✓ His work can be relied on to be accurate and as expected / requested. He adjusts plans when something is not working. ✗ He has a tendency to trigger problems between his coworkers. ✗ He tries to clients’ questions immediately but neglects direct professional duties in the process. “You frequently interrupt colleagues when they offe… ✓ He one of is the top staff members who cooperates well with other teams and divisions. Analytical Skills. ✗ He was unwilling to listen to or take on board the wealth of advice given to him. ✓ He puts getting the job done ahead of his own interests. ✗ He is usually reliable in his work, but there have been a few incidents where this was not the case. ✗ He should learn the technical concepts required for his position. ✗ He needs to be more resourceful in accomplishing goals and tasks. ✓ He begins each day fully refreshed and prepared for any challenges. His volatile nature makes his coworkers uneasy. ✓ He uses an arsenal of creative strategies to proactively solve a wide range of problems. ✓ He s a goal-oriented person. ✓ He shows faithful commitment to getting the job done. ✓ His is fully accountable for his actions and never shirks responsibility. He attempts to do all the work by himself. ✓ He accepts constructive criticism positively. ✓ He quickly dismisses less than exemplary options. He fully completes all tasks assigned to him for the week. ✗ He is a creative employee but he has a tendency to act before thinking. He has ability to find the most suitable solutions to submit to management. ✗ He has not understood completely why customer service training is important. ✗ His team feels discouraged as he often “shoots down” creative ideas without any explanation. ✗ He does not understand how to set team goals and manage his team to achieve them. ✓ He is always an attentive and active listener. ✗ His choice of language can be inappropriate. ✗ He is frequently late to work in winter because he fails to account for weather and traffic in his daily commute. ✗ He does not monitor and follow up on her teams progress and as a result nothing is accomplished. ✓ He is highly punctual on arrival to work and also meetings. ✓ His attitude is always appropriate. ✓ He is the group leader and allocates appropriate tasks to his teammates. He creates a positive working environment. ✓ His natural ability to work with people is a great asset to our team. ✓ He doesn’t care who receives the credit. ✗ He does not show a willingness to help his employees out even when production is behind. ✗ He gets distracted and doesn’t reach his goals or objectives. ✓ He can find a point of connection with just about anyone. He always challenges himself to perform tasks to the best possible standard. ✗ He requires constant supervision to get his work completed. ✓ He maintains positive work relationships. ✓ He builds an atmosphere of trust within his team. ✗ He is not as knowledgeable about the job and its requirements as we expected. If you do annual performance reviews, it's important to get it right. ✓ He shows a potentially excellent level knowledge about the job requirements and related skills. ✗ His leadership instincts cannot be relied on to manage others. ✗ He produces too many unnecessary errors. ✓ He takes initiative to address concerns with other staff in a timely manner promoting understanding and cooperation. ✗ He rarely innovates and when he does, it seems to be reluctant. ✗ He has poor abilities to establish priorities and courses of action for himself. He quickly turned the team around to one of our best performers. ✓ He completes work well in advance of deadlines, allowing sufficient time for it to be reviewed. ✗ He rarely innovates and when he does, it seems forced. ✓ When working in a team, he always pays attention to the goals set. ✗ He is not adept at documenting verbal communication. ✗ He doesn’t have a good relationship with his team members. The lack of information means staff do not know what should do. ✓ He has a natural rapport with people and communicates very well with others. ✓ He understands how to make sure that customers are satisfied. ✗ He lets expedience take priority over integrity. He does not mind showing off his positive attitude to the team.