Yep, Railgun mortal wounds are accounted for! (Especially on Longstrike), Wasn't really thinking ATS on Broadsides with Heavy Rail Rifles (which was my planned loadout), you need a 2+ save for it even to come up. The T’au Empire (or Tau Empire) is a rapidly expanding empire situated inside of the Ultima Segmentum, near the Eastern Fringe.Founded by the Ethereals, who lead the Tau empire in the name of the Greater Good.Several alien races (Kroot, Vespid, among others) have allied themselves with the Tau.The Tau empire borders the Imperium, and lies within the reach of the Astronomican. Not that shocking when you think about it but reminding yourself on occasion you don’t need to Overcharge unless the Toughness exceeds 7 or you’re looking to do the extra Wounds damage is quite important. It does have the disadvantage of not making it as easy to mix septs, but all that really means you’re losing out on is the Sa’cea stratagem/trait. But if what you say is true that makes them the only ones. TAU Codex 8th Edition PDF free download is the key for learning about the fundamentals and principle governing TAU Codex 8th Edition PDF free download just at your fingertips. Taking a random look, the MP / CIB with ATS is better than 4 MPs / CIBs against 2+ Sv multi-wound models while the 4x PR is better across the board. Interesting, ATS is never more efficient on Crisis Suits. I actually don’t run Brigades anymore because 3x Battalions has easier requirements to fulfill (as troops and HQs are two of the strongest parts of the Tau codex) and actually gets you more CP. Plus, the Fireblade can buff nearby units with additional shots while at half range. I agree that even when I take them, they’re for games in my basement . But three? I'm probably looking at running a bunch of stuff. Ion Cannon Overcharge 10+60''HeavyD68-231.461.460.971.941.752.922.922.331.751.31. Last time we scratched the surface of the T’au Empire – if you haven’t read that, make sure to go check that out. 66% chance to hit with the initial shot, 16% chance you roll a ‘1’ on the die and reroll it, of which 2/3s (or 10%) manage to hit. It seems, from what I could make of the article, that the crisis should just be loaded with the cheap anti-infantry weapons, and my ion-fusion ghostkeels aren't as good as the double fusion loadout. Mar 30, 2018 - This Pin was discovered by Lynn Huggins. They’re not like imperial structures, they move. They really should be rolled into its cost (at a discount), since there’s no reason to take it if you aren’t including the drones. Specifically I've got: I missed the last couple table articles, so I feel like I've got some catching up to do. The full Excel sheet does implement invul saves, dowbload it & have a play if you’re interested. This is absolutely the right way to go, in my opinion. Does CIB/CIB Crisis need a support system or third CIB? It completely negates the major shortcoming of pathfinders, imo, that they never seen turn two. And don't try to get into the 9" Fusion Blaster Range, go for max range. Over the course of multiple games of course this will average out and the Railhead is certainly cheaper than the Ionhead… Edit: I completely missed the Ion Cannon got D6 shots against 10+ model units! Markerlights are also great- no other army in the game can get an unconditional +1 to hit bonus across multiple units. Warhammer 40,000 is a miniature wargame, and the Tau are one of the playable armies in the game.. in 40K, Tactics. So looking through this table, how do you see your army composition / armament possibly changing Kirby? Support Systems are very clutch these days; almost all of them are great. In the Warhammer 40,000 game, the Tau are a ranged army. MathHammer 40K 8th Edition. The HBC shreds lighter infantry but we have no need for that in Tau – the amount of anti-infantry shooting they bring is strong but if we move along into the mid-durability section, the HBC is comparable to Broadsides with HYMP – it drastically falls off though once things hit T7. Gonna see if I can find some CIBs locally. These are infantry with both Markerlights (Heavy 1) and a Pulse Carbine (Assault 2 S5 AP0 D1), but the biggest reason you’re taking these is specifically for the markerlight. I would not take Crisis with anti-infantry weapons when you can get them a lot cheaper everywhere else in the Tau army. Ghostkeels IMO should be triple fusion at this point but this does depend what else your army has. The exclusion of having the Gunrig use the embarked unit’s BS seems more like laziness and an oversight on the rules writing team, more than anything else. The benefits listed below apply to any T’au Empire unit that shoots at the unit that has markerlight counters on it. Gotta do a devilfish fish o'fury, otherwise there's no point. A Cadre Fireblade normally has an 83% chance to hit (BS2+), but if you stick him in a Sa’cea sept, he get a reroll that makes it effectively a 97% chance to hit, which is quite dependable. Get the latest info, sweet deals, and additional Frontline content through our email list. But…..I'm thinking you didn't account for d6 shots against units of 10. The Pulse Blastcannon and Pulse Driver Cannon do comparable damage to the Iontide but, the Blastcannon need you to be really close to get those numbers and the Driver Cannon is 82 points more expensive for less damage across the board. Quad fusion does seem a good idea. Five counters are always great, but because tiers 2 through four are so situational, it’s not likely that you’ll often invest the resources to get all the way to five. I've used them as caddies for a Drone Controller already and been reasonably happy with them, since unlike some of the other suits you don't have a strong reason to give them a support system otherwise. Actually, nix the incapable of missing bit. It's risky, but 8E is a game that happens at short ranges a lot of the time. While I do indeed love many of the high damage output weapons – bolstered even more with ATS, when those enemy paladins/termies big demons make their 5++ ….the lower shot volumes really show their weakness. Here you will find a continually updated list of major Grand Tournament Winner Lists for 8th Edition Warhammer 40k. Nothing quite like rolling a 1 on the grenade you’re desperately lobbing into a horde of advancing cultists–but now you’re guaranteed a minimum of three. The base damage only has a 1 in 6 chance of not killing the Terminator in a single hit, being at 9" puts you within Charge range of the Terminators. 8th Edition, Tau Space Communists have now shared a complete look at the Tau Codex, including the all-important points cost. 4xFusion Commander 3 Ghostkeels (ion+fusion) You can even do something fancy like put the Cadre Fireblade and/or Marksman in the Sa’cea sept to be able to reroll their markerlight shot and, in the case of the Fireblade, then hit ~97% of the time. 78% was right to begin with. As such, the Tau. We see huge drop offs in damage potential for a lot of the old hats once we hit T7+.