My one aunt is certain I’m Vanilla, my uncle thinks I’m chocolate. I wasn’t paying attention when my mom was telling me. Oh, Sadako. Genre: Comedic. He’s coming to pick me up this weekend in his Camaro. A good monologue will have a clear beginning, middle and end. (Beat) What? That’s why you shouldn’t be scared Anna, you’ll love Middle School, I promise. But now it’s decided. Oh, sweetie, no, HE’S the dramatic one. By: Avalon C., Age 13, Missouri, USA But she turned that car around and drove straight through to daylight. unachievable. Genre: Dramatic Yes, I’m serious. Pretty soon I heard voices in their room. I have dreams about leaving this small apartment and I long to walk around the city and see things, learn in a school and not be homeschooled. I’ve tried to get another job, but every time I do, it lasts about eleven minutes before I’m crawling back to my money-hungry boss. And mom all of a sudden acted concerned and felt my forehead to see if I was sick. His door is over here. (pause) Samantha created this and I think it’s starting to drive her, well…crazy. AAAAH FABIO is that you?? I sure will! (pause) I know you don’t have to do anything like that! Water. A vampire. And I really, need this. She probably still holds a grudge from “THE MISHAP”. GET. Cool! He will fix this. Description: A teen wishes to overcome his/her fears. Some of the kids pull on it, touch it, pat your hair, flood you with questions, and that’s just annoying. From "Death of an Insurance Salesman" ISBN-13: 978-1518665547 "Funny Little Fussy Face" - Monologue - Female (1 minute) From "Death of an Insurance Salesman" ISBN-13: … And everything else was quiet. Second Place Winner I had no choice but to walk to work. So, the stages go like this: Sit and stare at the wall, eat and get bigger, and binge watch my favorite shows on Netflix. I didn’t understand what I was feeling, I loved dancing, but I was always told that I would never make it. From my friends to my neighbor to my job, it’s all bad. You didn’t eat the granny either? But by the time ye return, who knows where me and me rainbow have buggered off ta. Gender: Any You see this, right? When I was 7, my mother took me to the optometrist, where they had little reading charts with E’s plastered all over. . Really different. By: Drew Evans, Age 12, Austin, TX, USA Description: A student complains about having to write a monologue. I really didn’t have any friends, being the new girl and all, so I spent most of my free time at school aimlessly roaming the halls, or finding a quiet place to sit and read. Voice of the Lepracaun singing shrill I can’t stop thinking about Sadako, how she spent her last few week folding all those cranes. Climbing the big birch tree was her favorite past time. It’s fine, it’s fine. (beat) Oh, hello, Mr. Mumumba. Why do I have to suffer through this? Like, forever. Alex looks at me and is all, “what ya scared?? I like learning. Ya Sah! Description: Kid is jealous of older brother who gets more screen time. Okay, you’re looking at me like I’m crazy, I’m sorry go ahead. I couldn’t focus on anything my teachers were saying, I was too busy thinking my plan through in my head. I can still see it. We can at least try. First Place Winner Genre: Dramatic When we finished the project we were exhausted. I probably won’t be married until I’m 75, yet this “professor” just dismisses that with his dumb excuses? Genre: Comedic That was MY pencil you ate, Jeffrey Dahmer! I feel our connection has been lost and I have fallen for someone else. Not today! (pause) Yes, you heard that correctly. Yes, you, in the out-of-season blouse. Well, the next day, my room was a complete mess and something smelled like it died in here. I figure I can deal with my sister when she gets home from school. I’m his princess…FOREVER. You might want to get a snack. Gender: Any No one’s ever told me I’m ugly. By: Hannah Chaffin, Age 16 He didn’t even notice that I was there. We could cause a power outage! Well, imagine this. New comments cannot be posted and votes cannot be cast. I mean, what the falalala was he thinking? I made a lot of new friends in Middle School, some that I still have all the way to now, in high school. Gender: Any I know that she’ll be really disappointed, and I am too, in myself. The day you left we said we’d text every day. Also, there is a great free resource page. She keeps talking on and on and on! My name is Amber Bethany Elizabeth Mary-Sue Katherine Windslow. Why are you watching Youtube? We did it all. I opened the door and guess what? I spent three hours on Google and YouTube figuring out where the oil goes and how to keep the blades clean. But hey, there’s a rumor going around that when I get back, I’m going to be the coolest kid in school! I’m where? I’m so sorry! I like not just boys but also girls. You can do the monologue without this if you must. She was just that way. But hey, at least she’s not one of those dairy-free flavors. You heard about the Pigs, right? My familia came to California looking to better ourselves, but we always move from place to place to look for work on the farms. I think I was twelve. 