The skin around the eye is very loose, with mostly fat underneath, making it an ideal site for fluid to accumulate. The bruise part inner the body causes the black eyes. When an object strikes the eye, the force of the impact breaks delicate blood vessels in the eyelids and surrounding tissues. She took one look at me and insisted on admitting me to hospital where I stayed for 5 days while they did a fast Pred reduction. I understand the stye, but what is the deal I woke up this morning with a bit of a darker shade under my right eye. Strangest thing, I woke up yesterday with a black eye. I am assuming that some vessel broke and bled under my skin? In this article, I’ll explain why you might be waking up with puffy eyes and offer some tips on how to soothe them and prevent this issue. We move to a new area and I don't have a PCP. User account menu. Kids with large adenoids are mouth breathers and loud snorers. Just woke up one morning with a beautiful black eye. I had an injury in the calf months ago. Nov 20, 2019. Blood collects under the skin, and causes black or blue discoloration in the eyelids and around the eye socket. Answer. A subconjunctival hemorrhage is similar to a bruise on your skin. Additionally, the fat deposits around your eyes are meant to protect them; however, when the membrane weakens with age, the fat slips out and causes pockets of fat where it’s not meant to be. I thought you get black and blue first then yellow? 01/21/2015. Dr. Rebecca Gliksman answered 38 … Like a bruise, as a black eye heals, the swelling around the eye decreases, and the bruise gradually fades. I woke up this morning with a bruise under my right eye, in the inner corner. This morning my daughter woke me up asking what was under my eye, i thought it was like crust or soemthing but when i looked in the mirrior i saw that its purple and looks like a bruise. Woke with a bruise under my left eye and it is a little soar. Swollen eyes but mainly right eye very swollen and red bruise along the corner of that eye and across to my nose. Dr. Rebecca Gliksman answered 38 … Helpful(1 ) Report Abuse. My eye felt a bit itchy and sore this morning and I rubbed it then realised it was quite painful. We all get them once in a while -- find out more about why they change colors, why some people bruise more easily, and what you can do about them. This is why many people wake up with puffy eyes in the morning. It can also be caused by large adenoids. Causes of Swelling under One eye. However, it is not normal. 'Just like a stripe under my eye. I take a blood thinner and lately I have been taking Motrin. Bruised eyelid is basically similar with black eye. The tissues around the eye may be significantly discolored and swollen without any injury to the eye itself, like a bruise (ecchymosis) around the eye. ... As your body swells with excess water, the skin under your eyes can retain fluid, leading to puffy, dark circles. The following day the other side of my face was covered with an enormous bruise. (49 Posts) Add message | Report. have a black eye under my left one. Bruises develop when small blood vessels under the skin tear or rupture, most often from a bump or fall. No one hit me and I do not have a cold. At first I thought my eye was bleeding, but it's a red dark bruise. It means that there is something wrong with your body. I woke up this morning with a small bruise on the inner corner of my eyelid. As bruises (contusions) heal, usually within 2 to 4 weeks, they often turn colours, including purplish black, reddish blue, or yellowish green. imaginaryfriend Sat 09-Dec-06 21:14:38. The main name for a broken blood vessel in your eye is a subconjunctival (sub-kon-junk-TIH-vul) hemorrhage. usnckdn . As far as I knew nothing happened to my eye. These are lymph nodes that sit above the tonsils and behind the nose. Getting up to a red patch in the white part of your eye can be uncomfortable, but take a deep breath – your eye isn’t really exploding! last wednesday i woke with a small purple "bruise" under my right eye, closer to the inside corner, but clearly under the eye. Yesterday, after almost 2 months suffering from this, I had an aha moment. It is possible for you get the black eyes after you wake up in the morning. Other types of bruises and blood spots under the skin are: Woke up with a yellowish coloring under my eye then it turned black and blue. When I looked in the mirror I noticed a dark purple bruise on my eyelid towards my nose about the size of a 5p coin. This is an important question to discuss with your doctor. Hi, I’m 18, I just woke up with my right bottom eyelid swollen, I don’t know how I got it or why, I have no allergies whatsoever as far as I know, I’m able to feel a tiny bit of pain in it whenever I blink but I know for sure it’s not a stye cos there’s no lump, this is the first time that one of my eye became swollen after just waking up and I’m worried Posted by. I have no other symptoms at all, but the bruise has not improved at all. It is reddish-purple and covers around one third of my lower eyelid. Click to listen to Ke$ha on Spotify: featured on Animal. I get this mild pain whenever I blink or touch it. It may actually refer to many conditions and it can be caused by infection, eye injury, rubbing eyelids, severe sinusitis, and many more. Dark circles under the eyes are often caused by veins