The lettuce is tender because it is grown in the “spa-like” conditions of an indoor garden, with no sun, wind or bugs to toughen it up. What do they feel like – are they soft and moist, or are they dry and flaky? You should also make sure that your plants have enough warmth; it is very difficult for lettuce plants to survive freezes, so ensure that your lettuce is planted after the last frost. Lettuce seeds are often quite small and only require a planting depth of ¼ to ½ inch deep. Grow lights are helpful because they allow you to target your seedlings with an exact amount of light. Some purple varieties are completely violet colored with a rich eggplant hue, while others are simply tinted on the tips of the leaves with soft violet. Lettuce root aphids. If your lettuce gets too hot, it will be quickly ruined. If you find yourself with a crop of lettuce that’s producing flowers, you have a problem on your hands. So, during the winter timing, you can enjoy fresh leafy green salads. Another reason your lettuce plants may not be producing heads is that they have been planted at the wrong time. Also how much sun and water the lettuce plant needs to grow. This means that they will have long, thin stems with very few leaves because growing thick stems and leaves take up too much energy. When your lettuce bolts, you have three paths to choose between. If your lettuce starts turning brown, you are likely dealing with a case of bacterial leaf spot. Keep an eye out for dry soil. Instead of forming heads like other lettuce varieties, this lettuce’s structure consists … You don’t need to fertilize with every watering – simply add a little fertilizer to the top of your pre-existing soil every couple weeks/month or according to the package instructions. This will help mitigate some of the negative effects of heat on your plants. To be able to grow properly, the soil in which you’ve planted your lettuce needs to be well-balanced with necessary nutrients like nitrogen, potassium, and boron. It's a cool-weather crop that can be planted in early spring and late summer in most areas of the United States. Taking freshly harvesting lettuce out to find the same thing might be worse. If you're looking for the best way to grow romaine lettuce, try following the tips found in this article. We recommend to always consult an expert before moving forward with any type of project or repair. If you’re sure that you didn’t plant purple lettuce, then you may simply be dealing with a case of oxidation. Damage of the healthy cells. The first way to rid yourself of this fungus is to simply pick and dispose of the affected plants. Sometimes lettuce turning purple isn’t an issue at all. As an affiliate of retailers(like Amazon), we earn from qualifying purchases. Soil quality tests are easy to use and can be obtained at many hardware or farm supply stores. The top problems growing lettuce are halted growth, plant death, changes in color, dark spots or stains, leggy-ness, bolting, and lack of head production. The process of oxidation is what happens when vulnerable compounds in foods are exposed to oxygen, causing a chemical reaction that changes the color of the vegetable. When young plants do not have enough exposure to light, they tend to stretch and reach upward in an effort to get closer to the sun. Though this problem usually occurs after harvesting, it’s possible that your lettuce plants may start to become a rusty color when they are still growing. become relatively more. A helpful option that you can use on your vegetables is the Serenade Garden Organic Fungicide, which is safe enough to use on your edible crops. Enjoy these helpful tips for growing lettuce and happy harvesting. The earlier you catch leaf spot, the better. An easy way to put more bite in your lettuce is to aim a small fan at the lettuce while it is growing. Other times your plants will turn brown or black, which indicates they are being attacked by fungus or bacteria and need to be treated. Check in with a local farmer or nearby farm supply store to see if they have any compost for sale. If removing the affected plants doesn’t solve the issue of Fusarium wilt, you will need to utilize a vegetable-safe fungicide in your garden. If you are relying on your lettuce crop as a source of food for you and your family, it is important that your plants are given the resources they need to form heads. Any grit will sink to the bottom of the sink. Unfortunately, there is no way to cure bacterial leaf spot. When planning your garden, you want to see the best results possible come harvest season – read on for more information on how to get there. If you find that the roots of the lettuce or the edges of the leaves are red, the iron in … This website might also participates in affiliate programs with other online retailers. The more quickly you can work to assess the problem and find a solution, the better the chances of your lettuce recovering. Keep an eye out for dry soil. Next, you’ll need to take a look at the texture of the spots on your lettuce plants. Crispino Iceberg lettuce. These colors are relatively normal and are simply a result of aging. In addition, plant in the fall and harvest throughout the winter. When your lettuce plants start to show signs of spotting, it’s time to take a close look at what might be going wrong in your garden. Make sure that you are planting them in an area that has moderate lighting so