They are “thick-skinned” emotionally. These people do not sweat easily (lack of detoxification), have increased mucous production and kidney stress. We were literally made ‘in the image of God.’ This wasn’t a merely poetic image meant to indicate somehow a higher potential in ourselves. Some people develop a gray, white, or bluish circle around all or part of the colored part of the eyeball (called the cornea). A solitary pigment appearing on a uniform iris color has more significance than the presence of several pigments. It can represent a void or empty space that is ready to be filled up again. The limbal ring is the line that separates the colored part of the eye from the white (the sclera). It has also been theorized that a black ring - or dark ring - arund the iris is a symptom of real vampirism. It can also be referred to as arcus senilis in older people and arcus juvenilis in younger people. Studies have shown that prominent limbal rings are often associated with attractiveness. A dark ring around the iris of the eye makes men appear more healthy and attractive. The original design of our bodies was based on that star in the spiritual eye. Location, number, color. Sometimes referred to as a "ring around the pupil," the condition is officially known as corneal arcus. A limbal ring is a dark ring around the iris of an eye. In a positive context, a black circle represents a transformation and emergence of a higher self. The limbal ring is a dark circle that can sometimes be seen around the colored part of the eye, or the iris. Since they fade with age, they usually signify youth and are considered attractive. Of all the qualities that give an attractive person an edge, here's one that you've likely overlooked: the limbal ring, the dark circle around the iris. Limbal Ring. Black Circle: A black circle represents the ending of a cycle and preparing for the beginning of a new cycle. Eye Color Is Not Black and White. Iris color can be associated with a suffering organ: brown is related to liver, orange to pancreas, yellow to kidney, dark brown or black to mucosae and glands. And it didn’t mean, as orthodox dogma would have it, that only human beings possess souls. Normally, the base color is a mix of light and dark green, with a goldish center and a grey-blue ring round the outside. If you look at your friends’ eyes, you might find it hard to figure out exactly what color they are. (It needs to be stressed that this is ONLY THEORY, not fact!) * Stress Rings or Rings of Freedom look like growth rings on a tree. I have one too, but I'm still searching what does it means, if you research it on internet, some answers, its just normal, they are also right but also some answer that you may be a vampire, I'm not saying this as really, and sorry to tell it directly, some people may have this but its rarely uncommon * Scurf Rim or Ring of Purpose is a dark band around the iris, indicating that the skin is not functioning properly. These rings are typically darker when a person is a child, and they will often fade with age. My eye doctor actually said that hazel is not a true color, but rather a blend of other colors, and only people with hazel eyes will have the dark ring in contrast with the color. ... Women thought faces with dark limbal rings were more …