around the eyes getting larger and darker if the nose is blocked. The whites of your eyes act as great backgrounds for red spots to show up. This user has not yet been verified. its not too dark but its noticable and purple.....the ony thing i can think of is i tried on some eyeshadow before bed but i … derm qs:i have this strange spot started like a tiny bruise then now look wrinkle dry patch it's inder right eye not lid under eye ,nopain but puffy . There are many reasons that could be causing it, most of which are not evident. I grew up fighting, a LOT, even some bar fights and have had maybe one black eye in my whole life and not nearly as bad as those. Random bruise on my forehead. that makes the blood vessels under your skin tear. Same thing happen when I woke up this morning, only not as bad. Black eyes look and feel like bruises, but can they cause more ... Hyphema is an eye injury that will likely cause a “black eye” without any facial ...Most black eyes are no more dangerous than a simple bruise on your arm or leg. Waking Up With Broken Blood Vessel in Eye Every Morning. I have a small, light silk scarf - very sheer fabric. Vote. If a bruise occurs just above the eye, you can expect the bruise to travel to the area just under the eye, possibly causing a black eye, because of the effects of gravity. Wait until 48 hours after the bruise appeared, then put a heating pad or warm compress on it several times a day. derm qs:i have this strange spot started like a tiny bruise then now look wrinkle dry patch it's inder right eye not lid under eye ,nopain but puffy . i thought maybe from sneezing but i sneezed after this appeared. Blood leaks into tissues under the skin and causes the black-and-blue colour. thank you! Woke up with a deep purple bruise on my eyelid this morning ... should I worry? Close. Vote. Just wondering if it is serious. I'm having this problem right now, its a sharp pain when I blink but dull the rest of the time, does anyone know what it is? bags under eyes remedy worked for me by: Anonymous I am new to CPAP and, as so many of you have commented, also immediately found it gave me huge bags under eyes and my eyes felt terrible all day. Sometimes, the swollen under eyes may be associate with fever, pain or itchiness in the eye or distorted vision. In your eye, however, the blood-red color is much more visible because it is under the clear, transparent conjunctiva and in front of your sclera, the white part of your eye. That causes blood to leak into the tissue under your skin, creating a bruise or, medically speaking, a contusion. The swelling under the eye that could be accompanied by pain is a common complaint. By sheer luck the next day I had my Rheumy appointment. Kids often have nasal congestion if they have colds or allergies. When you get a bump from falling or walking into a coffee table, blood vessels under your skin rupture. A person may be able to easily identify the cause by thinking about what activities they did or what food they ate the day before. Gretchen. Here's one response, sounds whacky to me! Heat boosts blood flow, and that can help clear up a bruise. Random bruise on my forehead. The skin around the eye is very loose, with mostly fat underneath it, and fluid accumulates easily in this area. A black eye, sometimes called a "shiner," is a bruise around the eye. I did a quick google search on this, got anything from abused wives to mini-strokes. I woke up four days ago and noticed some bruising and slight puffiness under my right eye and then a stye appeared. As the day progressed, the shade started to get darker until it developed into a full on bruise under my eye. I don't remember hitting my eye to cause a bruise at all. You should go to the hospital to have a check on the whole body. Such conditions could be a sign of some serious eye problem. Older adults and women tend to bruise easier than men or younger people. Ke$ha's official music video for 'Tik Tok'. You merely have a broken blood vessel, and it’s rarely as bad as it looks. The skin around the eye is one of the first places to swell when the facial area is injured. It took weeks to disappear. The effects of gravity also help to swell this part of the face. It's usually caused by some sort of trauma (a bump, a fall, etc.) In general, a bruise is basically a form of internal bleeding. Heat Therapy. I woke up this morning and i def. But this condition only occurs on your eyelid and not on the whole eyes that kind of make a black or blue circle. ill post a picture of it, i want to know if this is serious! Press question mark to learn the rest of the keyboard shortcuts. What Caused a Swollen under eye are often observed to disappear on its own over time when adequate rest, proper treatment and remedies are given. just now. I woke up this morning feeling like my forehead was bruised (above my left eye) but i did not hit my head at … Press J to jump to the feed. The muscles under your skin also weaken as you age and the collagen degrades, so you lose elasticity. Waking up with a swollen lip can happen for a number of reasons. I did not injure my eye, it is completely painless. Why did the first way happen? Don't even know how it happened. Hi everyone! but it doesnt hurt at all and doesnt feel like a bruise. I woke up with a bruise the size of a silver dollar. Log In Sign Up. Not really black.