Visualization is a technique where you picture yourself accomplishing something you want, which helps you work out the steps to make that thing happen. Make a prayer or do a ritual to amplify the power of your wish, and then seal the box. Did you know, however, that pennies aren't the only lucky coins? The original legend says that the left hind foot of a rabbit that is captured in a cemetery at night can ward off evil magic. For some people, good luck comes naturally. For example, one of the principles of feng shui is that clutter has a negative effect on your energy levels. The lotus flower lifts out of the mud and blooms in great beauty. Don’t miss the blue moon According to Feng Shui, bamboos are very lucky for the home. Crickets are a lot like ladybugs in that they're considered lucky in many different cultures. Some good affirmations to improve your luck might be, "I am lucky, I am open to success, I am patient, I am a winner.". Hard work and determination is key to winning. Love symbols. As you do so, say: Radiant moon of luminous light, Activate my luck this night. in Belgium, a ladybug crawling across a maiden's hand was a sign that she would be married soon. Affirmations are ways of planting the seeds of success in your subconscious, helping you to think positively and to be more prepared for success. Not only do they have a great story behind them, but they are also beautiful and cheery. As the saying, "great oaks from little acorns grow " indicates, acorns also signify fertility, youth, and prosperity. Others use simple blue or green beads. She has been working in the contest industry since 2002. By being patient, persistent, and having a positive attitude, you'll see many more lucky results with your sweepstakes entries. Considering how many games of chance are played with dice, it's no surprise that they have become a symbol of luck. Spray paint them gold and silver, or simply use acrylic paints to give them a gorgeous color. Dreamcatchers come from Native American lore. Instead, Dunstan nailed a horseshoe to the devil's foot and refused to remove it and ease the devil's pain until he received a guarantee that the devil would stay away from any house with a horseshoe on the door. 12. 1. One reason for this might be that the number seven has special mathematical properties. Seven also crops up in a number of prominent places: How can you adopt the lucky seven as a lucky charm? Grape; In other words, you can be lucky by adopting the right habits. Pin. Some call it chance, fate, destiny, fortune, karma, serendipity, and accident. If you want to attract good luck and money, do this ritual. Don’t miss the blue moon This way you can try to strategically alter your behavior to avoid bad luck. Another special luck ritual is done with three Chinese coins, the type with holes in the center. That is why when someone has to do something important (such as perform, act, work, etc...), we wish them good luck! The Three P's Are the Secret to Winning Sweepstakes, 20 Expert Sweepstakes Tips to Help You Win More Prizes, OEBs: What They Are and How Sweepstakes Use Them. But compared to some of the lucky charms on this list, fuzzy dice are a relatively recent invention. He's the luckiest omen. It doesn’t matter what you do, I hope luck is always beside you. When the wish is granted or one year has safely passed, the right eye is filled in. How is that possible? Lucky bamboo is technically not bamboo at all, but a close relative called Dracaena. One legend says that horseshoes are lucky because they were traditionally made of iron. If you want to keep with Southern tradition, eating black-eyed peas and collard greens on New Year's Day will supposedly bring good luck and prosperity, respectively, in the months ahead. Karma is a tenet of Hindu philosophy, and it can be simply summarized as, "Wwhat goes around, comes around." Lotus: This is the most prominent flower and symbolism is powerful. Acorns are cute and accessible symbols of luck. It’s a hydroponic kind of plant that holds the ability to bring peace and luck, better mood and productivity anywhere you place it. If you want to keep with Southern tradition, eating black-eyed peas and collard greens on New Year's Day will supposedly bring good luck and prosperity, respectively, in the months ahead. § Hang a horseshoe with the ends up so the good luck will not fall out § You can hang up garlic for good luck § If you put a mirror just across the door, you will have good luck. This one is meant to let the old year out and welcome the new year in. The colour red also symbolizes good luck and prosperity; so if you want to attract the power of the planets, then keep a red-coloured cloth (handkerchief or piece of fabric) in your pocket in order to attract good luck. 9. It’s like breaking a mirror x 1000, bad luck-wise. I'm rooting for you. If you want to be luckier, be careful around these cheerful-looking insects, since killing a ladybug can bring you misfortune. You might bring luck into your life by inviting Lady Luck’s pleasure – by living your life in a way you’d be happy to share with anyone, regardless of status, age, gender, religion or political interests. Some say a prayer before they start to enter sweepstakes, while others feel that asking God for specific prizes is inappropriate but ask instead for the strength and the positive attitude they need not give up and to keep entering sweepstakes. You can write them out or repeat them to yourself several times each day. Looking like a web or net stretched over a loop and decorated with bright beads and feathers, they are said to catch bad dreams as they enter a household. To create your own evil eye charm, you can either buy jewelry containing the evil eye pattern or DIY your own nazur by painting rocks or creating an evil eye amulet out of clay. Sandra Grauschopf is the Contests and Sweepstakes Expert for The Balance Everyday. Another legend attributes lucky