that they will grow effectively. Why is my lettuce dying? Why does lettuce turn red. Yes, their abnormality … Lettuce is a relatively easy vegetable to cultivate at home, but it does take some technique to be able to manage the issues that arise with the plant. Gently swish the leaves around in the water. According to agriculturalist Bonnie L. Grant from Gardening Know How, lettuce plants shouldn’t be exposed to too much warm weather when they are growing. Bacterial leaf spot is caused by bacteria in the soil that, through watering, planting, and normal, natural garden occurrences, has penetrated the lettuce plant and is rotting it away. Another alternative is to use a grow light. In case your leaves aren’t noticeably rotten, be aware of their texture. What happens if you plant lettuce seeds too deep? Lettuce plants need a lot of space to grow. The issue with fungal infections on plants is that they often don’t just spread through other plants but also through the soil they are planted in. Make sure to select a variety of lettuce that is wilt-resistant, such as the Duquesne romaine variety. They are some of the first vegetables to die off when an unseasonable frost arises. Fungus can live in the soil without plants to feed off, so it’s important to note where in your garden the fungal infections happen so they can be prevented in the future. Pin this to your favorite Pinterest board to save and to share with others. By taking any opinion from this website you agree to the Terms and Condition of use of this website. These heads are the main portion of the plant that give us the ingredients for our salads and sandwiches. In addition, it is the simplest and easiest cultivation we recommend to any novice gardener to begin his or her gardening career. How to preserve lettuce from the garden longer, keeping it crisp and fresh until used. Since lettuce is a cool season crop, the summer heat will cause the plant to mature and start producing flowers and seeds instead of producing leaves. Another possibility is called white rust or Albugo candida. seeds that have been certified as disease-free. Lettuce is the most popular vegetable we grow in the fall for its cool and tender leaves. One of the most nerve-racking things about having plants is when they begin to have issues. Although bolted lettuce may not … However, if your lettuce is tall and lanky, it is probably too late. Our website is a participant in the Amazon Services LLC Associates Program, an affiliate advertising program designed to provide a means for sites to earn advertising fees by advertising and linking to If you find that the roots of the lettuce or the edges of the leaves are red, the iron in the lettuce is oxidized, indicating that it is not fresh. A delightful cool-weather green, ice lettuce was among the many edible plants Thomas Jefferson grew at Monticello. Romaine lettuce is a healthy, popular variety of head lettuce, which is relatively easy to grow in a home garden or planter. Poor soil. You may be able to see moisture on the leaves as well as feel it. Romaine can be harvested in 1 of 2 ways: you can harvest the entire head of lettuce … Lettuce works well in most vegetable gardens because of its ubiquity – everyone has tasted lettuce and knows how common its addition to meals is. However, depending upon your garden zone, you may need to invest in row cover to prevent the lettuce from freezing. Locally made compost is a great option to add to your plants. As someone who tends to neglect the garden, I know all about bitter lettuce. If you anticipate a hot growing season, make sure to plant your seeds or seedlings in an area with moderate shade and also make sure to water them consistently. If you catch it early on in the bolting phase, you can harvest the leaves before the turn bitter. The primary query is how to pick garden lettuce. It is non-toxic and can be eaten. Most people are familiar with green varieties of lettuce, but fewer people are accustomed to consuming purple lettuce. When lettuce is left out to freeze, they will likely start wilting once the weather warms back up. Your email address will not be published. How long does it take for the lettuce seeds to germinate? Gardening Channel. If you regularly eat iceberg or romaine varieties of lettuce, you have likely seen lettuce that is colored with rusty pink/red streaks or stains. Lettuce can be one of the easiest plants to grow at home because of the short amount of time it takes to sprout and the amount of it which can be put in the ground. Lettuce is one of the easiest plants to grow in the garden (or containers), but it’s also easy for it to go from sweet and juicy to bitter very quickly. Another problem with bolting is that the process of bolting has the potential to turn lettuce bitter. Lettuce plants also need a fair amount of sunlight – not so much that they will be scorched but not too little that they don’t grow. I’ll write out what I’ve learned while researching DIY projects and share my experiences while working on different projects. However, many people struggle to get their plants to grow or experience changes in color or texture once they are mature. I'm a homeowner and I'd like to do things myself. Most gardeners suggest anywhere from eight to twelve inches of space between them. Make sure you take care when watering and picking lettuce as not to spread the infection to other plants. These are all important