is dry about two inches down. Money Trees and Sapping: What Is It & Why Does It Happen? Wait until the soil has completely dried out before doing so. But there are a few other options that would be better for your Pilea. Keep checking the top inch of soil before watering, and your plant will tell you when it is time to adjust your watering schedule. How Often Do You Water A Peperomia? For more information on diagnosing a sick Pilea, click here to read an article I wrote on the subject). Too little water is better for a Pilea than too much. Do not permit water to stand in the saucer underneath the plant. This evergreen perennial is considered to have medium water needs. One of the only issues that people have in keeping Pileas alive is giving them too much water. It can be easily grown indoors near bright sunlight windows, patios or even in shady spots. During dormancy, plants are not actively growing and therefore don’t need as much water to survive. When you make purchases through links on our site, we earn a small commission. While these plants are extremely hardy, overwatering your plant will almost always send it to its grave. It’s that simple! You should be able to tell by looking at the top of the soil if your plant needs water. Not often. I water each plant about once a week based on the conditions in my house and the condition of the soil. Also, a plant that gets a lot of sunlight will need water more frequently. At a certain point, an overwatered Pilea’s roots can no longer absorb the oxygen and water they need, and, as a result, they cannot send the proper nutrients to the top portion of the plant. I circle the watering can or faucet attachment all around the pot to ensure that ALL the soil will be moistened. Watering: Consistently moist soil. You can get good and cheap chemical-free water by collecting rainwater. Aluminum plants will often erupt in tiny white blooms in the middle of summer. Pileas are technically succulents and therefore they prefer to only be watered when the top inch of soil is completely dry. You can do this either mentally or by placing like-plants together - if you’re just starting with your indoor garden and getting familiar with everything, putting them physically together will be extremely helpful. There is no way to prescribe a watering schedule for your plant: forget about it, or you will end up ignoring your green friend’s needs. To keep your Aluminum Pilea happy, consider spritzing with a water bottle every so often. It is recommended to repot Pilea every two years with new soil. Toxicity. Most of the plants in this category are considered weedy, and some plants are […] It can be repotted a bit earlier using the same soil as well. This is a great and easy way to detect your plant’s moisture levels. Why are my Pilea peperomioides’ leaves drooping? 1. Pilea peperomioides, also known as Chinese Money Plants, have become quite popular over the past few years due to their easy to care for nature and cute leaves. This is a result of senescence and it happens as Pileas age. Soil: This plant prefers a sandy soil mixture to live in. The second is to water deeply with a large amount of water less often. When my plants are very small from a new propagation, I usually choose bottom water as I believe the stems and leaves are more delicate and likely to be damaged by a stream of water from the top. Also, a plant that gets a lot of sunlight will need water more frequently. How much water your plant needs depends a lot on its size. To keep your Aluminum Pilea happy, consider spritzing with a water bottle every so often. Do not permit water to stand in the saucer underneath the plant. Choose a warm spot indoors that is well lit but away from direct sunlight or draughts. Luckily, not only are they beautiful and unique, they are also very simple to keep. If your leaves are curling, you should investigate your container along with your watering habits. Baby's Tears is a small plant that looks like a carpet of tiny green leaves. The most common and often the first sign of overwatering is that the leaves of your Pilea will start to lose their deep, dark green color. Water that is too cold or too hot can damage your plant. If you’re comfortable, the Aluminum Pilea … Personally, I don’t use them, but I know that lots of people want more exact data than I do. No matter what water you use to water your Pileas, room temperature is always best. This apparatus will give you a more accurate depiction of the level of moisture in your soil and can give you more exact information about when it is time to water. Another reason your Pilea could … However, water immediately if the plant is dry and begins to wilt. If you are monitoring the moisture in your soil before you water, this will be evident to you as the soil will dry more quickly when the plant is actively growing. Water your plant when the soil is dry about two inches down. Soil that has been allowed to be too wet for too long can feed fungus that has been lying dormant in the soil. Many sources recommend avoiding terracotta pots, as these absorb water and allow it to evaporate quickly, causing your Pilea’s soil to become too dry. The most crucial aspect of Chinese money plant care is proper watering. Several smaller species are commonly cultivated as house plants because they are so easy to grow and care for. Keep in mind that Pilea require less water during the winter or when they are receiving less sunlight. Curled leaves are most commonly caused by overwatering. I have done both top and bottom watering with my Pileas. If you don’t want to re-pot your plant. How often should I water Pilea? The easiest way to overwater a Pilea is to give it too much water too frequently. If you have a Pilea that has been the victim of overwatering and you want to try to save it, I wrote an article that includes a step by step process for determining the severity of the problem and what action to take. I like to take my Pilea peperomioides straight to the sink and I water them there. Toxicity. How Often You Need to Re-pot Pilea Peperomioides? Once plants reach a bigger size, I almost always water them from the top. If you’ve noticed an odor from your soil or you can visibly see mold around the base of your Pilea, you have an overwatering problem. The pilea has a hard time recovering if they wilt for more than one day. Remember not to overfeed your plant. New plantlets also grow straight from the stem, and you can cut these free, place in water until roots develop in a week or two, and then follow the same directions as above. With time, you’ll become aware of how it’s growing, how healthy it is, and what it likes. The Pilea likes to dry out in-between waterings and doesn’t like to stay soggy. We keep our house around 77 degrees which in turn dries the soil of all my plants rather quickly. If it’s dry, give your plant a good watering. WATER I water each plant about once a week based on the conditions in my house and the condition of the soil. Feel the soil to check. You can also see a quick reel here of when i repotted and propagated my Pilea peperomioides last summer. On hot summer days they might need a bit more water than on colder days. We are a member of several affiliate advertising programs designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to external sites. Tip: Still unsure? During the colder months of the year, your houseplant may be more likely to suffer from overwatering. eval(ez_write_tag([[300,250],'thehealthyhouseplant_com-box-4','ezslot_3',109,'0','0'])); Some people like to water their houseplants on a schedule, like every Friday, but in my opinion, it’s best to take your cues from the soil itself.