horseshoes to Saint Dunstan, a historical figure who died in 988 AD. How to Keep Bad Luck from Spoiling Your Sweepstakes Wins, Omaze Sweepstakes: Win Prizes While Helping Charities, Want to Be More Positive and Have a Luckier Life? (This is how you say ‘good luck’ in Latin.) The Celts believed that a four-leaf clover could help them see fairies and avoid their mischief, which was believed to be a common source of bad luck. good luck traditions for the new year On New Year’s Eve Celebrate with Family & Friends. You can also try sewing a lucky felt bunny for yourself or learn to draw your own lucky bunnies. The curd is believed to bring good luck in New Year or before starting a good job. Or buy a pair of dreamcatcher earrings or a dreamcatcher necklace to bring luck with you wherever you go. Turtles and tortoises are also considered lucky, due to their long lifespans. So, there is no wonder that people are ready to do the craziest things to lure good luck into their private and professional life. You really have to love yourself to get anything done in this world. Many wish boxes have Lucky Cats painted on the lid, shown with their paws raised to accept the good luck. So let’s prepare water from a good direction for next full moon day! The Chinese in particular believe crickets to be a sign of luck and have historically kept them in their homes so as to be able to better hear their "song." That fruit sitting on your counter may be more powerful than you realize. If the number itself doesn't excite you, how about making a grouping of seven lucky symbols: seven small crystals, for instance, or seven ladybug charms. One of the main ways to attract good fortune and good luck is to assume the right attitude. The ancient Greeks called 7 "the perfect number," the sum of 3 (triangle) and 4 (square), which are perfect forms. One of the most mysterious things in this universe is luck. If you need something to keep you motivated to enter sweepstakes, what better than a bright and colorful rainbow? She has been working in the contest industry since 2002. Cover all of it with the sunflower oil, filling the jar to around half full. Want to Get Lucky? So its luck-bringing properties are a kind of play on words. Love symbols. § An itchy palm means money will come your way § At the end of a rainbow is a pot of gold With St. Patrick’s Day upon us—a day of shamrocks, pinching and the luck o’ the Irish—we thought we’d explore some of the more random ways the superstitious among us can bring luck into our lives. According to feng shui, painting south-facing doors red or orange, north-facing doors blue or black, west-facing doors gray or white, and east-facing doors brown or green, is good luck. For example, think about winning a prize, actually feel yourself winning your dream prize, and use that visual image to fuel your luck. Rainbows are considered lucky because of the legend that says that if you dig at the end of a rainbow, you'll find a pot of gold. How Much Do You Know About Four-Leafed Clovers? You will absorb the power of good luck more than usual. 12 Reasons Why You Need To Leave Behind The Grudges. But some of the most popular and beautiful evil eye talismans come from Turkey. True four-leaf clovers are rare, with only about one in 10,000 plants carrying the lucky leaves. The more stalks a lucky bamboo plant has, the more luck it's supposed to bring. Use These 8 Time-Tested Methods to Boost Your Luck, Want to Be More Positive and Have a Luckier Life? This is for good health in the new year. Use These 8 Time-Tested Methods to Boost Your Luck, Barbara Taeger Photography / Getty Images, Accentuate the Positive with Visualization. Even if the bad luck … One of the most challenging aspects of entering sweepstakes is that nagging feeling that you'll never really win, or if you already have, that you'll never win again. A lost shoe might be forgotten one day, but seen as the third in a series of bad breaks the next. According to feng shui, painting south-facing doors red or orange, north-facing doors blue or black, west-facing doors gray or white, and east-facing doors brown or green, is good luck. However, you can tilt the odds in your favor. Keeping a bowl of pomegranate and citrus fruits prevent the bad luck, promote good health, improve richness, and spread positive force all around. If you're the type of person who believes that the glass is half full, not half empty, then you're already practicing positive thinking. Horseshoes are one of the most popular lucky superstitions, with various legends attributed to giving them their lucky powers. Don't Eat Chicken Or Lobster. Whatever the legend's background, horseshoes make a fun lucky symbol to hang on the door of your home or computer room (just make sure that the points face up so that the horseshoe can fill with luck). And all ladybugs are not created equal in the luck department; the deeper red their color and the more spots they have, the luckier you'll be! And it's true: A messy, disorganized space makes it difficult to find what you need and to concentrate on your goals. Here's How to Turn Your Luck Around, Barn Manager Cover Letter Example and Writing Tips, 11 Lucky Songs that Will Get You Fired Up to Win. The number seven has been connected with luck, with perfection, and with gaining knowledge in many cultures throughout history. Don’t break anything. Feng Shui is an ancient Chinese art designed to bring balance, health, and even luck to the people who practice it. Rainbows are great lucky symbols for sweepstakes fans. This makes it the perfect time to cleanse your space, body and mind; remove or … Lighting a candle on the first night in a new home is a powerful house blessing ritual, performed in various cultures around the world since the very dawn of civilization. Attract Good Luck by Using the Power of Thought All affirmations should trigger positive feelings and determine your advancement on the chosen path.