characteristics to take into account when researching ways to solve your lettuce troubles. The ribs of romaine turn a milky color if the lettuce is left on the plant too long. Lettuces can be anywhere from a bright green color to deep purple and are filled with nutrients. This means that you will have to harvest the heads of lettuce immediately to avoid the issue worsening. If you are experiencing issues with growth or flowering, know that these issues can be as easy to solve as rearranging, watering, or fertilizing your crops. Growing lettuce in rows gives your garden a traditional look. Consider alternating rows of green and red lettuce for a whimsical touch. Since lettuce is mostly water, this means that the plant requires more hydration than many other varieties of vegetables and herbs in your garden. Fill up the sink (or a very large bowl) with cold water and submerge the leaves. It will take a bit of detective work to determine why the lettuce is perky in the morning and drooping during the day: (1) is the daytime temperature in the house warmer than the nighttime temperature; the lettuce may be reacting to temperature; (2) leafy crops can wilt when underwatered and overwatered–be sure the soil is staying just moist; you can use a soil moisture meter to determine what the moisture is when the plant is perky … This pinkening is caused by oxidation. Harvest leaves all at once or … When lettuce plants bolt, that is a telltale sign that your plants are under too much heat stress. If you have started your plants indoors and they have become leggy, an easy way to give them more sun is to move them to a new spot in your home. When lettuce plants turn yellow and soft, the most likely case scenario is that they have a case of Fusarium wilt. If soil deficiencies arise, you’ll then need to supplement with a specific fertilizer or bone meal. We plant lettuce in the garden and in a pot to enjoy it fresh in our salads. Before going into the details of this answer, one must note that there certain lettuce varieties which are originally red in color instead of being of the common green variety that we are accustomed to seeing. Crispono’s pale inner leaves gives this variety a mild and slightly sweet … This will help you maintain more harvestable lettuce and keep it from spreading too quickly. Lettuce is prone to wilting and therefore needs to be watched closely. Did you know that the red lettuce is not fresh? All Rights Reserved. Lettuce is a cool-season crop and thrives in temperatures between 60-70°F. A … However, lettuce can actually let off blooms with tall stems if they are not kept under the correct conditions. She suggests that people plant their lettuce seeds or seedlings either in the early spring to avoid the hottest days of the summer, or at the end of the summer so that they can be harvested in the fall. “We found this French heirloom 'Reine des Glaces' (Queen of Ice) lettuce to be perfect in our garden with delicious crisp heads of … Since lettuce is such a fragile plant, it’s important to keep an eye out for any signs of stunted growth or death. Try different varieties of lettuce. The sub-tropical climate doesn’t help this cool climate-loving plant either. This way, when the temperatures go back up the next day, then your lettuce plants won’t be in such a state of shock. Other foods that face oxidation are apples, bananas, potatoes, and pears. The constant movement on the plants requires them to create tougher leaves to stand up to the wind. QUESTION: I’m noticing my lettuce plants starting to turn brown. The lettuce harvest time is during the winter season. How to Plant Lettuce; It doesn’t take much work to grow lettuce from seeds. Take this time to plan your garden for next year. Is it OK to eat lettuce that has turned red? Chlorophyll is easily degraded, and after being degraded, lutein, carotene, carotenoids, etc. Grand Rapids varieties like "Red Sails" and "Black-Seeded Simpson" have broad, ruffled leaves. A solid rib means the romaine is mature, but milky indicates a tougher. You will have to isolate and prune the lettuce plants that are already infected with leaf spot. What color are the spots? Lettuce plants are not normally thought of as plants that flower. Check your lettuce every day so you don't wait too long to harvest. Unfortunately, there is no way to reverse this issue. Lamb's lettuce. A watchful eye on your plants will help you avoid some of the major drawbacks of cultivation and will teach you how to respond to the needs of your crops more effectively. The redness of the roots of the lettuce is the result of oxidation, and the chlorophyll is oxidized. I’m sitting here in the garden looking at my plants and started thinking why are my plant’s leaves turning red. Another reason you should pay attention to the color and texture is that bacterial leaf spot can also manifest itself as small black spots on lettuce leaves. : Growing romaine lettuce is fairly easy. There are a few different ways to combat Fusarium wilt. Eventually, leaf spot can also take over the whole plant, not just as a series of mushy brown spots but entirely turning the plant dark black. Heat stress is caused by temperatures that are consistently too high, or it is caused by a sudden spike in temperature. These pests can cause older plants to suddenly wilt and die back, usually in mid- to late sunmmer. Septoria leaf spot is caused by a fungus that spreads during