That means most of the time you won’t even realize why your dog is getting antsy. Spaying has been shown to lower the risk of ovarian or uterine diseases in most female dogs. Female Dogs May Be More Visually-Oriented Than Males The results, according to Veterinary Pet Insurance, demonstrated a distinct difference between how the male and female dogs responded: "While male dogs appeared oblivious to any change in the disappearing blue tennis balls, female dogs immediately noticed a difference." Of course I do now.... but many years ago, when I was just a teenager, a kennel manager instructed me to "Exercise the dogs for 10 minutes each.". According to petMD, female dogs also tend to reach maturity faster than males, which may mean that a female dog is more mature than a male dog of the same age and might be easier to train as a result. See my advice on the pros and cons of spaying a female dog. Finding your Lab soul mate. The behavior of a dog will depend on how it is raised and trained as a puppy. Females are affectionate, absolutely, but often on their own terms. About the author: Michele Welton has over 40 years of experience as a Dog Trainer, Dog Breed Consultant, and founder of three Dog Training Centers. In general, when it comes to deciding whether you should get a male or female, opposites tend to work best. The answer to this question may differ depending on the person that is being asked. They tear viciously at each other, can be difficult to separate without getting bitten yourself, and they never forgive or forget. From herding to Schutzhund to retrieving, whether we … If that doesn't work, they may become passively resistant or slink around with their tail down and ears back. Female dogs are less likely than males to be openly defiant or to engage in blunt power struggles with you – but they are opinionated and can be manipulative or passively resistant. Well, the truth is that when it comes to dogs and puppies there is no superior sex. Then I'm called in six months later because the two females are at each other's throats and the household is in chaos. However, there are blanket generalizations that can help decide. Our males are more laid back, while the females are more go-go-go. So you have decided you want a dog, but what to get, male or female? Female dogs are often less physical than males, less "in your face" than male dogs. Well, not so fast. In terms of establishing solid emotional connections with their owners, some female dogs might have better chances with male humans, however. All rights reserved. Male dogs are a bit more difficult to care for at times than females. female dog spayed is when she is about six to nine months old. Imagine my confusion when he shouted, "I told you to exercise the DOGS!!! Again, some owners find this embarrassing, especially when Grandma happens to be visiting. If your current dog isn't really aggressive, but is a bit on the jealous or pushy side, make sure your new dog is the opposite sex AND a breed with a LOW risk of aggression (like a Lab or Golden Retriever). Choose a female dog if you want your puppy to reach maturity more quickly. Also known as the “heat” cycle, this season will last about two weeks or as long as three weeks. Keep in mind that spayed dogs are ineligible for entry into dog shows, so if you have no plans of competing with your dog then it is best to have her spayed while she is still young. If it's MEDIUM, go with the opposite sex, to be safe. As a professional dog trainer and dog aficionado, I have had the privilege of sharing my 50-plus years on the planet with a multitude of dogs. Which is a better pet: a male or female puppy/dog? A male dog is either unneutered (also called intact) or neutered (also called castrated or de-sexed). Now, the behavior of a dog may depend on its training, but the sex of a dog can dictate its ability to learn from that training. However, we have found this to be the opposite of the truth with our beagles. If you do not want your female dog to breed during her heat cycle then you must keep her locked inside or isolated from any male dogs. This is especially the case for intact dogs - that is, pooches that have yet to be spayed or neutered. Female dogs are more prone to mood swings. This can be dangerous to the dog as well as create problems for you. Some owners find this exasperating, while others find it amusing. Sometimes it's easier to train your puppy (or adult dog) when you can see the correct training techniques in action. Neutering/castration is surgery that removes the testicles from the scrotum, so the dog can't breed or sire puppies.