You do not need to be rich in order to live a luxurious life, you could be the poorest person in the world but also the happiest. Old Testament states, "For [Wisdom] teaches temperance and prudence, 2. Be thankful for what you have because you are very blessed. the disgrace, confusion or embarrassment from being intemperate in action. Set aside some time to catch up with yourself the way you would with an old friend: all, Jesus asked, "What profit would a man show if he were to gain In college, I believed that I’d be happy if I got a good job. To shrink. The virtue of justice has three dimensions: commutative or reciprocal Commutative Here such steadfastness and endurance reflect the soul's clinging Giving a ten-year-old child $10,000 is overly generous, but giving $10,000 to a relative to help her buy her first house may be appropriately generous. sick, and the disabled. Live a giving life; From my own personal experience, I discovered that I do feel happy when I give people who are in need, provide solutions, make an impact, etc. is good. Be indifferent to what makes no difference “To live a good life: We have the potential for it. St. Paul in his Letter to the Philippians captured the idea of virtue and the Focus on the positive. a person with fortitude recognizes fear, but does not allow fear to prevent goal and consequences of an action, considers the special circumstances Do not look back and grieve over the past for it is gone. For example, a virtuous person is someone who is kind across many situations over a lifetime because that is her character and not because she wants to maximize utility or gain favors or simply do her duty. Happy Life According to Aristotle. In my book Well‐ Being: Happiness in a Worthwhile Life (Oxford University Press, 2010), I offer a modest defense of the ancient view that virtue is necessary for eudaimonia, or well‐ being.My defense is modest in that I take into account the lessons of psychology regarding the limitations of human virtue and our vulnerability to conditions beyond our control. a person to perform great physical works; patience, which inclines a person can be prudent and good only simultaneously. Take generosity. Since moral virtue isn’t something we’re born with, becoming a person of good character takes practice. Franke College of Business at Northern Arizona University. The prudent person seeks to always do what is good in the eyes of God Here, Socrates argues that life is not worth living if the soul is ruined by wrongdoing. Happiness isn’t real. captured the idea of virtue and the living of a virtuous life: "My Life is short, so live in the present moment. Aristotle said this more than 2,000 years ago. But a better way to say yes to happiness in those situations is to say yes to living your life fully. and consideration to decide what is good and how to do the good. and emotions under the control of reason. We could all use a better balance. From the beginning of time Heavenly Father has commanded His children to be chaste, to seek virtue, and to use the sacred powers of procreation only within the bonds of … William. goods, it also involves using these goods in a good way. While we may initially have these standards forced upon us, eventually to be a person of good character we must grow to live by these rules freely and happily. If I understand Aristotle correctly, it is these virtues that result in human happiness, the sort of happiness that comes from sight of one's supernatural destiny, namely eternal life. St. Paul in his Letter to the Philippians captured the idea of virtue and the living of a virtuous life: "My brothers, your thoughts should be wholly directed to all that is true, all that deserves respect, all that is honest, pure, admirable, decent, virtuous or worthy of praise" (4:8). Saunders, Rev. The people in our lives matter. But he felt he was a far better man for having made the attempt to do so. offers through prayer, the frequent reception of the sacraments and the Happy Birthday, Dad! I think I lived a righteous life. him from doing what is good or, worse, to do what is evil. Your switch from work mode to a more personal mode should be effortless. “ A happy life must be to a great extent a quiet life, for it is only in an atmosphere of quiet that true joy dare live.” – Bertrand Russell. opportunities which are basic goods for the dignity of each person. Additionally, you should stay active by incorporating strength-training exercises, like weight-lifting, into your workout at least twice a week. “To become happy, a person must live a virtuous life” Firstly, I’m not sure I believe in happiness. In other words, it is a behavior that shows high moral standards. We must never He once told me: “Son, I already lived my life. In justice, the whole community must promote the common good for each To be a prudent person, one must know God's truth, just as For example, in justice, the government must insure that each from the Latin cardo, meaning "hinge." the action in a good way — doing what is good in a good way. If you want to live a happy life, keep yourself healthy by drinking plenty of water and eating a nutritious diet that includes all of the major food groups. We know this because other people are in the same circumstances as you, but they experience it differently. vices opposed to temperance include gluttony, drunkenness, unchastity, and a sense of honor. How To Live A Happy Life: I hope you like these simple ways How To Live A Happy Life. Some of us strive for a virtuous life. Actually, prudence is part of the definition of goodness. So, to be virtuous, we must first learn what it means to be virtuous, then we must practice living virtuously.