"Public employees are not getting rich," Arnold told the Sacramento Bee. The series aired from November , 1993 to … Barley and his wife were out for a walk along Upper Whitfield Road when a southbound gray sedan struck the victim at a high rate of speed. We are GEORGE News. Between 1990 and 2011, Murdoch (whose net worth was valued at $12.5 billion in 2013) funded federal candidates and political committees to the tune of at least $750,000. Critics have cited the channel as detrimental to the integrity of news overall. ❤️ pic.twitter.com/YKBziMFbhA. By Ross Pittman | ConsciousLifeNews.com — “Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it.”- George Santayana. Created by Norma Safford Vela. He says that he makes his money from gambling and "reclaiming goods that are no longer being used". The folks behind MeWe brand it as the “Next-Gen Social Network.” Their website promises “No Ads. The New York Times has amplified claims by “experts” who are calling for Joe Biden to appoint a “reality czar,” prompting critics to compare the idea to the Ministry of Truth in George … Born to a Jewish family in Budapest in 1930, George Soros survived the Nazi occupation of Hungary, during which more than half a million Jews were killed. While their direct donations are staggering, the duo's real political power lies in a complicated network of nonprofits and limited-liability companies used to bundle and shuttle their and like-minded rich folks' money across the country. Social programs get cut, libraries get closed, fire departments close stations. Driver runs red light, police say, triggering crash of 2 pickup trucks on South Bluff Street ST. GEORGE — Two pickup trucks collided Monday morning at the intersection of South Bluff Street and Main Street, a crash that police say was triggered when the driver of one of the trucks ran a red light. Someone named Jonathan Wolfe appears to have been a co-founder of SuperGroups who also worked for MeWe until 2015, but MeWe’s Twitter account confirmed in 2018 that he was no longer with the company. Foundations set up by eBay creator Pierre Omidyar and left-wing investor George Soros (pictured) have also given six-figure sums to London-based Full Fact along with thousands of individuals. So there you have it! Most people are familiar with names like Mark Zuckerberg and Jack Dorsey (founders and owners of Facebook and Twitter, respectively), but when it comes to these newer apps, there’s slightly more mystery about who’s behind the curtain. George Soros AP At $24 billion , liberal magnate George Soros spent $1 million on Obama in 2012 and pledged $25.5 million to defeat George W. Bush in the 2004 presidential election. Here’s what we know. They may be relieved to know, then, that Mark Weinstein is not a democrat. No Ads, No Targeting, No Newsfeed Manipulation, No BS! Though defeated in Congress, the Buffett Rule played a key political role as a talking point from its invention in 2011 through the 2012 presidential elections. Right-wing casino mogul Sheldon Adelson has around $38 billion, and spent around $93 million of it in 2012 trying to dethrone President Obama. He has an interest in converting the world. Though a favorite right-wing bogeyman, Soros' contributions have notably trailed off in recent years, but in 2009 he pledged $35 million to assist low-income children in New York and another cool million in 2010 to promote marijuana legalization. According to the Daily Beast, he also seems ready to spend an additional $100 million on this year's Senate races to help thwart vulnerable Democrats. Tom Steyer is worth just $1.7 billion, a fortune much smaller than others on this list. ... Brave New Films, also funded by the Media Consortium, is run by the same people who run Brave New Foundation. It Doesn't Look Good on 'Sister Wives', If You Don't Want 'The Luminaries' Ruined, Steer Clear of These Book Spoilers, ‘American Idol’ Winners Now: These Contestants Capitalized on Reality TV Fame. Thank you to all our awesome members! The man who brought us Fox News is, unsurprisingly, ready to turn out his pockets for a variety of conservative causes. We are taking on Facebook with social media done right. "But we live in a world of scarce resources. The Gateses have already donated $28 billion to their foundation, whose global development division supports access to resources and services in underdeveloped countries, while locally the foundation has built libraries and funded education initiatives across the U.S. Before it buckled to outside pressure, the foundation had donated some $71 million to Planned Parenthood.Â. In 2010, he pledged to give 99% of his money to charity, primarily through the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation. With George Foreman, Crystal Cooke, Lawrence Gilliard Jr., Anne Haney. The Brookings Institution's Darrell West devised a ranking to sort out which of these larger-than-life figures are the most politically powerful, factoring in "campaign expenditures, activism through nonprofit organizations and foundations, holding public office, media ownership, policy thought leadership and behind-the-scenes influence." In Washington state, they donated $600,000 to support gay marriage. And, perhaps more importantly, just who are those folks in the first place? Actual billionaires in the United States have found avenues for their money that accomplish much more. Here is the link to Mark's podcast interview with Joe Messina, the husband of Tammy Messina who authored that incorrect article. Given the vast amount of wealth they control and their outsized role in the American political process, the extremely rich have access to corridors of power in America the rest of us can only dream of. Conservatives Are Flocking to Parler but They’re Having Trouble Using the App, Parler Is the Conservative Version of Twitter With a Focus on Fighting Bots, No, George Soros Doesn’t Own Parler (but It’s Not Totally Clear Who Does), When Is Meghan Markle's Due Date? ST. GEORGE — A man was charged with a DUI after driving his pickup truck over a curb early Sunday morning. This week has turned into a war zone since the tragic death of George Floyd. George Papadopoulos, who went to prison for lying to the FBI, runs for Katie Hill's California seat. After hearing Zuck say that “privacy is a social norm of the past” (which, yeah, yikes! Essaibi-George plans to announce her run at 10 a.m. Thursday at East Boston High School, where she taught for a decade. Although SuperGroups was closed down in 2001, Weinstein gathered up a nearly identical leadership team and incorporated Sgrouples Inc. in 2011 (not nearly as catchy of a name, if you ask us!). Former hedge