wet, humid weather and can hide out in wild lettuces over the winter. Since lettuce is mostly water, this means that the plant requires more hydration than many other varieties of vegetables and herbs in your garden. However, lettuce plants can also become prone to yellowing if not taken care of properly. After the lettuce is left for a long time, it will "change" red. Your Lettuce Plants Are Turning Pink or Red Our gardening obsessed editors and writers choose every product we review. These hot temperatures cause the plant to grow a flower. You may wonder whether or not this lettuce has gone bad, but there is no need to worry – this simply means the lettuce is getting old. If you want to prevent your lettuce from turning a bolt, then don’t plant it before the commencement of the summer temperature. Leaf Lettuce – Easiest type to grow. Top Problems Growing Strawberry Plants and How to Fix Them, Top Problems Growing Pumpkins and How to Fix It, Top Problems Growing Beets and How to Fix It. Therefore, it is one of the first crops that can be planted in spring. Many grow lights, such as the GHodec Tri-Head Plant Light, have timers that you can set, which keep the light on for four, eight, or sixteen-hour intervals. When your garden lettuce (Lactuca sativa) wilts or grows poorly, you can save it if you quickly determine the problem. All of these issues can prevent you from harvesting healthful and nutritious lettuce. Taking lettuce out of the fridge for a refreshing salad just to find it’s limp and curling at the edges is a bummer. How to Cut Lettuce from the Garden. Required fields are marked *. Next time around, plant varieties of lettuce that are resistant to this disease such as Arctic King, Big Boston, Salad Bowl, and Imperial. Learn how to plant, grow and harvest lettuce plants in containers in a small garden. Filed Under: Lettuce Tagged With: growing lettuce, lettuce brown, lettuce disease, lettuce dying, lettuce wilting, troubleshoot lettuce, Your email address will not be published. Also, keep the garden free from plant debris that harbors the fungi. You can pull up the plant and reseed a new batch of lettuce, snip off the flowering stalk and keep the plant in your garden, or you can leave the flower stalk where it is and wait for the plant to produce seeds so … To remedy this issue, always consider relocating them to an area in your garden with more shade and make sure to keep the soil around the plants damp to combat the heat. Once lettuce begins to bolt, there is not much you can do to stop it. Also known as corn salad or mâche, this leafy green is popular for its mild, delicate … Using clean pruning tools, cut the head close to the leaf stem, about 1 inch from the soil line. You may not see the aphids, as they feed on the roots, not the leaves, but you may … Usually, spots on lettuce plants appear in either a light brown or black color. To determine the quality of your soil, you’ll need to take a soil quality test. Lettuces for Leaf-by-Leaf Cutting Loose-head, or loose-leaf, varieties are best for leaf-by-leaf cutting. If you anticipate a cold snap, you can (very gently) lay a cloth or blanket over your lettuce plants to trap in some of the heat that is held in the soil beneath the plants. This post may contain affiliate links. Finally, lettuce needs to be watered frequently and shouldn’t be allowed to dry out. This way, the ones that are left after the thinning can take more energy and nutrients from the soil and absorb more water, letting them form solid heads. It is important to note that leggy-ness has different causes depending on where the seeds were started (indoors or outdoors). Remove all affected foliage from your plants as soon as you notice a problem, and you can also treat plants with fungicidal sprays if necessary. Vegetable gardeners often talk about their plants "bolting," which simply means that the plant sends up a flower stalk and goes to seed. When your lettuce plants aren’t forming heads, it may be because you haven’t organized your garden properly. Like this article? Sometimes your lettuce plants will turn unusual colors like red, pink, or purple. Here are some common reasons that cause your lettuce to bolt and become bitter: Heat stress. Whether by planting too early or turning the refrigerator down too low, damage from frost or freezing temperatures is another cause of lettuce browning. Touch the leaves to see if they feel wet. This can be a difficult affliction to deal with in your garden because it has the potential to completely kill your lettuce plants. Lobed-leaf varieties, commonly dubbed "oakleaf," also have large, loose clusters of leaves, making removal of … more bitter lettuce. Fusarium wilt is an infection caused by the Fusarium fungus. Lettuce plants have a very hard time coping through frost and freeze. Pick it up without damaging the plant. Top Problems Growing Pepper Plants and How to Fix Them, Top Problems Growing Carrots and How to Fix Them. We may earn an affiliate commission if you buy from one of our product links, at no extra cost to you. Finally, lettuce needs to be watered frequently and shouldn’t be allowed to dry out. First off, you need to take a peek at the details of the spots on your plant. Leaf Lettuce. If you suspect downy mildew, the best bet is to remove and destroy the plant. However, pinkening lettuce is perfectly fine to eat. 9 Secrets to planting and growing lettuce in your garden.