Or you simply buy a charger that lacks those features. The beauty of using electrolysis for rust removal … Forum topic by jonnybrophy: posted 05-07-2017 01:14 AM: 1729 views: 0 times favorited: ... Or just get a cheap $5-$10 battery charger off CL. I found this one at a thrift shop for $19.99. By the next day, the rust will have sloughed off. The process is quite easy to do, and requires very basic equipment. Car Battery Charger. The practical applications of electrolysis are many, and its application is simple. Electrolysis without battery charger? All automotive battery chargers convert 120 volts Alternating Current (AC) to about 14 volts Direct Current (DC) for charging. Any AC power that gets through the charger into your electrolysis tank slows down or can even stop the process. SO, aside from finding an old fixed-rate charger (which may have diminished rectification due to age and therefore poor for electrolysis use), or locating another type of DC power supply, the easiest solution is to get a 12 volt battery and connect in parallel (more on that follows). If you can't find a manual charger, you would need a 12v automobile battery and booster cables. An automatic charger would power down if no battery was present. A) I've used my charger quite often for electrolysis without a problem B) If you do use a charger, make sure it's a manual not automatic type C) Yard sales are known for being a good source of older, manual battery chargers at a very good price If your system does not seem to work well, try putting a 12-volt car battery in the circuit. First, the electrolyte: Water on … I thought that was a good price so I scooped it up. Here’s the overview: Submerge the tool in a solution of baking soda and water, connect a battery charger, and let it sit overnight. Electrolysis. The battery charger has to have a manual switch. « back to Power Tools, Hardware and Accessories forum. Electrolysis is a very effective method for removing rust from ferrous items, without causing noticeable damage. To start the process, all that one needs is a plastic container, a piece of scrap steel, some electrolyte (more on this in a moment), a battery charger or battery, and a part to clean. You can also generally get the ones that have degraded transformers free or for scrap value. If the transoformer produces and the rectifier crapped out, replace the rectifier with a couple diodes and use the "charger… A student recently used my site as the basis for a school project and used a computer power supply in place of battery charger. If you are going to use a car battery charger that has a timer, relay or charging rate device, you must remove or disable these devices to allow the charger to run continuously for electrolytic rust removal. Crapped out battery chargers generally work very well for electrolosys. A simple electrolysis rust removal system consists of a shallow container, a battery charger, rebar, a short copper wire, a clothespin and washing soda. lead-acid, NiCd, NMH, Li-ion, alkaline) has a different set of operating rules for charging and discharging. This article will provide elaborate instructions on performing this procedure, to get the best oxidation-free results. It’s crazy cool and easy to do. Electrolysis cleans away rust like magic, and you can set up a simple system in your shop with a battery charger and a few household items. Sacrificial electrodes. Battery charger - big is better, however even one able to produce 6 to 10 amps should do. 24v battery charger for power 6"×6.5"×1/8" steel plate for anode 18g wire to attach to anode and to turbo Each type of battery chemistry (e.g.