fund advisor John Arnold and his wife Laura are passionate about pension reform — specifically about cutting pension benefits and moving more costs onto public sector employees. She ran Obama's finance operations in 2008 and raised more than half a million as a bundler in 2012, making her a powerful component of Obama's fundraising system. In the '90s, John F. Kennedy Jr. founded and edited a revolutionary magazine called George, which covered politics like it was pop culture. According to West, the Kochs are the most powerful billionaires in the country, and therefore might be the most politically influential non-politicians in America. Cheeks will serve as president and CEO of CBS… That meant he set a record, having pitched professionally in 33 seasons. All this happens in an attempt to meet the obligations of a broken system. Although it has enjoyed a very recent surge in popularity, MeWe can actually trace its lineage all the way back to 1998. That’s where MeWe came in. Its tagline was "Not Just Politics As Usual." According to tweets from MeWe’s Twitter account in 2018, Mark Weinstein is a libertarian. The conservative group launched the Lincoln Project, a super PAC "dedicated to defeating President Trump and Trumpism at the ballot box." An American sitcom starring George Foreman as a retired boxer who runs an after-school program for troubled kids. Joe sets the record straight - enjoy! The beneficiaries of his buying spree include a dizzying array of causes, from audio guides and Wi-Fi at the Metropolitan Museum of Art to a gigantic set of fish tanks in the lobby of city hall. Right now, Bloomberg wants gun control, and he wants it badly enough to spend around $50 million of his own money on various campaigns, including Mayors Against Illegal Guns, Everytown for Gun Safety and his Independence USA PAC, which funnels big money into small-city sheriff's races. MeWe has one founder, Mark Weinstein,who is a Libertarian. As everyone knows, the man was murdered while complying with a policeman who arrested him for counterfeiting. The ramifications are terrible. It was published from 1995 to 2001. Although it has enjoyed a very recent surge in popularity, MeWe can actually trace its lineage all the way back to 1998. Three other policemen watched as the officer kneed the defenseless man's neck, and the rest is history. Robert Greenwald and Jim Miller produce and distribute videos attacking businesses and conservatives. They actively fund pro-business, conservative candidates for virtually every political office imaginable.Â. ), Weinstein decided to create his own social media site with strong privacy controls. We can all agree that if… These days, Mark Weinstein is not only the founder of MeWe but also the CEO, though the network is technically owned by Culver City, Calif.-based Sgrouples Inc. As for who is a member of Sgrouples, well, that info is actually pretty difficult to come by. (Reuters) He places double or nothing wagers with travelers, betting that they cannot get to the gate of Nellis AFB and back alive. Additionally, Pritzker donated to more than 70 Senate candidates between 1990 and 2013, including 9 out of 13 of the majority members of the committee responsible for reviewing her nomination to the cabinet. As Peter Gammons wrote in a January 1986 edition of the Sporting News, "George Brunet, pitching coach of the Mexico City Tigers, pitched in two games in 1985. At $24 billion, liberal magnate George Soros spent $1 million on Obama in 2012 and pledged $25.5 million to defeat George W. Bush in the 2004 presidential election. #MeWe is now the #1 most downloaded Social Networking app in the iOS store! Ranging from media moguls to high-profile philanthropists to serving Cabinet members, here are the real top 10 influencers on American political thought and action today. We try and broadcast every second day at 17:45 Pacific. GEORGE Clooney has shown his support for Eddie Izzard's 31-day virtual marathon runs by donating £3,000 to help her meet her fundraising target. We keep saying "at least 33 seasons," and that's because conflicting reports get a little murky. Most Trump supporters probably wouldn’t want to unknowingly join some kind of liberal-run site, right? Latest RT news from the UK and about it: news, articles, videos and interviews beyond the mainstream. That’s when author and internet executive Mark Weinstein established a social media site called SuperGroups.com. New York State troopers said Mr. A Rainbow Baby Is on the Way for Her and Harry, Are Christine and Kody Still Together? Presidential runs by New York City mayors, ranked New York Mayor Bill de Blasio (D) announced on Sept. 20 that he is dropping out of the 2020 presidential race. But he'll be spending about $100 million of it on environmental causes this election season through his NextGen Climate PAC, which bills itself as working to prevent "climate disaster and preserve American prosperity." The Nov. 12 Instagram post attempts to link Parler, a social media platform similar to Twitter but with fewer rules, to billionaire George Soros. The losers end up being taxpayers.". Buffett is one of the wealthiest Obama boosters, and was instrumental in proposing and advocating for the "Buffett Rule," which would have implemented a minimum tax rate of 30% for all taxpayers making $1 million or more a year. He's donated to Democrats and Republicans, but the John and Laura Arnold Foundation has primarily focused on getting states to reform their pension programs, and they've made inroads in states like Illinois, New Jersey, Utah and Rhode Island. Who owns MeWe? That’s when author and internet executive Mark Weinstein established a social media site called SuperGroups.com. A safe space, if you will. George follows today’s workout with a post-run nap and then sits down for lunch. Following the crackdown against spreading disinformation and promoting violence that occurred on mainstream social media sites like Twitter and Facebook, a wave of Trump supporters and other conservatives transitioned to using MeWe instead (or signing up for accounts, anyway). In addition, Soros is a Hillary Clinton booster and a key member of Ready for Hillary, a super PAC organizing for her anticipated presidential campaign in 2016. West estimates the Kochs will spend around $290 million of that money by the time Election Day 2014 rolls around, and that's for a year without a presidential race. Pritzker is worth about $2.4 billion, but her political power isn't limited to her funding. Violent crime goes up. NBCUniversal alum George Cheeks is set to take the reins of CBS as longtime CBS corporate leader Joe Ianniello departs after 22 years with the company.