If you recite the classic Konami code to your Google Home (Up, UP, Down, Down, Left, Right, B, A) it will return a few different responses including “Cheat mode enabled.” with a level-up tune. Google celebrated the 25th anniversary of Friends by launching six new easter eggs, one each for the main cast.When you search for Monica, Chandler, Phoebe, Joey, Rachel, or Ross (you have to use the full name), Google will provide you with an easter egg icon just as shown in the picture below. In computer software, an Easter egg is … The best Google Home tips, tricks, and Easter eggs By Erika Rawes January 29, 2021 The Google Home is a powerful device, perhaps even more powerful than you’d expect. Friends Easter Eggs. I'm feeling lucky: Starts up a multiplayer game show. Updated for 2020. Google Home also has quite a bit of tricks up its sleeves — Easter Eggs (surprises), along with some funny answers to your questions. Give me a random number between (x) and (y): Gives you a random number that falls between two other numbers. Don't Miss: Google Assistant Has a Fun Easter Egg Game Show for When You're Feeling Lucky. Google Home can also play trivia games, and has suggestions to offer the minute you say, "I'm bored." If you're lucky enough to have gotten yours early, here's a list of commands and easter eggs for you to try with Google… Google Home is shipping out to pre-order customers now. Google Home also has a scary story or two up its sleeve — all you need to do is ask. Your fun guide to all the ... quotes (Google Fun Books Series Book 1). Games to Play - check out the entire list of games available for your Google Home device.. To Start playing you can say "Hey/OK Google ". While some of the Google Home easter eggs are actually kind of useful, this one is a little useless, but pretty fun for any video game nerds out there. This is a replica of the … Games and Easter Eggs Games. Crazy beeping sound effects, too. Note: Say "QUIT" or "STOP" to leave most games/actions and return to Google Assistant. See funny things to ask Google Home, Easter Eggs, tricks, and jokes for Google Home, Google Home Mini, Nest Hub, Nest Hub Mini, and more. There's a hidden "Easter egg" on Google's UK home page today, and anyone who find it is in for a special treat. Use features like bookmarks, note taking and highlighting while reading Google Home: 761 Hilarious Things to Say: All the Funniest Questions, Commands and Easter Eggs that you can say to Google Home. Google Assistant Easter Eggs & Fun Commands. As well as all the great Google Assistant Easter eggs that the search giant's smart home butler already offers up (personal favorite: "OK Google, up, up, down, down, left, right, B, A"), there's now a bunch more arriving in time to impress the family at Christmas from your Google Home smart speaker. Thanos Infinity Gauntlet Snap Google trick is an interactive Easter egg originally created by Google, but it is no longer working since 2020.