10 New Dramatic Monologues for Young Adult Females. Red eyed and close-fisted, he finds me alright. The number of monologues published changes from year to year but since a book comes out every year, you won’t have the same audition piece as everyone else, especially if you buy a copy from a few year’s back (Smith & Kraus has published two monologue books each year – one for women and one for men – since the beginning of the 1990s.) Gender: Female Birds aren’t stuck in moldy, rundown apartments. And then it happened! Do it for the children who need their macaroni. I would hear her screaming in the kitchen, and I’d run down and see her holding a knife and covered in blood. I think I was speeding. Straight. To make yeast, you ferment sugar found in fruits, like grapes. I did not just accidentally send a text to Sky about the fact that I have a crush on Gaston. Think. I didn’t think so. I know you keep telling me, “But Fiona, I rescued him!” No, you did not. One sister asked if the oldest could drive them but she said, “Don’t you remember Brittany when I was taking my driver’s test I was eating a banana and then threw the peel out the window, which someone immediately slipped on. But the lead singer doesn’t dress like her. Description: A teen, whose looks have been damaged in a car accident, begs others to overlook her “looks.”. Genre: Comedic. I was scared to take on such a big role. Anyway, last week, Alex just saunters up to me and is like “Hey Elena, I think you’re pretty cool, so uhh, wanna rob a bank tomorrow?” and NATURALLY I said, “SUREEEEE ALEX! Ugh! Superpowers? And I’m doing it today not tomorrow. As I entered high school, the cheating became serious business. How am I going to patch that skylight, mom’ll kill me… wait… do ya hear that? Whoa you even growl like my dog! Yes. Then dad told mom that she didn’t have to be such a witch about it. Yes, ice-cold crystal-clear water for the whole country! For a start, look at me. I hope it’s been good. Acting Lesson for Beginners : Monologue from Song Lyrics | Realistic Believable Acting. This summer the air conditioner broke in our SUV so she’s been rolling down the windows, but that isn’t stopping her from singing at the top of her lungs. So, one day, when my parents were fighting, I didn’t think it was anything unusual because my parents were always fighting. Gender: Any A chance Dad might finally come back? Was it something I said? I, Exclamation Point have finally found something NOT to be excited about. You can have that power bar you’ve been eyeing on your desk, and I can go ride my skateboard for the next hour. Of course you do. Well, I’m a prince and-believe it or not- a true god. At 8:30 she is supposed to be there. Genre: Dramatic No one will ever care. Meantime, Hades, my new husband, persuaded me to eat six pomegranate seeds. You need to memorize this before the interview starts… (Phone rings. He apologized and is offering an extra class on Sunday. I grabbed the handlebars of my bike, and then came the roar. Of course, he wasn’t talking clothing, he meant skin tone. Genre: Dramatic Gender: Any (Pulls flashcard out of her pocket and paces the room) Da da da da da…. Fine, I will eat this chocolate bar for 20 bucks. I can see everything in the universe. Now explain to me why you’re okay with that. Second Place Winner (reporting excitedly) You are going to have 100,000 tons of ice in a week! Ye humans are bleedin’ thick! Why don’t you just call the police then? Actor should be quite emphatic, triumphant even, in his delivery. My dad works a lot and I think that’s why he’s mad all the time. They would run their hands over my rich, smooth mahogany surface, but no one bothered to actually open me up. You just let go not knowing what could happen. Oh, I have to turn it off. I didn’t want to leave the bathroom because I was afraid the attendant would be out there. Ugh, I am literally going to die. So, this is the way it ends for me. Sometimes I just wish for a normal life! Not a single word! I was even born in here, I know it’s safe. Nothing inspirational about it. Until you moved away, I knew I would have to take care of you alone. (shows hand and points to both ankles) No, I don’t know why! First Place Winner! Description: A teen, because of her life experiences, is tired of hearing apologies. That’ll make us both feel better. Everyone’s asleep. If you don’t see one you like, keep checking back! The day I found out he was going to die, I was unfazed. I was always just walking to get somewhere, never just to wander off into some cave and get bit by I don’t even wanna know, or throw a rock over a seagull’s head in order to get the piece of bagel it was going to steal from me, or have to drive around to the nearest beach to catch a bath before families started coming in and setting up their volleyball nets. I shouldn’t ask for more. report. So that’s how I got into that group. Plato’s sympo…sympos… how do you say this word? Yes, I understand all the girls are in shock, or admitted to the hospital because the…but you can imagine that’s how they would all respond. Holy crap! Then she slapped me and ran out. So, every day, the class would figure out what language it was, type it into google translate, and read the instructions. Yeah, I understand it’s nice to finally laugh, not get called names, and to play in all the reindeer games with everyone else besides just me… but can’t you see they’re just using you? (pause) We are going to be together for a long time, so you should know a little about my life and how it is we are together. Remember when you first came to visit? Please vote to acquit. This is why there are a ton of scratches on my body. And he’s carrying his helmet too. And accept that she’s gone, and that she’s not coming back. I found a letter he wrote my mama. What, those are already getting outdated? I’m not sure either. That was definitely a costly mistake. I hate my brother, period. Yes, they make me do all that. The attendant just stared at him. It’s so hard to find good help these days. Speaking of that nice, glass skylight… the sun coming through the big glass skylight is so warm, and cozy, and I… well. I wasn’t going to sign another contract for anybody but me. Written by Tiffany Weagly-Wilkie. Not to mention that my mom would kill me. HE’S A CAT!! I could smell the pizza in the air, and I couldn’t help but smile when the Twins hit a bomb to center field earlier in the game. Wait a minute, that’s it! I don’t have to be the best, I just need to do the best I can. You and Papa, but Papa looked different now. (A boy walks in and sits on a sofa in his psychiatrist’s office.) Description: A teen expresses her feelings about her best friend. Mom. Description: A snobby fencing instructor gets a comeuppance. I grabbed my board and tried to pull myself onto it, but it was too late. I am auditioning for a play, it's a comedy...So i was thinking of performing a monologue in that category. Man, I knew this would happen, you think I’m going insane aren’t you? All I know is that today, this day, is my first birthday. Santa never gave you any attention until last Christmas when he couldn’t see any farther than he could spit. Gender: Female I love you too, yeah; this has been fun. They say it is an addiction and that I am in denial. There’s a small gas leak in the spaceship’s cooling system, which makes a high-pitched squeaking noise. I’ve spent a lot of time shrunk down in my seat. I guess it’s not all that surprising though, since I live in a pineapple under the sea. Find a character or situation that you can relate to. She had lots of friends and took the ‘Nicest Student’ award away from me in the fifth grade, and I was so angry that I squeezed glue in her cubby, which showed how nice I really was. This is our first, of many weekly meetings. Let me keep going. Stop shouting! Wanna hear my story? It’s the best way to describe how I am feeling. You say it all the time. Never in my life have I deserved a whippin.’ But don’t tell that to my Pa. No! (pause as Samantha reenters) Okay, so I lost another one. Monologues are like stories within the story you’re trying to tell. How are you? Last night? You’re sick, and that’s okay. Rule #1 You don’t question, you just do it. People forget who I am and don’t recognize me anymore for I have “changed”. Are you frozen? No one would want to be me, though. It’s a no-doubt home run and it’s coming right for me, and I caught it! Really? I am not and never will be a joke act! In 5th grade, Mr. Fartherman ruined it for me. That first day, when I walked into the school, I looked around and I realized I didn’t belong there. Always pick monologues that you enjoy and feel comfortable performing. By: Carley B., Age 11, Ohio, USA I love you. You are calling the flight attendant to call the police? I just broke down and cried. Man! Even though a run scores, it doesn’t even matter. Like the meeting when humans were created. And I started thinking. It’s been a long day. It really is a journey to maturity…you’ll get it someday. The result, more time. Because in the months that followed I, I dropped out of school to take care of you. By:Brooke E., Little Rock, Arkansas, USA, Age 14 When I was your age, I loved to dance. Gender: Any You’re already on thin ice in this class so, you give pass him a piece while also giving him the stink-eye. Trust me when I tell you that I despised all of it. I’m scared one day I’ll be the one that gets hit. I figured it out when the teachers started pulling me aside and making special charts for me to help me finish my work.